Here in CT Walmarts are still hit or miss on ammo. The one closest to me tends to almost always have common pistol and rifle calibers in stock. Others not so much.
I cannot find .22 ANYWHERE in a brick and mortar store. I have not seen any for sale since the Newtown shooting. Resellers are buying up any .22 they can find and selling it on Armslist for $75/525.
LGS got a full pallet of .380 a while back and still had some left of it as of a week or so ago. All other common calibers of handgun ammo sell out there as fast as it hits the shelf. Self defense ammo is all they usually have.
Dicks tends to have ammo frequently but at prices much higher than other stores. Dicks also enters your permit info into their computer every time you buy ammo. No other store in CT does this. (we have to show a permit to buy ammo since October) A lot of people including myself wont buy from Dicks due to them using our new laws to build a database of permit holders and the amounts of ammo they purchase.
I think the shortage will last longer here in CT than it will last in the rest of the country. With the oppressive gun laws passed here last year everyone is buying guns and ammo as fast as they can. I went to the range last week when the temps were in the teens figuring it would be a ghost town. It was packed with people and most seemed to be new shooters.
Everyone here is worried what this year will bring in terms of more laws restricting gun and ammo ownership so everyone who has any spare money is pouring it all into shooting related purchases.
Oh...and oddly it seems NOBODY is hoarding shogun ammo. Everywhere I go there is shotgun ammo piled high. Walmart has so much it wont even fit in the case and they just leave it out in the open. LGS has it by the pallet out on the sales floor.
I just got into reloading. Im not getting caught short again when the next panic comes along.
Now if only I could find some powder.......