The Ruger American rifle... in a word, phenominal. :)

I've found that my .270 Win does better in cold temps when I use Magnum primers. I use mostly Reloder 22 for deer cartridges.
Picked up a Ruger American in .308 today @ WM. It was the display and had a very slight scratch on it so they knocked off an extra 10% (a penny shy of $343 out the door). Now if I could only find ammo...
I JUST got one of these today in .308, can't way to give it a shot!

Also, did anyone get the free cheekpad? There was a card in the box saying that if you register with Ruger you get a free cheekpad. I know a lot of people don't like the idea of registering a firearm, even if its with the manufacturer for recall notices, etc. BUT, this time they'll give you free stuff! So, anyone go through with it?
I sent in for the free cheekpad... you've got to just fill in the form online, then it'll give you a reference number... then you gotta call Ruger and give the order taker that reference number... I got a recording, but was told to just leave the reference number on the voice mail. We'll see if I get the cheekpad or not...

Not sure how good the thing will be, but what the hey, it's free... :)

Yea I got the cheek pad . It's OK I have it on there now . It has a small pocket and 5 exterior bullet holder slots or what ever they are called . I have one of the extra cheek risers from one of my other cheek pads under it to lift it up a bit . When shooting off hand my eye lines up great with the scope .
Shot my buddies 30-06 RA about a week ago. Took us a little while to bring the Nikon scope into kill zone. After that we were seeing 1-1/2" groups at 100yds with Fed premium 165 sierra BT. Front rest only. We pumped some miscellaneous boxed ammo from Hornady and Remington through it. Cleaned well when we got home.
Yesterday we shot the rifle again using Rem core loc 180's. Front rest only I was able to hold 3 shots touching at 100. His results not quite as good but still respectful at 2".
The only odd thing about this rifle is that it has a weird plastic vibration sound when shooting. I assume its the floating fore grip. The stock and mag on this gun are very functional yet IMO seam rather cheep. Its not what I am used to in terms of quality that I see from my old Mauser or Remingtons.Take into consideration that this is a $375 rifle I shouldn't be surprised. I would proudly own one. And it can shoot.
A new wrinkle to consider. A dealer in my area just put all the non-wby chambered Vangard2 rifles on sale for $375. At equal price, is the Ruger American a good value compared to the V2?
I love the Ruger American, but for that money the Wby would be hard to turn down... :)

That' a Howa action, IIRC... my son in law has one in 7 mag... it's a nice rifle indeed.