The Ultimate Back-Up Weapon?


New member
What is the ultimate NON-FIREARM back-up weapon?

I friend told me, in his opinion, it was a "neck carried knife made by Emerson."

Do any of you have that knife and what do you think of it?

Thanks for your opinions.
For me it would be a knife but like alot of other things I would imagine it would depend on the person. But whatever it is that person needs to have some experience or training with it.
different tools for different jobs. I always carry some sort of folder, because I often find a use for it during the day, but as far as a non-firearm backup *weapon* I like the 26" ASP, when the clothing situation allows. see, what kind of worries me is how much blood would get spilled if I had to use a knife, god forbid; you know what I mean, all those blood-borne pathogens and whatnot. I need to replace the grip on mine; I've swung it around so much the foam pullover thing is mushy and sliding.

OTOH, my NFBW tonight was a Cold Steel Safekeeper I, the pushdagger with the 6" blade. not really cricket, I know, but I like it, and I forgot my ASP at work.

just my 2 cents,

The Human Body

Seriously, all the equipment in the world won't equalize men as well as a firearm... so go about making yourself fundamentally "more equal". If you are a weapon, then you will always have your backup with you... plus the benefits stack more than with more specialized backup weapon.
A good pair of BOOTS.

You don't wanna twist an ankle. That's a bad thing.

You want to know that if you move rapidly, or kick someone, that you won't step out of your footwear.

You want to know that if you kick someone you will (1) not break your foot; and (2) hurt the SOB...
I don't know about a specific Emerson "neck knife", but I have an Emerson Commander folder which is an outstanding design and can easily be carried concealed.
ultimate backup

For mortal combat, undoubtedly I'd have to say a fixed-blade knife. If you have no gun to create and maintain distance, you're probably grappling and are going to end up on the ground. Even a simpleton with little or no training can inflict horrible damage with a knife. As far as a neck knife goes, they're "cool" and fairly undetectable, but have you ever tried drawing one from under a shirt when TSHTF? No thanks, unless your opponent is a gentleman who will allow you time to draw your sword. I say fixed blade because I believe it's stronger against rib, bone, and leather, but if you have a good folder (I like Spyderco and Benchmade thumbholes, i.e. AFCK) so be it. Carried off side in a pocket, it's very fast into action. I also like the 21" ASP -- nobody wants to get whomped with that thing.
Best Wishes, LBC
The ultimate backup in my opinion is a combination of awaredness, training, and tools.

Awaredness being noticing the situation around you, noticing an attackers weakness and strengths in just a few moments and general alertness.
Training being well training.
And tools being the weapons, gun, knife kubaton, big stick or what have you.

If I had to pick an ultimate backup weapon, the one that its only use would be where I was about to die and it was the only way to stop an attacker, what I would pick is a dagger I have. Its a neat little home made deal, wood handles pinned on with tacks that have been gound flush, and a blade made from bandsaw blade. its about 10 inches overall with an about 7 inch blade. carries nicely in my boot.
Now if I carried a gun as my main defense weapon this choice would be different.
But since I am 15, and dont want to break the law and thus render myself unable to buy or own any guns if I get caught, I carry a knife as my main defensive weapon.

Its a knife made by Emerson, called the Commander. Spec?EME3BTS
Its a production version of Ernest Emersons custom made ES1-M folding fighter, designed for SEAL team use.
This would be my choice for a backup if I carried a gun.
It opens faster than any automatic knife ever could, by the simple fact that if done right it comes open when you pull it from your pocket.
It has a little hook type thing on the top of the blade, incorperated into the thumb ramp, that catches on the edge of your pocket when pulled out that pulls the blade open.
Also the recurve style blade naturally pulls the blade deeper into whatever is being cut with it, and in defensive use this creates a massive wound channel.
The absolute best Backup bar any and all!!!

A good friend packing iron.

Nothing beats a friend that you can trust to cover you back, not the best knife nor eleventeen blackbelts in any martial art. I'd rather have Andy, Jim, Paco, Big John, or Dewey as backup than any other weapon around.

Doc Hudson
Brains vs Toys Thread-

It's between your ears, eyeballs pop out amazingly easy. Close enough for a knife is close enough for a throat, it all comes down to training. Having a gun don't make you a gunfighter anymore than having a guitar makes you Ted Nugent! Roy

"If I had to pick an ultimate backup weapon, the one that its only use would be where I was about to die and it was the only way to stop an attacker, what I would pick is a dagger I have...I am 15, and dont want to break the law and thus render myself unable to buy or own any guns if I get caught, I carry a knife as my main defensive weapon."

