This hunter is actually quiet enough to sneak up to a wild boar and kick it.

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i just can't stop laughing :D a pig got kicked. oh my :eek: we better label people and jump to all kinds of conclusions so we can feel all better about ourselves. group hug. ahhh yesss that's better now. now we can go eat our hamburger that came off of a murdered cow just so we could stuff our fat faces. but at least the cow wasn't kicked. :rolleyes:
f this was a real vet, he should have been using a scalpel (very thin/sharp blade) and made an incision parallel to the muscle fibers to avoid severing them, and avoids major blood vessels - these things together produce minimal injury to the patient - it's just like parting a curtain. So, yeah, I think I could easily get up and run away too. There's basically nothing wrong with you after the operation.

Yep thats what he did. And he put some iodine on the cut as well after he was done. It was all me and the other guy could do to hold down the little pig while the vet made the cut.

I had ahold of both front legs with the pigs head between my arms and the pig being on his back. I had to hold his head tight between my arms so that little sucker would not bite me. Them little pigs (about 30 lbs) sure did try to get a piece of me when the vet made the cuts :D
Third, that kick was more the instep then the toe. Raises the little guy up, but doesn't smack it too hard. Think M vs KE.
How much of it was blunt force inertia as opposed to wild animal instinctual reaction time.
Ever sneak up on a half dozing cat and tweak him just to watch him jumped about 4 feet in the air.

While I admit that it was probably an asinine unnecessary thing to do, I doubt it rises to the level of animal cruelty or a slow death for the animal
Think M vs KE.
I don't know what that means :o
I for one will never look at a 'pigskin' the same again. What if someone forgets to remove the pig from the skin next time the buds are playing with the skin like the winning team, all barbaric (hairy) like? Gives new meaning to being kicked off of a stand or hunting grounds because hogs cant read the NO TRESPASSING or ANYONE FOUND HERE AT NIGHT WILL BE FOUND HERE IN THE MORNING or NO HUNTING/FORAGING signs. Looks to me like he didn't get kicked in the gut just took a good whack in the 'nads. I'm sure he will remember that particular stand as being very unfriendly and will think twice.
Think M vs KE.
I don't know what that means :o
That's because I used the wrong symbol for momentum. I should have used p.

What I meant was: "Momentum versus Kinetic Energy."
Momentum = mass * velocity
Kinetic Energy = 1/2 mass * (velocity squared).

As for other comments... I think I shall not respond further.
If he was trying to scare off any deer in the area he did a fine job. That pig/javelina feeding there would have given deer a sense of comfort, but when he goes waltzing out like that in broad daylight and scares the hell out of that pig/javelina, he abandoned any pretense of deer hunting. The pig/javelina would have put out fear pheromones, plus crashing thru the brush, plus the big ole boy thrashing around - no deer within 1/4 mile would have missed that show and come any closer.
My sentiments exactly Butch!
What better lure is there at a feeder than another wild animal feeding undisturbed? This man is not a hunter I'd travel with. I'm not even sure I'd call him a hunter.
That was most definitely a javelina, the body/leg shape is a dead giveaway. I have run across some that seem to be deaf, and probably were. This little guy was lucky it was just a boot in the butt he got, and not a coyote's fangs.
SO MUCH discussion about a kick in the pants. I don't know which is funnier, the video or all this posturing about how to treat a foraging piggy. What if the guy had jumped on him and stuck him with a knife? :D Just a thought.

Poor thing, was probably trained to come to the feeder, just to shoot the video. :)

You can tell who has a little RedNeck in em (those laughing) and who does not. :D

Didn't bring the bacon wig-ya did-ya? ;)

Speaking of Hogs....I saw a commercial for a show where the host was tackling a hog that had been cornered by dogs. On OLN or Outdoor I don't recall which. Now that guy has a little redneck in him!!!
Suggested improvement to film plot

Ok, I have a suggestion for how to improve the video - have a heavyweight blackbelt tiptoe in quietly behind fatso and sync up two strides behind him - when fatso punts the little pig and then turns to run away in terror, have the blackbelt give him a nice fullpower frontkick to the liver - hee-hee-heee! Now that's comedy! :D :D :D
siotwo said:
You can tell who has a little RedNeck in em (those laughing) and who does not.
This is a good point (regardless of whether redneck is a good term or not). I didn't grow up in a rural community. I now, however, live in one. I hear people talk about how they throw cats off the top of the corn silo's "just because"... and all other sorts of things that kind of make me wince. (there's that liberal whiney sissy-boy side of me again).

But, "nature is full of far worse cruelty" so I suppose it doesn't matter what we do. :rolleyes:

A different upbringing in different environment means what is common place to someone, is completely foreign to another.... and so it shall be.

