The NRA just filed for bankruptcy!!!


New member
As the title says. Crazy. Also they are seeking to reincorporate in Texas.
What this suggests to me is that the NY AG actually has the goods on the NRA and they might end up getting dissolved because the leaders there really have had their hands in the cookie jar like she said. Filing in Texas will offer some future protection. But you don’t take this type of extreme action unless there’s a legitimate and significant chance you will lose. The NRA appears to have reached that conclusion and therefore filed for bankruptcy.

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Reorganization is a good thing. Getting out of New York is a good thing. I guess we'll see if the reorganized NRA is indeed a good thing.
Brilliant move by them. Bankruptcy can be a strategic move and a sharp tool to use at this time. Moving out of enemy territory was never a good idea and became worse. Get away from fighting them on their chosen turf. In the next 4 yrs you can expect to see many forces regrouping and coming back hard, very hard. Going to court in NY with all their Corruption was a no win situation.
I don't think this is going to protect them from legal action in NY.

Wonder what the bankruptcy laws say about an organization chartered in one state filing in another. Can the NY AG object and have the filing changed to an NY court?

Considering the NRA was chartered with the idea of training civilian marksmen in case of a national emergency such as an insurrection, and many of the leadership and members of the current NRA membership are sympathetic to the current insurrectionist, perhaps its best for the NRA to slip into the dust bin of history.
What's going on with the NRA?

Seems New York has damaged the NRA to the point it is filing bankruptcy and moving to Texas!

How does this affect members? Do those with lifetime membership no longer have a lifetime membership? I've seen plenty of lifetime warranty offers which last as long as the company offering it.

Seems like at a time we need organizations like the NRA to defend gun rights that may shortly be under serious attack, they are on their knees.

What's your take on what's going on with the NRA? Are they all corrupt as journalists want people to believe?
Yep, that would allow Wayne La Pierre and his scoundrels to resume business as usual in a new location.

I wonder who's going to pay for all the moving vans to relocate all of Wayne's $5000 suits?
Boy, that yubanet article sure shows the anti-gunners can go to absurd degrees of reinterpretation to twist the meaning and intent of words.
They are getting out of New York where they are currently incorporated and moving to a more friendly state. IMO, they should have done it years ago but I don't know about such things legal wise.

Until Wayne LaPierre and his supporters are gone they will be AWOL and that is bad for the upcoming (shall not be named) administration.
My next issue of The American Rifleman" had better give a good explanation about this - what caused it - what the internal ruckus was about - and really how much of the cookie jar was removed by Wayne LaPierre.
I've been a life member since '78, moved up to Benefactor, and have been a Golden Eagles member since '96, @ $200/year. Until someone can show me that we are still headed in the right/best direction, I'm sitting on my $. Same for my state's Rhino politicians.
I became a Life Member shortly after 1979 and thought the NRA would invest this money and the profits would be well spent. This political infighting concerns me. Without the NRA, the 2A will be a thing of the past.
And it's against the law for any New York-based charity to dissolve and regroup in another state without the state Attorney General or Supreme Court signing off. So it looks like the NRA's plan to get out from under the lawsuit probably won't work and they'll be stuck in New York until those legal problems are hammered out.

This is quoted from Microsoft News... Anyone else surprised the NRA is a charity???

Wonder what else they'll get wrong...
Yep, that would allow Wayne La Pierre and his scoundrels to resume business as usual in a new location.

But the New York attorney general had this to say:
Folks need to get off the Wayne Rhetoric and start focusing on what is important. Leave the negative nonsense for CNN and the Left. Why support them? If you do not like the NRA is fine and your right. Most shooting enthusiast are pro NRA, and we do not want the Radical left to come on to a firearm forum and see all the negative comments against them. My God they would love it. I personally do not want to give them anything Period.
Aiding the NY attorney which is against the NRA and All 2A gun owners is a assault on all of us she does not need your help.
“You know that our opponents will try to seize upon this news and distort the truth,” LaPierre wrote Friday. “Don’t believe what you read from our enemies. The NRA is not ‘bankrupt’ or ‘going out of business.’ The NRA is not insolvent. We are as financially strong as we have been in years.”
If we ever needed proof that we are living in Clown World, this is it. When an organization (any organization) goes on record explaining why it just filed for bankruptcy by saying "We are not bankrupt ..." you know that words no longer have any meaning whatsoever.

Further, the NRA's lawyers need to put a muzzle on LaPierre. (Actually, they need to fire him but, until that happens, a muzzle would be appropriate.) Obviously, the bankruptcy is a legalistic ploy to protect the NRA's assets from the State of New York. I get that. But the legal premise of bankruptcy is that the person or entity filing for bankruptcy is NOT solvent -- they have liabilities that exceed assets. That's the functional definition of "bankrupt." So to file for bankruptcy and then immediately, PUBLICLY claim that the organization is solvent and financially strong seems to me like a great way to torpedo your own strategy.
Boy, that yubanet article sure shows the anti-gunners can go to absurd degrees of reinterpretation to twist the meaning and intent of words.

This is what Nugent linked to.

7 January 2021

It is not over. The mob was Antifa and it was an inside job with DC and Capitol Police complicity.

Pence and every Member of Congress complicit in the proven election fraud sedition is now eligible for arrest, Tribunal, and execution by firing squad.

POTUS has not conceded.

I have reached out to my contacts and will update this later today.

I'd say that suggests support for the insurrectionist. YMMV
Folks need to get off the Wayne Rhetoric and start focusing on what is important. Leave the negative nonsense for CNN and the Left. Why support them? If you do not like the NRA is fine and your right. Most shooting enthusiast are pro NRA, and we do not want the Radical left to come on to a firearm forum and see all the negative comments against them. My God they would love it. I personally do not want to give them anything Period.
Aiding the NY attorney which is against the NRA and All 2A gun owners is a assault on all of us she does not need your help.

I am pro NRA, but I am not pro wlp, and he has made himself bigger than the NRA with his suspect actions; which brought all this down on the NRA.