The lesser of 2 evils

In the primary, it's okay to vote however you want.

In the general, it mucks things up and creates the exact opposite from the desired result.

In the primary, do whatever you want. It's not gonna change anything. I didn't vote for McCain either, but unless he's out of the race, he's who we're gonna have to support if we don't want either of the two Dems to win (cause they will).
It will be difficult for me to pull the lever for John McCain because I do not vote for liberals. I am sorry that the GOP put their weight behind a liberal. It is unfortunate. Honestly, if I wanted to vote for a liberal, I would vote democrat. I don't look to the republican party for liberalism... I look to them (used to anyway) for conservative candidates. Obviously things have changed.
Says past experience.

Anyways, in the vein of gun laws, here's John McCain's record:
* Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)
* I know how to use guns; but I don't own one. (Nov 2007)
* Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership. (Sep 2007)
* Don't hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes. (Sep 2007)
* Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types. (Sep 2007)
* Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)
* Calls for GOP "tolerance" of closing gun show loopholes. (May 2002):mad:
* Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks. (Aug 1999) :mad:
* Supports ban on certain assault weapons. (Aug 1999) :mad:
* Voted against Brady Bill & assault weapon ban. (Aug 1999)
* Guns are a problem, but so are violent web sites & videos. (Aug 1999)
* Punish criminals who abuse 2nd Amendment rights. (May 1999) :
* Youth Violence Prevention Act restricts guns for kids. (May 1999)
* Repeal existing gun restrictions; penalize criminal use. (Jul 1998)
* Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
* Voted YES on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
* Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
* Voted YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
* Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
* Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
will mean we all suffer the dictatorship of Barak or Obama
I assume you meant Barak or Hillary.
Maybe we need to suffer tyranny for a time, rather than slowly sink into the abyss.
Maybe out of the ashes of tyranny, will arise a free country.
Or maybe we will all just submit.
We're getting there slowly anyway, maybe it would be better to jump in and get it over with.

Go Dems
Hey, I have a question: If a write-in for Paul instead of voting for McCain is a vote for the Dems, would a vote for the Dems instead of a write-in for Paul actually be 2 votes for the Dems?:D
And they said my vote wouldn't count.
McCain earmarks

while McCain has not written an earmarks into anything it really shown only part of the story, You have to realise there were/are earmarks written into legislation by others that went to Arizona and locations that are high McCain supporters. We will never know why these were written in by others rather than McCain himself. But we all should realize appearances are somewhat deceptive when it come to politics and who sponsored what for whom. We have not head McCain on the record opposing these earmarks. Are we to believe that McCain could not get an earmark removed from legislation if he honestly was opposed to it?
Wow...I think I have deja-vu...some of these same arguments have been thrown around way to many times...

For an example of one of RP's nuts...see xd9fan's post. That is a basic summary of how most, not all, RP supporters feel if you do not vote for him.

The satisfaction of knowing that they did not sell out their principals by voting for a liberal John McCain.

Ok, fine, do as you wish. When there are SCOTUS justices appointed to life terms who will be more liberal than you wish, sleep soundly knowing you voted for your conscience and were not a sell-out. Get a grip, the world does not revolve around FireMax and his choices for President. Noone will ever have a candidate who they truly agree with. I will be holding my nose voting for McCain in the hopes that his win will PREVENT a left-leaning liberal from getting into SCOTUS, not because I love his policies.

I find it amusing when people talk as if they have a clue when they don't. Of course, Ron Paul has not dropped out of the race. Maybe you and other fans of big spending republicans wish he had dropped out.... but as it is.....

Ok, I will conceed that RP has not "dropped out" of the race, but its awfully hard to win when you dont campaign, when you are focused on your congressional district, and not one person, other than RP supporters, thinks he is still running. Please tell me, what has RP done in the last 2 months to prove that he is still running?

In the primary, it's okay to vote however you want.

In the general, it mucks things up and creates the exact opposite from the desired result.

