This happened to me Yesterday

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Had to be there

I suppose you had to be there. I am not going to articulate what about his appearance made him out of place. Doing so will surely get me an infraction and it does not matter. Were you there and someone you loved next to you you should have been feeling the way I was. I did not discuss his appearance because it is a bit classless to do so in detail and it is not germane to the conversation of the tactics we used in order to avoid a further conflict.

Before anyone else says it we are not talking race or ethnicity here because he and I were both white males so that is not the issue.

This seems to have been missed so I am going to re type it once more

Alright, Vermonter..I agree 100% with your actions. I feel you don't need to justify anything any further to anyone. You did well. Welcome to 2013 people, this is the new world we live in.

The guy didn't jump out of the car to ask him questions about religion or cupcakes. He asked him about a gun. Vermonter's third eye gave him a sense, and he went with it. That's a reason why most of us are even alive today.
I agree that our OP did well. I've also seen sketchy folks approach folks on the way in to try to buy guns for cash at a price above what you could get in the show.

Wonder why they would do that? A friend sold a Sigma to one such guy and was chortling about the price. I reminded him that the serial number would lead back to him.

I see no good in such approaches - robbery or a gun off the books by a potentially bad person.

Carrying an OC by a male is also a good idea. Men are resistant to them as not manly. But pros carry them.
Carrying an OC by a male is also a good idea. Men are resistant to them as not manly. But pros carry them.

Exactly. I've armed my significant other with OC spray for the time being. I wouldn't call myself a pro, but I have carried OC spray for a while. Haven't much lately, it remains in my car. I had an incident at my uncles old night club where the person didn't deserve anything other than the following: a tase, OC spray, or submissive hold. Unfortunately we didn't have either of those tools accessible, so we had to put him down the harder way until the on duty LE arrived..Then they had to tase him. I know, long story. One word, alcohol.

That said, one needs to know how to use mace. I've gotten maced before (willingly) and it's horrible. If someone just gets maced and is still fighting and you're forced to fight with will feel the effects of the mace if you come in contact with it.

No plan is 100% correct, some are just a little better than others and we don't know what until after the fact. That's just life.
Maybe there is a different mindset in America. As you can't describe what made you see him as threatening its hard to make a judgment.
People take profiling the wrong way. For some reason it's a very delicate topic and is always misunderstood.

Why do you feel you always have to point out the differences in America?

We're all people.

EDIT: However in Vermonter's case, I am not saying he was. Not my place to. I wasn't there. I didn't see or feel what his third eye did. Just responding to "manta49".
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Why do you feel you always have to point out the differences in America?

We're all people
Just because someone approaching me unless there was something that made me think they were a threat. They were drunk and aggressive or coming at me fast for no reason for example. If they were just coming towards me asking a question them being a treat wouldn't occur to me. Maybe its because gun crime is a lot lower here, if it was higher maybe I would think differently.
If any of you are a Schwarzenegger fan and watched 'Judgment Day', remember when the Terminator said, "Negative. The T-1000 will definitely try to reacquire you there."

And John Connor says, "You sure?"

The Terminator says, "I would."

Well thieves know where guns are banned and except for a few idiots they will go to places were they know you are unarmed.

And at gun shows they know you are both unarmed and maybe have a unloaded gun with you.

Same for gun ranges were there are no other people there (The Miami Shootout gunmen got some of their guns going to impromptu gun ranges and murdering the other people there, taking their guns and cars.)

Cause, you see, if I was a bad guy and wanted a gun, well that is where I'd go!

It's well researched that criminals have a sense of who will be a good victim. Based on gait, alertness, manner.

I don't think it unreasonable that a good person cannot have the same feel for a bad person based on similar factors.
Those calling into question his choice of response are missing the big picture.

The hair on his neck was standing up, this guy was giving him the creeps not once, but twice. It doesn't matter what the description is. If that 6th sense is giving you alarm bells, you need to pay attention to it!