There's no middle ground here and I doubt either side will convince the other side they are wrong. This thread could probably be closed w/out further ado.
Rural or city roots makes little difference. What's inside a man does. I was in my late teens when I got my first taste of farm life and livestock, so my values were pretty well set by then, and I admit being a softie for critters. Most farmers are pretty indifferent to livestock. Farm kids grow up seeing life and death, and after raising a few lambs, pigs, or calves for 4-H, which takes a LOT of work, and then seeing them sold off for slaughter at the fair or show, keeps them from becoming too attached to any critter. But there's a big difference between being indifferent and being cruel, and most farmers I know abhor cruelty, so please don't associate farmers with rednecks. People who intentionally inflict pain or torment on ANY living creature, for no other reason than their own warped satisfaction, don't deserve to be called anything but what they are, and I can't print that here :mad: .
Come on guys, the video was pretty funny. It was a little kick in the butt, it's not like he tortured the thing or even hurt it for that matter. I bowhunt, and I've seen plenty of deer, pigs, etc. hit wrong with an arrow that suffered a heck of a lot more than that javelina, just to run off and die a slow death, just because an unseen twig was in the way or the animal jumped the string. This was probably just a hunter trying to "see if it could be done".

Think of it this way, maybe he educated a prey animal to to be a little more cautious and it'll live a little longer because of it. (that's what I think every time I've missed an animal with a shot or an arrow--next time, it won't be so easy to get within range because I just educated the animal that the funny guy in camo really is a predator).

I was refering more to the "cats off the silo" than I was the video. Admittedly, the kick-the-pig video was far from the worst thing I've ever seen. My hunting these days is limited to varmits. Groundhog holes and horses are a bad mix, and coyotes and sheep are a bad one as well. I look at it as just another thing that has to be done, but I take no enjoyment in it and I try for a clean, fast kill. I've blown a few shots too that resulted in a slow death, I'm sure, but the difference is intent. My real anger is reserved for those that intentionally throw animals from high places, burn them to death, starve them, etc. etc. ad nausem, only for their own, sick pleasure.
I read all the posts before I saw the video. I was sure expecting something more than that. Whoever thinks that javalina suffered from that little kick in the butt has never seen animals in the wild. That was hilarious! Especially because the hunter really looked like he was totally mad to have his corn eaten. I enjoy hunting and watching wildlife very much. If the guy was poaching or doing something like that it would make me mad. If your offended by that video maybe you should stay out of the hunting section of this forum. Go talk about some self defense issues or something.
If your offended by that video maybe you should stay out of the hunting section of this forum. Go talk about some self defense issues or something.

On the other hand if you are offended by people expressing opinions different from yours, why do you read and respond to them?
Rural or city roots makes little difference. What's inside a man does.

I beg to differ, slightly.

Growing up in a rural, versus urban area makes a huge difference in what your exposed to - which then plays a large part in who you are. Your environment/stimulation is paramount.

What I mean is, if you constantly see hogs slaughtered on a daily basis as a kid... then it's not gonna bug ya much to watch the video (usually)...

A kid, growing up in a more urban environmentmight be a tad more disturbed by the video mostly due to his lack of experience with animals, and wild-life in general.

*For sake of argument both kids received the same moral/ethical/value oriented upbringing.

What's inside the man (character) is what you develop in response to the right and wrong around you, and your interrpretation of the same - I think this is what you meant by that anyway - and I'd agree.

I wasn't associating "redneck" with farmer... I was however associating a rural up-bringing with the "indifference" you mention with relation to farmers (read farm life, read rural up-bringing).

I believe this "indifference", which is so often brought on by a rural up-bringing, is what makes some of us on this board think "no biggie" with relation to the video.

I hope you see the difference, and also know it wasn't a jab to farmers or anyone for that matter.
kingudaroad said:
If your offended by that video maybe you should stay out of the hunting section of this forum. Go talk about some self defense issues or something.

LMAO... Read my posts (as you say you did) and you'll notice I hunt, and love it.

Comments/attitudes like this, are precisely why I should have stayed out of this discussion after my first post. Maybe I'll learn one day. :rolleyes:
Or, you can see that video the way I do. As an exemplification of a slob hunter. The physical element of kicking the javelina is far less important than the fact that he did it at all. Not because of cruelty, but because it shows that he has no concept of hunting, or respect for the wild. Slob hunters used to be rare, but seem to be very common these days.

Like I said, shoot it and eat it, or leave it alone. If you find the video funny then you don't see it the same way that I do. This is the kind of guy that throws beer cans out the window as he is driving to his deer stand, shoots at signs on public roads, takes deer out of season, etc......
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