In the primary, do whatever you want. It's not gonna change anything. I didn't vote for McCain either, but unless he's out of the race, he's who we're gonna have to support if we don't want either of the two Dems to win (cause they will).

Finally, someone else gets it...wheh.

It will be difficult for me to pull the lever for John McCain because I do not vote for liberals. I am sorry that the GOP put their weight behind a liberal. It is unfortunate. Honestly, if I wanted to vote for a liberal, I would vote democrat.

I love it, in the same breath you have contradicted yourself. You don't vote for liberals, but if you had to you would choose one of the two who are more liberal than the other. Huh? Please someone else agree that that makes no sense.

We're getting there slowly anyway, maybe it would be better to jump in and get it over with.

Is that the battlecry the RP supporters are using now? If its not going to be RP the saviour, lets just throw in the towel and let the fire and brimstone rain down on us sooner than later. Wow...
Don't you have some taxes to do?
I love it, in the same breath you have contradicted yourself. You don't vote for liberals, but if you had to you would choose one of the two who are more liberal than the other. Huh? Please someone else agree that that makes no sense.

WTH??? I didn't contradict myself at all. I think that even a 6th grader would have caught my point on that one.... that IF I wanted to vote for a liberal, I would vote for a democrat, not a republican. As I mentioned, I am a conservative and I don't vote for liberals, even if they have an (R) next to their name on CSpan.

Don't misconstrue what others say in order to make your argument more palatable. It makes you look a bit foolish.
Don't you have some taxes to do?

Nah, its after 4/15...just shooting the breeze with y'all to pass the time. :D

Don't misconstrue what others say in order to make your argument more palatable. It makes you look a bit foolish.

IF you wanted to vote for a liberal (in your sense of the word, which includes John McCain as one of those liberals), what would ever possess you to vote for a Democrat over John McCain. To feel good? To stick it to the 'man'?
Here is where I stand. Voting for Mccain, Obama, or Hilliary, Is like getting shot in the foot, shot in the leg and getting shot in the ass. Either way it's not good.:eek:
what would ever possess you to vote for a Democrat over John McCain. To feel good? To stick it to the 'man'?

So what if I like to stick it to the man, and so what if you like the man to "stick it to you". Just seems like we are different. No need to get all flustered and silly in your responses.
BoringAccountant, wow, you certainly misunderstood me. The following in no way indicates "throwing in the towel". It referenced getting pushed so far, so fast, that freedom loving Americans would finally all push back.
Maybe we need to suffer tyranny for a time, rather than slowly sink into the abyss.
Maybe out of the ashes of tyranny, will arise a free country.
We're getting there slowly anyway, maybe it would be better to jump in and get it over with.

This part:
Or maybe we will all just submit.
was actually a reference to continuing the path we are on; accepting the person that we think will violate the Constitution slightly less, or at least be more "gun-friendly" than the other (the submit part)
The idea is effecting a change in the direction of the Republican party by refusing to endorse a candidate who does not share your ideals. Even if that results in a candidate you cannot abide taking control.
It may suck a little more in the short term, but in the long run it's worth it.
I see nothing wrong with it.
I could never vote for someone I didn't believe in. Even if it is good for the party. But what it really comes down to. Is it's the partys fault for putting that person as the candidate.

But Then I hear this B.S. Well then you wouldn't be a good republican. Well isn't that ashame. If the damn republican party. Was a good party , Then they would have a good candidate.

A candidate that will do what the people want, Not what the self rightious party wants to do.
"But Then I hear this B.S. Well then you wouldn't be a good republican. Well isn't that ashame. If the damn republican party. Was a good party , Then they would have a good candidate.

A candidate that will do what the people want, Not what the self rightious party wants to do."

Good post. The sorry butts at the RNC sure do know how to pick them. Then they tell us that we are not patriots if we vote for someone other than McAmnesty McCain. Party loyalty is more important to the RNC than the welfare of this country. I am a 50 year Republican and may sit this one out.