This hunter is actually quiet enough to sneak up to a wild boar and kick it.

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I doubt that pig was in any mood to attack him - he is a heck of a lot bigger than the pig and kicked it in the belly hard enough to lift it clear off the ground - probably has internal injuries and just trying to get away.
jeff_troop said:
i dont see an idiot at all. he just ran a boar away from his deer hunting spot.

I'm all for hunting, I do so myself each and every year. Deer, squirrel, rabbit, quail, and this year I'm even going to try duck. I'm also for quick, humane kills when I hunt, so there is as little suffering as possible.

I'm not for anything that is unecessarily cruel to animals. He could have sneezed and ran the damn boar off, he didn't need to kick it's insides into it's head. That is just plain idiocy IMO.

No, I'm not from PETA, however I do have more respect for animals than most humans.

jeff_troop said:
should he have shot it?
That would probably be a much more humane way to expire than from slow internal bleeding and ruptured organs due to a steel toe to the abdomen.

oh please. nature is full of far worse cruelty than getting kicked. you say you are not a peta head but you might as well join with that liberal whiney outlook.

i doubt if the little piggy suffered any injuries. wild animals are a tough lot. people have become such a bunch of wusses in this country.

put up a sign "don't kick the swine, sneeze if they bother you"

i love the logic. shoot it, that will be "humane"

Which is it? Was he a fool to get so close to the MEAN WILD BOAR, or was he a mean old steel-toed thug who horribly maimed the itty bitty piggy?!?

First, most folks don't wear steel toed boots in the wintertime while hunting. (I do, sometimes, but I wear what I've got. That guy had about $200 worth of camouflage on.)

Second, a kick in the butt, shoulder, or belly of a piggy meats muscle. They're remarkably tough.

Third, that kick was more the instep then the toe. Raises the little guy up, but doesn't smack it too hard. Think M vs KE.

Fourth, feral hogs are simply domestic pigs that have gone feral. This is not one of those "interfering with one of the noble creatures of Gods plan" situations. This was kicking a pest out. (Though I might have been tempted to pistol it or knife it for the meat. Shoats are yummy.)

Look at it this way-- he was weaning the little guy off the corn so that it could forage for its self. ;) BTW, I'd figure that little guy at around 25 or 30 lbs, max. From the initial post, I was wondering if the mama sow was going to come charging out of the brush. Now THAT could get western, in a hurry!
and THIS little piggy went WEEE WWEEE WEEEE all the way home.

get a grip Trip.....this is better than a cow using a deer stand as a scatching post.
Agreed Long Path. (especially the yummy part :p )

Now if he'd done this to a deer I'd have been duly impressed! :eek: This was a feeding pig afterall...
There's a difference between a "peta head with a liberal whiney outlook", and.... what ever is on the other end of the spectrum. Well whatever that spectrum looks like I'm probably pretty dead center in the middle.

I fish for trophy musky and guess what, of the 3, 50+ inch musky I've caught I took measurements and paid for a replica mount instead of taking that beautiful fish out of the wild. He's lived a long time he should live longer. It's called respect, not liberal, or whiney. I wasn't going to eat it so I didn't see any sense in ending it's life.

This makes me liberal and whiney? :barf:

Crucify me because I think being just plain mean to an animal is wrong? Or, wait, is it impossible to be mean to an animal?

Well, let me wind up and kick your dog in the guts next time it - - - - -instead of chasing it off via other means - I mean your dog is being a pest at that point, correct? Then I'll call you a peta head when you come to my door lookin' to whip my ass because I kicked your pwetty widdle puppy... then you can hold up signs that say "Shew my puppy, but not with your shoe!" ;)

See how childish you guys sound now?

Hey, I didn't say the guy should be killed, shot, hung, electrocuted, castrated, burned alive or any such thing, I just called the guy an idiot. Cuz IMO, he kicked a pig, unnecessarily.

