That is perfectly fine..TX Hunter. I don't spend money on much anything but firearms so I have a few. Some are basically put away, some get shot weekly.. and some get used for just hunting.
The way I look at it is... the gun pretty much is the cheapest part of the entire investment, even if you are "just a hunter".
I hunt.. but not a lot.. ill take off a few days for deer.. and a few days for small game and a few days for Turkey. I don't care if I don't shoot anything, there are enough hunters in my family that I get the meat no matter what.
What I do do... is shoot weekly if not multiply times a week at the range or private property. I can easily double what I spent on the gun.. just in ammo costs... very quickly.
You will spend a lot more in ammo than what the gun initially cost you if you enjoy shooting sports. Even for hunting, you have ammo costs, gear costs, scope and mounts cost, ect.
The gun... albeit more upfront cost.. generally is the cheapest part of the equation for me.
It is a buyers market right now.. there are tons of LNIB guns sitting on the used racks just begging to be bought up. Check the used gun forum here as well.
I listed the deals I bought.. you can tell I am more into handguns and such than hunting guns... I couldn't even begin to describe the deals I passed up and your average joe's deer rifle.
The way I look at it is... the gun pretty much is the cheapest part of the entire investment, even if you are "just a hunter".
I hunt.. but not a lot.. ill take off a few days for deer.. and a few days for small game and a few days for Turkey. I don't care if I don't shoot anything, there are enough hunters in my family that I get the meat no matter what.
What I do do... is shoot weekly if not multiply times a week at the range or private property. I can easily double what I spent on the gun.. just in ammo costs... very quickly.
You will spend a lot more in ammo than what the gun initially cost you if you enjoy shooting sports. Even for hunting, you have ammo costs, gear costs, scope and mounts cost, ect.
The gun... albeit more upfront cost.. generally is the cheapest part of the equation for me.
It is a buyers market right now.. there are tons of LNIB guns sitting on the used racks just begging to be bought up. Check the used gun forum here as well.
I listed the deals I bought.. you can tell I am more into handguns and such than hunting guns... I couldn't even begin to describe the deals I passed up and your average joe's deer rifle.