This happened to me Yesterday

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I fail to see how this happening in America warrants the generalization that Americans are somewhat paranoid or overly cautious for being wary of a stranger rapidly approaching them in a parking lot
Because I can only go on life experience and its not a reaction I have witnessed here. I would have thought if someone was going to attack or rob someone they wouldn't advertise it first.

generalization from your comment saying, "maybe there's a different mindset in Ireland, where the Irish
I wasnt making a generalization I was asking a question to try and understand the reaction. PS I live in N Ireland so can only base my opinion on what I see in N Ireland not the Republic of Ireland that has different laws regarding firearms etc. As for mindset mine is I have survived 50 years without being attacked so the odds are very low, so the last thing when I go out is being attacked. There are a lot of other things in life that are more likely to get people killed.
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I don’t carry but..

I don’t carry but I am glad that many do. That makes it safer for everybody because the crooks, murders and thieves are a little less bold when they know some honest people also might have a gun.

About all one can do is protect yourself, your family and your property,
seem like the rest is up for grabs.

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As for mindset mine is I have survived 50 years without being attacked so the odds are very low, so the last thing when I go out is being attacked. There are a lot of other things in life that are more likely to get people killed.

Odds don't mean a thing. The odds that two terrorists,the two Boston Marathon bombers, would have come to my hometown and shot it out with police while throwing IED's in the street just a couple blocks away from my home would have been pretty low if it didn't just happen last April. If you would have asked me before it happened if I had ever thought that two terrorists would turn my hometown into a warzone I would have told you that you were crazy, but it did indeed happen. That incident opened my eyes up to the fact that anything can happen anywhere.
If you would have asked me before it happened if I had ever thought that two terrorists would turn my hometown into a warzone I would have told you that you were crazy, but it did indeed happen. That incident opened my eyes up to the fact that anything can happen anywhere

Terrorism isn't new to the people here I have seen bombs going off shootings and other terrorists attacks over the last 30 years. But I still know that odds are very low of getting caught in an incident or attack. Most go about their business unarmed and not concerned about being attacked. That's why I said there seems to be a different mind set in America and I am trying to figure out why.
Because I can only go on life experience and its not a reaction I have witnessed here. I would have thought if someone was going to attack or rob someone they wouldn't advertise it first.

This happens quite frequently. The predator often sizes up the potential prey first and tries to close the distance with a verbal distraction. Imagine coming out of a jewelry store with your wife or girlfriend and a guy in a parking garage bellowing: "Hey man, that's a new Rolex you got there?!!!"

Let's also keep in mind that the US is a very large country with a large and diverse population (313 million+), many huge urban centers and 50 distinctly different states. It's not really a logical comparison to Northern Ireland.
This happens quite frequently. The predator often sizes up the potential prey first and tries to close the distance with a verbal distraction. Imagine coming out of a jewelry store with your wife or girlfriend and a guy in a parking garage bellowing: "Hey man, that's a new Rolex you got there?!!!"

Fair enough would it not be easier to approach them from behind for example not drawing attention to themselves. That way the if the person was armed they would have less chance to react. I know that all possible attackers are not the smartest but I am sure they are not all stupid as well.
manta49, did you see (or read) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

If so, recall the scene where the intrepid reporter enters the house of his murder suspect, because he is socialized not to be so rude as to refuse the invitation.

Muggers often start with a talkative approach, figuring (apparently) that a person too timid to refuse a conversation will also be too timid to resist the subsequent robbery.

Such an approach also allows the mugger to abort the mugging, and claim he was just talking, or panhandling.
watching at special events.

I went to a special event a few weeks ago. I won’t mention its name because I don’t want to draw and bad guy’s attention. This year there were hummers cruising around and some GIs with guns ready watching out for any people who did not fit the right profile.

I know that all possible attackers are not the smartest but I am sure they are not all stupid as well.

Most aren't very bright but violence comes in many forms. A friend of mine was robbed at knife-point some years ago while delivering pizzas. The guy just walked up to him, stuck the blade up against his stomach and said "give me the money and the pie, holmes". Sounds almost funny now.
And at gun shows they know you are both unarmed and maybe have a unloaded gun with you.

Same for gun ranges were there are no other people there (The Miami Shootout gunmen got some of their guns going to impromptu gun ranges and murdering the other people there, taking their guns and cars.)

I unload my gun upon entering the building and load it again as soon as I'm outside. When I to to the range, I slip a full mag of SD ammo into my pistol, or load my revolver, before leaving the range.

His truck was flashy as well

22" rims on his hooptie?
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Gee, last gun sow I was leaving, a guy was carrying in a winchester 94 in 30-30. I asked him if he was gonna sell it, he said yep. I asked him about the gun, it is a 1959 model in vry good condition, bought it for 500.00.

I was in a tore up tee shirt, am over 6 ft and 300 lbs of farm boy :) kinda large in size.

Sure glad he didnt pull a gun and shoot my butt :)

Maybethe guy was so interested in your gun he didnt understand what you were doing or that you were in fear of him. Vermont has a lot of very nice folks altho a bit clannish and dont talk to outsiders much :) but they are some nice folks up there. I used to do 2 credit unions in vermont, them folks didnt talk to me for a week, then I fixed a PC, I was the hero :) I always have a place to stay in vermont :) them are nice people there.
We are nice people for sure

We are very nice folks here. That is just it. I would think it impolite to start with to yell about someones purchase from a distance away. Sure he could obviously see the Tupperware case I was walking away with. He knew I had a Glock.

I don't understand why it would be so hard to believe that my gut told me something was wrong with this cat.

Here is the simple fact: If I was wrong about him the worst thing that happened is offending him. Considering that I believe I was right about him I believe we saved ourselves from bodily harm.

I would rather offend a stranger than be harmed so I am ok with the way it played out.

Regards, Vermonter
That's it. We are seeing folks being snide for its own sake.

Vermonter acted in a reasonably manner IMHO. If you want to act differently, go ahead.

Going in circles and thus closed.
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