The photos of Dr. Paul and Don Black...

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were taken at the "Values Voter" GOP debate on September 17th, 2007 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

It took me only about 30 seconds to debunk that smear campaign.
It's in response to the link that was posted in the thread that you just closed. The question had come up whether Dr. Paul had attended a rally of white supremacists....the answer is was a GOP debate.
I put Ron Paul racist into Google the first link was to dailykos:rolleyes:

Where it talks about looney libertarians.

You know Ron Paul detractors sure know alot about, dailykos and stormfront.

I've never looked at any of those sites in my life.

From what I can tell the Ron Paul supporters on this site are libertarians, Goldwater/Reagan, republicans and moderate democrats.

I don't see anything in those ideologies even remotely like whats being bandied about.

To call us anything from white supremacist to far leftists is ludicrous, unfair and just plain wrong.
strange how the only canidate that shows up online photoed with stormfront members is paul , now i am not calling a causaiity here but i note i dont see gualiani ( or however you spell it ) , nor do i se huckicbee , or obamma , or mc cain... )

Now pause while i fined my asbestos underuus , but maby paul isnt the only only ,moonbat canadate for us ??
They were from an event two blocks away from the debate location according to the thread on Stormfront the pics were on.

NOW: Theodoric broadcasting live from the Ron Paul meeting two blocks from the "Value Voters" debate in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Ron Paul to attend in person this hour. Connecting on and off until Ron Paul arrives. ...

Please listen to this. It was posted in that same thread. It is Stormfronts Paul position. Does this message sound familiar?
'Burning Down the House' the longer you listen the more startling it is.
The pictures and the message in that Stormfront audio were found at:

Daylight being the best disinfectant, this sheds alot of it and the similarities to what has been regurgitated on Paul threads is startling.
There has been no allegation about those pics anywhere I can find that shows that The Doc and his buddy Don Black were at a WS/Nazi event.

It was a republican event. :barf:

That begs the issue as to why the Doc would even be seen associating with such trash, would allow himself to be seen photographed with such trash, etc.....

I can only conclude that Doc Paul thinks like such trash.

I know, spin away with excuses and whatever.


WildspeechlessAlaska TM
The ideologies I was refering to Bruxley were libertarian and Goldwater republican,and just because stormfront says something dosen't mean its not true.

Oh look stormfront said something similar so therefore you are a racist.

If this was live instead of the internet I would tell you what William Buckley told Gore Vidal at the '68 Democratic convention.
Oh I agree. But the similarities are far from incidental. And direct association does reflect at least a tacit sympathy of perspective unless of course that association is overtly rejected. Is Paul a racist? I would have said absolutely not a week ago despite the New Republic and other previous accusers, but today I would say he at MOST sympathizes with racist groups such as Stormfront and the new Confederate movement he at LEAST is being used by them as a figure to rally around. An association I don't want to make.

Did you notice in listening some common themes and even direct quotes from some of those pro-Paul threads? This goes to how some of his supporters aren't propelling Paul but rather they are repelling others from such association.

I don't believe all Paul supporters are racists or sympathizers of racist groups. But after listening to that Stormfront audio I can definitely identify those that do as sure as anyone else can.

Listen and then start looking for it yourself. My guess is they will soon either just retreat back to their holes or change their tone, for a little while anyway. They will be hoping and working to see this thread closed. The sunlight is coming in.

P.S. Neither Goldwater or Reagan were islationists and both embraces peace through strenth and victory. A quote: A nation willing to accept the disgrace and indignity of defeat for comfort and easy deserves a master and will get one.
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I was concerned as wehen the last thread clesed ( to me at least ) it appeared to be open if i were racist and if i supported what " i found to be " dr paul" on race . To short circit this discussion again i grew up in an area where by all my pareants and friends were involved in some form of a " club " which started with n " A " . As i got older some of the friends got out of the can , married , we went to bbqs , edt.. .. i discovered they are not nice folk to have against ya ....and some of em i do .. my bad . i peed in their playpen ... i did not have to , but i did . once you do that you open your self to off the shel attacks on your morals and inelegance but that is ok . btdt. i am not big on ad hom attaccks , but here is one ... paulistinions bring it on .
"I was concerned as wehen the last thread clesed ( to me at least ) it appeared to be open if i were racist and if i supported what " i found to be " dr paul" on race . To short circit this discussion again i grew up in an area where by all my pareants and friends were involved in some form of a " club " which started with n " A " . As i got older some of the friends got out of the can , married , we went to bbqs , edt.. .. i discovered they are not nice folk to have against ya ....and some of em i do .. my bad . i peed in their playpen ... i did not have to , but i did . once you do that you open your self to off the shel attacks on your morals and inelegance but that is ok . btdt. i am not big on ad hom attaccks , but here is one ... paulistinions bring it on ."

