The new 28ga. Judge

I wish I knew why Taurus thought they'd be able to slip it by.

And I wish I knew *exactly* why the BATFE zapped it.

There's a lot of speculation, but that's about it.
Well kozak I would have to guess the BATFE stoppped it because it is in clear violation of well esablished rules. But I too wish to know how/why Taurus thought this would be ok.
Failure of judgement?

Who knows. One would think that they would figure this out - or maybe they thought they could get a little more PR for their entire Judge line with this gun?
What defines "rifling" ? * Land and grooves vs. Smooth bore?

What if a bore has straight lands and grooves (no rotation?)
It's not defined as either that I can find. So either would constitute rifling I would assume.
Straight lands and grooves are already used in Hastings barrels (called "Wadlock" IIRC). AOWs can't have rifling by definition, unless they are a pistol or revolver modified with a vertical firing grip.

The Raging Judge in its configuration as displayed would be a DD unless the secretary of the treasury decided that it had a sporting purpose under the exception for shotguns. This is already done for shotguns sold with rifled barrels, for example, which don't otherwise fit the ATF definition of shotguns (having a smooth bore).

Remember, all shotguns over .5" bore can be redefined as "non-sporting" at will by the the Sec of the Treasury, at which point they become DDs. This is how ATF "redefined" the Striker 12. Rifling is irrelevant to the DD law.
gunsamerica blog is reporting this morning that ATF has flip flopped again and its back to being allowed as a over the counter revolver
Here is a question for ya,

If the 28 guage judge would not be legal becuase of the rifled barrel being over .50", then why is a 20 or 12 guage shotgun legal with a rifled slug barrel that easily measure over .60"? Rifling is Rifling, and form the earlier posts, anything over .50" that is rifled is classified as a destructive device....
The never ending courtroom saga of the Judge (Taurus) vs. the jury (BATF). Has all the makings of a new reality show :rolleyes: (based on the great movie"My Cousin Vinny" starring the late Fred Gwynn of Herman Munster fame).

Cousin Vinny: You see your Honor these two yoots were bird hunting in Jersey with the 28 gauge Taurus...

Fred Gwynn: Councilor, just what is a yoot?

Vinny:These two (points at defendants) you know yoots!

Gwynn: Oh, yooooths! carry on.

Vinny: Anyhows, these two (PAUSE) yoooooths were bird hunting and were jumped by these wiseguys, so's they whip out their 28 ga. shotgun, er, pistol, er shotgun.....oh what the...., their Blaster!, and defended themselves against these evildoers.

Gwynn: Just what kind of birds am I to believe there are to be in Jersey?

Vinny: Pigeons, your Honor, nasty filthy left wing pigeons!

Gwynn: Why didn't you say that in the first place, Not Guilty! That was the issue before this court, wasn't it?
This is another one of those unexplainable marketing efforts which to me, defies logic.

Still, the nominal bore diameter of the 28 gauge is .550 inches... and I could have me some fun with brass cases, 425 grain .54 cal Hornady Great Plains bullets and healthy doses of black powder. Ought to be just the ticket for rabbits in Momma's garden ;)
Hamilton Bowen converted a Redhawk to .577 Tranter.
He said it was a fun gun but the paperwork hassle made it too much trouble to do on a regular basis.
If the 28 guage judge would not be legal becuase of the rifled barrel being over .50", then why is a 20 or 12 guage shotgun legal with a rifled slug barrel that easily measure over .60"? Rifling is Rifling, and form the earlier posts, anything over .50" that is rifled is classified as a destructive device....

It can lawfully be over .50 cal if it is suitable for sporting purposes.

We also haven't established that the 28 gauge Judge is over .50, as that clearly puts it into murky territory. 28 gauge, or .55 cal, isn't that far from .50 cal. Chances are, the barrel diameter funnels down to a hair under .50 just to stay on the safe side.
Here is a question for ya,

If the 28 guage judge would not be legal becuase of the rifled barrel being over .50", then why is a 20 or 12 guage shotgun legal with a rifled slug barrel that easily measure over .60"? Rifling is Rifling, and form the earlier posts, anything over .50" that is rifled is classified as a destructive device....

Because certain exemptions were granted for BP guns and sporting shotguns and dangerous game rifles

Why this isn't classified an AOW, I still don't get - it isn't a SBS as it has no shoulder stock, it is a handgun for which there is no handgun ammunition available.......
If the 28 guage judge would not be legal becuase of the rifled barrel being over .50", then why is a 20 or 12 guage shotgun legal with a rifled slug barrel that easily measure over .60"? Rifling is Rifling, and form the earlier posts, anything over .50" that is rifled is classified as a destructive device....

Anything with a rifled barrel over .50" is a destructive device unless the ATF grants a "sporting purpose" exemption. Rifled-barrel shotguns and certain African-game cartridges like .577, .600, and .700 Nitro have been granted sporting purpose exemptions. The ATF does not seem, however, overly willing to grant such exemptions to handguns. The .50 AE Desert Eagle was delayed because of confusion over the bore diameter.
Why this isn't classified an AOW, I still don't get - it isn't a SBS as it has no shoulder stock, it is a handgun for which there is no handgun ammunition available.......

AOWs are specifically stated in the law as not having rifling (which the Raging Judge has). The only exception to this definition is for pistols with a vertical forend firing grip added.

And yes, all it would take is a decision from the Treasury Secretary to make every shotgun over .410 into a destructive device. Shotguns over .5" bore are all DD's by virtue of bore diameter,but are granted exemption via the sporting purposes clause which allows exemptions for shotguns (but does not require them).
Note: A DD does not need rifling to be a DD.
The ATF announced this past Monday that they are blocking the new Judge because Taurus lied on the import application, labeling it a revolver instead of a SBS...
The bottom line here is: Who needs it? Just another stupid marketing ploy.

But then, hey!, we're the nation that buys pet rocks, Elvis collector plates, beenie babies and Lincoln pickup trucks.
The bottom line here is: Who needs it? Just another stupid marketing ploy.

Everyone a firearm is a firearm and this is the United States of America the more the merrier. I dont care that is something that dont grab my interest it will somones and that someone might just be a new firearm owner.

I also HATE that everyone just accepts the "sporting purpose" game. Were in 2nd admendment does it say anything about sporting purpose.
I also HATE that everyone just accepts the "sporting purpose" game. Were in 2nd admendment does it say anything about sporting purpose.


However, the Gun Control Act of 1968 bans the IMPORT, let me repeat, IMPORT of ALL firearms into the US unless the BATF decides that it has "sporting purpose".

If it's made in the US, then it's more open. If it's IMPORTED, then the BATF gets to decide if it's sporting.