Um, anywhere I've heard of, this qualifies as a concealed weapon, and therefore illegal, except in certain circumstances.
Very true...........

...btu its still not a gun. Not as bad on me if I have to use the thing. If it were a gun I would be inome pretty deep sh*t, and most likely looking at a bit of time in jail, and while 1 minute is one minute to much I jail, I could deal with it on concealed weapon charges for the knife, but illegal possesion of a firearm, illegal concealed firearm, possesion of a handgun by a minor, I would rather not even have to worry about those.

I wont break gun laws, period.

Might not make sense to ya'll but it does to me.
I many jurisdictions, pocession of a concealed fighting knife was a felony while possession of an un permitted handgun was only a misdemeanor.

Recent changes have made handgun pocession a felony as well in many places, but a fight knife in pocession is a felony also.

Doc Hudson
In TN, you can carry a knife with a blade no longer than 4" and it cannot be a switchblade or "gravity knife" like a butterfly. The definition "fighting knife" can be hard to define, seeing how many people abuse the term "assault weapon". Alot of people think if it looks scary or has serrations, it's for "hurting people". In that case, maybe I show them my neon-green plastic rat-tailed hairbrush. I can sink that thing into you about 6 inches and then brush the cooties out of my hair (just kidding!).

I tote a MOD Ladyhawk, which looks small and harmless enough with a 2.5" blade, and most people don't think anything of it when I use it for utility purposes. Alot of my female co-workers actually think it looks cute. Watch out though, animals have their talons and claws curved for a reason.

Sometimes I still tote my Benchmade AFCK, which has a 4" blade and round Spyderco hole. Very handy for flicking out extremely fast.

I prefer folding knives because that does give me the option of carrying a larger blade in a smaller, folded package, and they can be concealed easier. Knives with pocket clips prevent me from digging around in my pocket and trying to turn the knife the right way so I can open it.

For a non-stabbing weapon, I prefer my 16" ASP baton.
In my state, concealed carry of a fixed blade is felony. Must not be in yours. IMO, a felony is a felony. You're scr#wed...period. If/when you're convicted you can kiss away any chance of purchasing a firearm (when you become of legal age).

BTW, concealed carry of a firearm here is a misdemeanor. Go figure! :rolleyes:
"What is the ultimate NON-FIREARM back-up weapon?"

umm..... air support? :p

Seriously.. second the "knife is a felony, pistol a misdemeanor" bit. Don't understand it, but there it is.

In practice, I'd imagine a kid with a folder-knife would get a lot less grief than a kid with a fixed or "nasty-lookin" knife, who in turn would get less grief than a kid with a gun. Circumstances, appearance/demeanor, and how Wally Cleaver you look to the officers affecting the situation, of course. Any of our police folks care to answer that?

And oh yeah, to the original question.. I only carry one weapon, 'cause I don't intend to do any fighting. I do have a nice locking folder knife in me pocket, but that's just an everyday tool, and it never occured to me it might be a weapon in a pinch... ;)
In no particular order...

1) Claymore [the mine or the sword] :D
2) WP grenade
3) Combat Chainsaw with all the bells and whistles
The Bells and Whistles:
A) Suppresor
B) Weapon Mounted Tactical Light, etc.
4) Arc Welder
5) Spot welder
6) Matched Pair of Attack Trained Rott's
7) Siberian Tiger [attack training not needed!]
8) War Elephant
9) War Horse [seriously, an attacked trained horse would not be something to laugh at]
10) Super Soaker with your choice of payload
11) High powered air gun
12) Hedge Trimmer
Well I did forget to leave one thing out, I actually dont carry that dagger that often, altho it is my idea of a perfect backup for me, mainly for that reason,also because it means a great deal to me as it was a gift from a friend.
And the attitude to kids with guns around where I am is pretty unfriendly. Where as almost everyone I knwo my age carries a large folder, and not soemthing liek a Buck folding hunter, more like a one handed opening tactical knife. Its common. So I feel more comfortable risking a knife over a gun.

Besides in justifiable self defense I am going to trust the fact that the on scene officers will use common sense and recognize that I am not a gang banger out to kill people, only a defensive minded person trying to avoid the fight.
I have a 6 inch metal weapon that I carry in plain sight all of the time, especially at work. It has a sharp point and an all metal body in 14kt gold plate and enamal.

Jam it into the neck or eye of your attacker and it will cause a very disabling wound. People look at it all day and are never alarmed, and it will never get me in any trouble with the law.

I can also write my name with it, its called a parker pen.
I'd prefer to carry my .45 gvt model but it scares the sheeple.