The fact he continued to advance after being told to stop is emphasis to that point.
6th sense

It was more like 12th sense twice so i guess that is 24;). Both her and I felt it not once but twice. She drew her spray without a single word from me. The only instruction I gave was "get to the car fast. I matched her speed and there was no further confrontation.

I had an email convo with the promoter by the way. He assured me that there was security at the event and I didn't see them on purpose. He said they had been sweeping the parking lots but this must have been missed.

Some of you know that I deal with the public at large professionally. I deal with over 100k people a year professionally. Chances are more than a few of them were unsavory characters of some variety if you believe in statistics.

Bottom line is this guy makes my top 10 most creeped out ever list. I am trying to be a gentleman with regard to appearances.
It's like a bloodhound. Something just doesn't smell right.
It's in the way they do things as they approach.
But I think also it's a parking lot. At a gun show. What would be the purpose in socializing there?
Why not socialize in line to get in? Or in the coffee bar area? Or in the open arena?
Why try to get alone with them out in the parking lot?
And, if he knew what gun they bought ... he was tailing them, wasn't he?
Without seeing the guy, just from this distance, something doesn't smell right to me.
Willy said
Outside public gunshows can be sketchy places. One more reason I don't go to public gunshows anymore.

I never considered it before, but it sees like many to most of the public gun shows are in sketchy parts of town. Is that maybe because the venues are cheaper?
Probably so.

It is probably for the same reasons as why many airports lie next to sewage treatment plants. Cheaper land, fewer complaining neighbors, and zoning restrictions.
In America it is considered bad form (violation of social norms) for someone to yell, "hey! you got a new Glock don't you" and proceed to jump out of the truck and advance. In America this is the "interview" prior to an assault and robbery. What is the alternate narrative to this story? The guy was a gunsmith offering his services in a parking lot? The guy was a hardcore Glock fan and even after fondling all the Glocks at the gun show he needed more feel-time in the parking lot? The guy was ATF and was checking to ensure a gun lock was sold with the firearm?

How did the guy know the OP purchased a Glock?
The OP said the alleged perp was was leaving the show when the OP was walking in. Why was the perp hanging out in the lot?
A stranger leaving their vehicle to approach someone in a parking lot isn't in and of itself odd?

Next time, S&W 442 in a pocket holster ;)

Glad the OP had knife and spray.

manta49 said:
Maybe there is a different mindset in America. As you can't describe what made you see him as threatening its hard to make a judgment.
Maybe there is a different mindset in America. As you can't describe what made you see him as threatening its hard to make a judgment.

I fail to see how this happening in America warrants the generalization that Americans are somewhat paranoid or overly cautious for being wary of a stranger rapidly approaching them in a parking lot, yelling to them about a gun they just purchased as if that's acceptable. If that's what you were getting at, how would you like if I made a generalization from your comment saying, "maybe there's a different mindset in Ireland, where the Irish are too overly trusting and lack proper situational awareness or common sense". See how stupid that sounds. I don't care what country you are in, people are all wired the same way. To make blanket statements like yours is just ignorant.

If the guy was that interested in Glock's, go inside and ask a dealer. It's not in the norm to yell across a parking lot to a random stranger about their recent gun purchase. People I know far better than strangers on the street don't even know I own firearms, why am I going to discuss it with some random stranger, especially while I am unarmed and holding my recent unloaded gun I just purchased.
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That 6th sense...

... is a natural warning our physical systems have developed over eons. It's wise not to ignore it when it alarms.
Similar happened to my Dad

Similar happened to my Dad a few years back. Coming out from a gun show and walking to his car three guys got on him and pushed him to the ground trying to grab his wallet. His pants held and they could not get it out before some onlookers began to yell. The bandits fled in their car with not getting the wallet. Seems that gun shows are a bit dangerous because bandits expect people may have money or guns to take.

Best bet is to wait to see you are not alone and that other people in the parking lot look safe, and have your car keys in hand.

Yes, the very best is to have your other hand near your carry.

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