The Smart Gun is Here

But then there was East Germany, home to Stasi ...

Basically, when Germans do something, right or wrong, they don't do it halfway...

The people running the DDR (east Germany) were determined that if they were going to be socialists, they were going to be better socialists than the Russians. I don't think they actually did it, but they tried real hard for a long time....

(what they called socialist, we would call communist)

As I see it, the real issue with "smart guns" is the misguided belief that a) they will work perfectly, and b) that somehow, we will all be better off if we had them.

I believe the underlying desire is a gun that will only fire in the hands of the authorized user. Because of their situation, I'd think the people most at risk from having their gun taken and used against them would be the police.

AFTER you can show me a decade of the police AND all the politician's bodyguards, all the wealthy folks private security guards, all using NOTHING BUT SMART GUNS, AND having a significantly less than 1% failure rate, THEN I might consider one.

Semi auto pistol technology has been on the market for over a century. It is completely mechanical (meaning no electronics) and, as a group, they don't work 100%! (nothing does, really). Semi autos do pretty well, and more than well enough for a lot of us, but only an idiot would claim they never have any problems.

But that's what we're being promised with Smart guns, "once it's reliable", and its only going to be a short time, before someone pronounces them "reliable". perhaps those same folks would be interested in purchasing some land on the coast of Kentucky.....
"Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts plans to introduce a bill that would require new handguns be outfitted with personalization technology within two years and that older guns be retrofitted within three years so that the firearms won’t work for unauthorized users."

Sen. Markey is free to front the money for the retrofits and pay me for the loss in value to my collector's items.

...and having this easily ID'd thing on my wrist that announces to anyone with a tire iron that I am carrying a gun, and sure, you may sneak up behind me, clobber me, and take my nifty new wristwatch and firearm, not only defeats the purpose of CCW, but it is on the whole stupid and unsafe. And just how quickly will this be hacked so that a hacked 'watch' will work with any gun? Again making the law abiding observe criminals do things we can't so...more rules and regulations that only restrict folks that already obey law.
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1. I suggest mandatory implants of the tech into your forearm.

2. About EMPs - I think vacuum tech isn't that affected by it. Thus, the smart gun should use vacuum tubes. Like the ones in an old TV.

3. Might be useful for hunting rifles and shotguns! Why - every year some are shot by their dog when they put the gun down and Fido pulls the trigger. This would prevent canine gun crime.

I was unhappy with the NSSF statement. They are still a little willing to go along with this kind of thing at times. They have bought into the modern sporting rifle rhetoric which is a surrender to the idea that we have AR's etc. for bambi as the main purpose.
Kinda surprised this hasnt been mentioned yet, I mean it's two pages in... probably implies that I am about to date myself (I grew up playing video games :D)

There's a video game for Playstation3 called Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots.

The relevant information... setting is near future, ~2025 I think. Govt has gone all big brother on everyone, and the world is in a global state of war. PMC troops (soldiers for hire, private security, whatever you want to call blackwater style mercenaries) rule the battlefield, with more money resources and manpower than government bodies, so they fight for the highest bidder.

To facilitate this war machine (effectively controlling the entire economy), they have instituted an ID system on guns, all guns, and placed chips in the soldiers that have two functions; to allow the soldier to be able to fire the weapon, and to allow the Patriots to monitor the soldier on the battlefield and control physical responses (soldier doesnt feel pain or fear due to hormonal control / stimulus, making for a more effective soldier).

In the game, guns are only usable with an acceptable ID signature... soldiers in the same platoon or squad could theoretically use a gun from a fallen comrade, but would NOT be able to use a gun from the opposition. In order for Solid Snake (the main character) to use guns, he has to have them "laundered" where the ID chip is overriden on the blackmarket.

The other BIG side effect, in the game, happens when the system gets hacked. Two consequences; the chip in soldiers was hacked, allowing for a user to create chaos on the battlefield, with soldiers feeling pain and fear with no real stimulus, and second, the terrorists / PMC group assuming control of the system was able to "turn off" all the guns that are not issued to them, meaning they are able to stand unopposed as the only people left with working firearms.

This did happen to be a favorite game of mine, but honestly, this technology is eerily similar to what the game describes. Ill not be buying a smart gun, at any point, under any circumstance.
The anti-gunners are ecstatic, now they can ban and confiscate all "dumb" guns and still claim they are not against self defense. One gun control advocate has already suggested that the "chip" in the gun be able to be deactivated by the police so if the gun is "stolen or misused" the cops can render it inoperable.

Any more questions as to the true intent of the maker?

Combined with this, it will be perfect!

The I phone of guns? Yea... No.

I have an iPhone 5s and I'm sure many other people do and will agree that the fingerprint scanner only works the first time say 1 in 4 tries? And that's if your hands are free of all dirt, dust, sweat, anything. Sometimes I'll check my texts when I'm not supposed to at work and I can swipe and type in the access code faster than I can get the scanner to unlock my phone. I can do without any electro bs on my gun cause I have this thing commonly referred to as self control.
Hey I have an idea! Why don't we have like a gangster hot gun trade in special where they bring in their illegal guns and get this igun in return?! Then once all the g's and thugs have their new igun the gov flips that killswitch! Brilliant! :D:rolleyes:
On a serious note, screw that gun.
Has anyone heard anything more on the idea of the "nightstand gun"?

