First off, I think this is a wonderful discussion.
I also think that references to children and firearms rights, while a valid topic for its own discussion, should not be in this discussion. Children do not have all the same legal rights and responsibilities as adults do. Never did, and (hopefully) never will. For good and sound reasons.
To the extent I can clarify my positions and opinions, I will gladly do so (although I may only wind up creating the opposite effect
I believe in some rather old (and currently sometimes unfashionable) wisdoms. Expressed in some rather old language, they include things like "and ye harm no one, do as ye will", and "by their acts, shall ye know them", among others.
I believe that things should mean precisely what they say, particularly everything in the realm of governance. If you don't mean that, you should say something different.
I believe that stupid should hurt. I don't believe it is morally right to force me to pay for someone else's stupidity. And I particularly detest anyone reaching into my wallet, when no harm has occurred, to me or by me, because they
feel I'm not safe enough.
There are some things that are legal, that I feel are immoral. There are a great many things that are illegal that I do not feel are morally wrong. I obey laws that I feel are wrong, because they are the law. But I still feel we shouldn't have them.
I believe we all have natural rights, but I also know that full, completely unlimited exercise of these rights by everyone is not possible in a structured society.
I believe there are a lot of people who should not have guns (again, "by their acts"...). I do not believe prior restraint is a good thing. I believe its an insult, and an automatic assumption of guilt by those who require you to prove you are neither evil nor incompetent.
I also believe that if you do something that proves you evil or incompetent that you should not be treated leniently.
I believe a lot of stuff, some of it is even true!
Zuki, we are on the same page about some things, that is clear. If the law reads you can do something, that's what it says. It doesn't say "you can do it , if we all agree its a good idea".
I know the difference between what I believe we ought to have, what will work in the real world, and what we do have when it comes to our rights.
We ought to be left alone, to make prudent and reasonable choices, on our own. And to pay the cost if we don't.
We aren't, and haven't been for a long time. According to the history I have read, at one time, we seemed to get along well enough without any gun control laws. People did suffer from violence then, as they always have. Guess what, people still suffer from violence.
All that I see as changed is that today we have lots of laws that have not been, and likely cannot be proven to reduce violence, and also create criminals from the unwary due to their complex and arbitrary seeming regulations. '
(I got lots more, lets dance!