Does that deserve the - - - - you guys are getting away with? - - - - :mad:
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I might mail it with a rock but that might not shock it enough to make it run away. By sneaking up and kicking the darn thing, he scared the living hell out of it and sent it packing rather than having it turn and attack him. He could have shot it and scared the trophy buck he might have been after. I say run away little piggy before you become pork chops and bacon!
There is a difference between sport hunting, and just attacking something because you can. If the pig was interfering in some way with hunting, getting animals to run away isn't hard.

While we won't prove one way or another what injuries the animal had, for anyone who thinks it's no big deal, get on the ground on all fours, relax your stomach muscles (as if you don't know anyone's coming) and have a large assistant kick you in the belly as hard as he can. I'd say there is a good chance you will suffer serious permanent organ impairment or die of internal bleeding.

If he was out hunting pig and shot the thing for food, I would say fine. But since he seems to attack the thing simply because it's there. I think - ***hole, what on earth did he do that for???

To me anyway, just because you can hunt animals doesn't mean that any injury or death you can give them is "sport" or "fun".
I'm a catch and release Bass fisherman myself. no hard feelin's. But it is kind of funny you have to admit. :p
Thats way to funny! A pig that small in the wild will not loast long if all by himself. He is probably coyote food right now.

That would probably be a much more humane way to expire than from slow internal bleeding and ruptured organs due to a steel toe to the abdomen.

Sounds you made a wild guess

While we won't prove one way or another what injuries the animal had, for anyone who thinks it's no big deal, get on the ground on all fours, relax your stomach muscles (as if you don't know anyone's coming) and have a large assistant kick you in the belly as hard as he can. I'd say there is a good chance you will suffer serious permanent organ impairment or die of internal bleeding.

Another wild guess! You know we are not hogs. Have you ever hunted a hog?
I helped a vet one time cut hogs! Hogs nuts are in the inside of the body! it takes two people to hold open the hogs legs while the vet makes the cut and pulls out the nuts and cuts them. After the vet is done we throw the hog on the ground and he takes off and runs away. Do you think you could run away after someone did that to you? They are tough little critters
So this big ole boy sneaks up on a pig, (or is it a javelina? The size is right and that looks like mesquite brush) that appears to be feeding well in front of a feeder. When he gets right up on it he kicks the snot out of it and runs away as fast as the pig/javelina did. Looked like he was scared of that little ole thing.

If he was trying to scare off any deer in the area he did a fine job. That pig/javelina feeding there would have given deer a sense of comfort, but when he goes waltzing out like that in broad daylight and scares the hell out of that pig/javelina, he abandoned any pretense of deer hunting. The pig/javelina would have put out fear pheromones, plus crashing thru the brush, plus the big ole boy thrashing around - no deer within 1/4 mile would have missed that show and come any closer.

Perhaps this ole boy just wanted to have a cute little film to take home since he couldn't find a deer to come to his feeder that day. Anyway you look at it, this guy is not a sportsman, not a true hunter at all. I agree with the sentiment, kill it and eat it, or leave it alone.
I agree with the smarter posters in this thread. I'd like to kick that fatass right in the belly, while he's in the bar sucking down a beer and hogging down some onion rings.
That boar was in HIS territory trying to survive and probably died because of fatass being such a hero.
Ignorant idiots like that think they f***ing rule everything. Make me puke. :barf: Sadly, more and more people think this is OK because "I'm in the wilderness now, I can do anything." Just pisses me off.
it takes two people to hold open the hogs legs while the vet makes the cut and pulls out the nuts and cuts them. After the vet is done we throw the hog on the ground and he takes off and runs away. Do you think you could run away after someone did that to you?

If this was a real vet, he should have been using a scalpel (very thin/sharp blade) and made an incision parallel to the muscle fibers to avoid severing them, and avoids major blood vessels - these things together produce minimal injury to the patient - it's just like parting a curtain. So, yeah, I think I could easily get up and run away too. There's basically nothing wrong with you after the operation.
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