Could you translate that into english please? I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.
I've criticized Israel on this fourm many times..

and all I can say is I'm perpared to back up everything I've posted.

None of my information has ever come from a racist or anti-semtic site.

Here while back WA got mad at me for posting this link U.S.S Liberty when I suggested the fast boat attacks could have been a Mossad false flag operation.

Mossad's motto is "to make war by deception".

They have been caught numerous times in the past in doing just that.

Its a very convient way to avoid the issue instead of contesting the facts. Scream anti-semite or conspiracy loon.

If I'm anti-semetic so are these people
Ok crash .. here ya go .. " I grew up racist , My folks were , all the folk i grew up with and respected at the time were , now i have somewhat out grown it , from my out look dr paul has not . deal with that . "

Glad to help .
now i have somewhat out grown it , from my out look dr paul has not
So, you admit your outlook was wrong in the past. Could it still be a little fuzzy?
I'll see your outlook and raise you one. From my outlook there is nothing wrong with Dr. Paul's view on race.
What's wrong is the attempts to twist it into what it is not. How can the people doing this be so hateful?
Funny how the "evidence" that Ron Paul is a NAZI always requires some kind of leap of faith, and isn't direct.

You must assume that he knew who he was shaking hands with when he was photographed with the Stormfront guy.

You must assume that he is lying about the articles from years ago (which were most likely written by Lew Rockwell, not Ron Paul).

But what you absolutely CAN'T do is find some REAL evidence in 20 years in the legislative record. You can't find racist comments in years of material on Paul's house website. You can't even find it in more years of Paul material on Lew Rockwell's site. Prove me wrong, but without asking me to make any heroic assumptions. With over 1,000 articles verifiably written by Ron Paul at those two links, and the legislative record of his 20 years in Congress, he can't have hidden his terrible racism completely. Find it.
Its their favorite tactic

Remeber last year when Jimmy Carter wrote a book and was critical of Israel and their treatment of the Palastinians?

It was all over the media he was anti-semetic and had helped a former nazi.

LOL Jimmy Carter a rabid anti-semite:rolleyes:

The tactic is getting old yet sadly still works on some people.
The commonalities that become apparent do not individually mean that a Paul supporter associates with Stormfront or the New Confederate movement. The audio and the Stormfront site are self explanatory. Here are the ones that popped out at me right away.

-The 'neocon' boogey man that is conspiring to bring about the defeat of Paul and the US
-The 'a vote for anyone but Paul is unpatriotic'
-Sanity insists Paul be supported
-If Paul doesn't get the nomination the Republican party should be torn down
-No 'pro-jew' wars
-Make the Republican party know they will be attacked without our (Paul supporters) support under the 'no more lesser of two evils' logic. No Republican vote until they put up a 'patriot'.
-recruit others to the 'cause' using those arguments to garner 'outside' numbers.
-virulent opposition of McCain (I don't know why McCain is singled out)
-Glorification of Thomas Jefferson as he 'recognized' the inferiority of blacks and the mandate of liberty. He 'understood'. (Apparently he wrote about such an ideology)
-Lincoln was THE scourge to liberty and the most unpatriotic President.

Of course just one of those perspectives wouldn't automatically put someone as associating with them, but when their overall message is also someone else's overall message it is very hard to deny association.

In reading the pro-Paul posts/threads, then hearing that audio, the similarities really startled me. No way are ALL or even most Paul supporters associates with these groups. But that audio sure did shine some light. I would bet there are some urgent requests out to the mods to have this thread closed ASAP for some reasons that would take a stretch to be applicable but are very strongly worded. This kind of sunlight must be avoided at all costs. This audio pulls back the curtains and reveals far too much indefensible intent to leave open for discussion.
Remeber last year when Jimmy Carter wrote a book and was critical of Israel and their treatment of the Palastinians?

It was all over the media he was anti-semetic and had helped a former nazi.

LOL Jimmy Carter a rabid anti-semite

The tactic is getting old yet sadly still works on some people.

Actually nope , but i seem to remember when he was scared of a swimming jackrabbit , now by your reasoning would the good DR be scared of a swiming cottontail , or domestic rabbit ??
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