The one where the "smart" gun would have a motion/position sensor, so that it would be useless as a carry gun, but would serve for home defense?

Meaning, it had a limited time it would operate after it was picked up, say 15minutes or something. I think the reasoning was that since it wouldn't work if you wore it while out and about, it would be useless to the bad guy, but the home owner could grab it out of the nightstand drawer, and it would work long enough for the police to arrive....

Yeah.. right...

The idea was kicked around a while ago, but I haven't heard anything lately (probably for good reason ;)).

Authorized User Only is only one way they can go with "smart gun" technology.
Every electronic device not only can be hacked but will be hacked. This will be defeated within months.

The idea that a home intruder can have an app on his cellphone that jams a smart gun is chilling.

Even more chilling is the idea that ALL firearms will be made to have this 'smart feature' and can thus be rendered useless electronically. The criminal element hacks everything, even the US government. This technology is extremely fallible and is open to cyber attack. "What info will they get off your guns, Chris?" will be a question possibly. If that is a question forming in anybody's mind, please remember that data-mining is not the only type of electronic crime. Rendering security systems useless is also one way to form such an attack and that is also not the full extent of electronic crime.

This is a very, very stupid idea to have on a gun when it is examined closely.
Nope not interested in a "smart" gun at all. Too many what ifs with these things. I can't believe this is still being pursued, we've been hearing about smart guns since what the 80's maybe early 90's? So far no one has turned out a weapon that's been reliable enough for self defense. I'm sure these 2 new systems will have bugs that will show up also, it's just a matter of time.

I would not use this it would just be another way for someone other then me being able to control my gun for me in a good way and or the bad way!! If it has a chip in it it can have a tracking chip in it as well... I turn off all the tracking apps and programs on my smart phone all the time... I dont need to worry that I have to turn off the tracking on my gun too....

Im sure they will try to market it as its the new and cool high tech gun and target the new young gun owners just starting out....
“The entrepreneur who does this right could be the Mark Zuckerberg of guns. Then the venture capitalists like me will dive in, give them capital, and we will build a multibillion-dollar gun company that makes safe, smart guns.”
I don't think this guy understands guns, or the industry that makes, distributes, and supports them. The public isn't going to pay extra for a weapon of questionable reliability. The shooters and gun writers who drive interest aren't going to want much do with it, either.

So, you know what? Let 'em waste the money. Let 'em fail. It'll prove our point, and it will be a long time before they try it again.

They will make money if they can get governments to make the technology mandatory. If and or when a smart gun bill is passed, and ONLY smart guns are allowed to be sold, the patent holder will have cornered the market. To the gun grabbers, "smart" guns are another nail in the 2nd Amendment coffin's lid.
They are "gun control".
I honestly just doubt it would ever get any main stream backing. Gun makers know enough that their clients don't want it, so why waste money on the technology and marketing just to make it flop. The consumers have spoken last year, enough so that our Presidents agenda got shut down.
I honestly just doubt it would ever get any main stream backing.

"main stream" in this case doesn't refer to just prospective buyers. It refers to people that advocate additional gun control as well.

The governments of many countries want this. That's as "mainstream" as will be required. We need factual, effective arguments and reasons that this technology is flawed to the point that it raises risk, not lowers it, or this will eventually become mandatory, and those reasons and arguments must be logical and must be accepted by people- not just gun owners.

You and I know this is dumb. Joe and Mary Sixpack don't. They want their kids safe at school and they will accept that this is the way. Their heartstrings will overcome logic. Keeping kids safe is correct and therefore this tech will get welded onto the notion of safety to children in particular, because right or wrong, that's the way to get adults behind safety in the 21st century, even if that safety is simply an illusion.
so these things become popular and now you can spot every gun carrier by looking at their wrist? no thanks. I dont even like having my gun print let alone announce to the world by the watch on my wrist that i'm carrying a firearm. besides my iphone 4s cant even work most of its apps without shutting off:rolleyes: plus we will probably have to update the technology every year to keep it functional:eek: a defensive weapon shouldn't be this complicated.
Chris_B said:
The governments of many countries want this. That's as "mainstream" as will be required.
Furthermore, it should be remembered that many such countries totally disallow civilian carry- or at least frown on it to a major degree- and these countries also often have very high legal hurdles for legitimate claims of armed civilian self-defense.

IOW the concern that a "smart gun" technology is only 95% reliable rather than 99.999% reliable will fall on deaf ears in those countries, because armed self-defense isn't generally considered to be important. Worse yet, the fact that the technology DOESN'T work may actually be perceived as a BENEFIT. :mad:
a defensive weapon shouldn't be this complicated.

I absolutely agree with that.

However, the problem is that the smart gun advocates do not care if it functions well (or even at all) as a defensive weapon. What they see is the "perfect" gun, one that cannot be used as an offensive weapon, and is still a gun, so the 2nd Amendment nuts will not have their precious right trampled.

There are, of course some huge holes in that line of reasoning. But, again, they don't care.

They are going to LIE, claim it works perfectly and having smart guns, and ONLY smart guns is the only way to keep all our babies safe! And the people who only know guns from bad personal experiences and/or the video screen will eat it up.