The New York AG Takes Action Against The NRA

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After a long investigation Letitia James is attempting to dissolve the NRA. In an apparently coordinated effort the District Of Columbia AG is going after the NRA Foundation

New York’s attorney general sued the National Rifle Association on Thursday, seeking to put the powerful gun advocacy organization out of business over allegations that high-ranking executives diverted millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.

Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit, filed in state court in Manhattan after an 18-month investigation, highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.
I'm not a lawyer so I don't know what legal avenues are open to the NRA (of which I am an Endowment Lifetime Member) but I think the NRA should take President Trump's advice and relocate to a friendlier state (like mine!) but first all the senior leadership at the NRA should resign immediately. I'm thinking a similar meeting like 1977 would be in order.

There must be no hint of scandal as the anti-gun agenda of Joe Biden (likely to win in November) is pretty extensive as I have commented on in other threads.

Here is Joe's plan for us.

So, resign then relocate. Should have relocated years ago.

We need an organization like the NRA to fight for gun rights in the political arena.
It's now too late for them to resign. They should be fired, and an attempt made to claw-back some of the embezzled funds.

Relocating would be good.
Scuttlebutt is that she's doing this to get her hands on the membership lists. If so, that represents a HUGE problem for gun owners in New York.

Yes, LaPierre is toxic. Yes, he's misappropriated funds. But that's not worth dismantling the organization.
Interesting (but not surprising) that they are going after the organization itself rather than criminal charges against WLP and the others.
Obviously this has nothing to do with protecting the membership rights of NRA members, but everything to do with attacking the Constitutional Freedom of all Americans. I fear our elected officials are failing us and I'm not sure the courts will do much better. Maybe the violence in the streets and this vindictive civil action will wake some folks up.
Interesting (but not surprising) that they are going after the organization itself rather than criminal charges against WLP and the others.

To do that, they'd bring charges in Virginia. This is a political ploy, not a criminal prosecution.
And the NRA just followed up with a countersuit alleging defamation and violating First Amendment rights.

"The National Rifle Association is fighting back against a lawsuit filed Thursday by New York’s attorney general by submitting its own civil suit against the state official, accusing her of defamation and violating its rights to free speech." according to one report on Fox News.

These lawsuits make me wonder:
Wouldn't it be more efficient to settle this with a duel between Wayne and Ms. James ? :D

(That's sarcasm for the humor impaired)
I didn't realize they were chartered in NY.

Holy heck, how stupid! I almost feel like they deserve it for that.
They"ll never tesign...they will hide behind the NRA wall to pay for any personal legal fees, while NY bankrupts the org
by dragging out the suit.
The NRA can not simply relocate. The organization is founded ad registered in NY. As such it is liable to the laws of that state.

To relocate the NRA would have to dissolve itself and reform as a new organization. However all of its assets would still be subject to NY until this suit is settled.

Simply removing the leadership will also not resolve the problem. The suit claims that the corruption in the NRA is systemic and has evolved beyond where filing against individuals will resolve the problem.
Extensive Violations of Fundamental Not-for-Profit Law

Attorney General James alleges in her complaint that the NRA violated multiple laws, including the laws governing the NRA’s charitable status, false reporting on annual filings with the IRS and with the OAG’s Charities Bureau, improper expense documentation, improper wage reporting, improper income tax withholding, failure to make required excise tax reporting and payments, payments in excess of reasonable compensation to disqualified persons, and waste of NRA assets; in direct violation of New York’s Estates, Powers & Trusts Laws; New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporation Law; the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act; and New York’s Executive Law. The illegal nature of the four individual defendants’ action also violated multiple rules of the NRA’s bylaws, the NRA’s employee handbook, and the NRA’s policy manual.

The failure of the NRA to comply with multiple fiduciary responsibilities and state and federal laws resulted in the NRA seeing substantial losses on its balance sheet: going from a surplus of $27,802,714 in 2015 to a net deficit of $36,276,779 in 2018 — contributing to a total loss of more than $64 million in just three years.
I'm not a lawyer, don't play one on tv and didn't stay at a Holiday inn so, could someone please explain to me, HOW the State of New York has legal STANDING to bring suit about how the NRA (a private organization that doesn't get govt money) spends their money internally within their organization???

I'm not arguing that LaPierre and company have seriously screwed the rank and file membership with lavish salaries and expenses, etc.

What I'm asking is, how is that the business of the State of New York???

And even if it is, somehow, how does the abuse by individuals justify the demand for complete dissolution of the organization??
I'm not a lawyer, don't play one on tv and didn't stay at a Holiday inn so, could someone please explain to me, HOW the State of New York has legal STANDING to bring suit about how the NRA (a private organization that doesn't get govt money) spends their money internally within their organization???

Simple: The NRA is chartered in the state of New York.

BTW: This came about because the NRA President, Oliver North, demanded an audit of NRA finances at the Convention in April, 2019. In the Summons North referred to as Dissident 1.

This is a link to the Summons:
Simple: The NRA is chartered in the state of New York.

BTW: This came about because the NRA President, Oliver North, demanded an audit of NRA finances at the Convention in April, 2019. In the Summons North referred to as Dissident 1.

This is a link to the Summons:
Dissident 1 was spot on.
I walked away from the NRA about 20 years ago as the writing was appearing on the wall back then.

About the only good thing to come from WLP pissing away NRA money...
I finally stopped receiving the pound of their mail solicitation each and every month
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They may want the NRA to use more of their money for attorney fees vs. the money they would spend for anti-dem ads during the election.
I'm not a lawyer, don't play one on tv and didn't stay at a Holiday inn so, could someone please explain to me, HOW the State of New York has legal STANDING to bring suit about how the NRA (a private organization that doesn't get govt money) spends their money internally within their organization???

I'm not a lawyer either, but I believe this is tied to the NRA's not-for-profit status in New York. That places a different set of rules on them in terms of executive compensation and other areas.

It's clearly a political stunt. But the fact remains that Wayne and leadership made the NRA vulnerable. When I look at the trend in gun sales I can't help but imagine that there are tens of thousands of new gun owners out there. And in this climate the NRA has managed to alienate many of their core supporters.
The NRA was chartered in 1871. The political climate in NY (and everywhere else) was considerably different then.

Of course. But given the increasingly hostile climate in NY and they did nothing about leaving? That is pure, gold plated, stupidity.

And don't tell me they couldn't leave. They can leave, it just might be hard.
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