The lesser of 2 evils

Ron Paul got 16% of the vote in Pennsylvania. That's not too shabby for a man who "supposedly" dropped out of the race.

I can assure you that the reason that happened was because of two things...
1. McCain has the nomination all locked up. Because of this, a very high number of Republicans stayed home because they knew it wouldn't make a difference.
2. The faithful RP supporters still did their deed and voted knowing full well that he wasn't going to win, but it was just their conscious voting.

So let's not mistake poor voter turnout because a clear-cut front runner is visible from an excellent performace from a Mr Ron Paul. :rolleyes:
True Paul supporters will not support McCain. Not going to happen. So yes the Dems will win.

Screw the party for the way they have treated Dr. Paul. Paybacks a B_tch :D
But the way the GOP has rigged the election system. Mccain will probably win with Florida:eek:...........Like they did last time. Go Diebold!!! The best election, opps I mean, machine money can buy:rolleyes:
Your theory only works if the Republican is actually Conservative in his/her beliefs.
And it only works among those who have confused their ideology with party affiliation.
Simple fact is there's not one single partisan Republican who wouldn't vote for a real conservative, but there are plenty of conservatives who won't vote for the Republican candidate.

The party has lost it's way. They will lose this election and lose it badly. All those protest votes will play a part in it. I hope the party realigns itself in response, 'cuz we can't afford any more of what we provided these last 8 years. I'm not even sure we can afford these last 8 years themselves.

Don't let these people tell you your protest vote is a waste. It's key to getting the Republican party back on track.
Six months to election is a loooong time...

Today's obvious choice (lesser of two evils), may not be the only option presenting itself, come November.

Ron Paul's troops quietly taking over some local GOP groups.

If anybody thought the Ron Paul Revolution had expired, they need to rethink that one.

Ron Paul Tops Amazon List at #1
:) Will this trend propel all the RP haters into apoplexy? :)

The repub convention should be fun.
Has the Paul crowd forgotten that Paul has dropped out of the Presidential race? He is running for Congress. A person can't hold office in two branches of Government simotaneously and therefore can't be a candidate in a general election for two branches of government at the same time.

I understand to disaprointment but C'MON. Surely this isn't the first time your candidate in a primary didn't win. This is starting to look like the 'burn down the house' tactic.
He hasn't dropped out of the race, If he won . I think he would give up his congessional seat. But since you are pointing out what's right. What about Mccain breaking two laws? One his own. Or should that be overlooked because he is a swell guy? You know if it was anybody else they would be locked up right now.
I will point this out just to keep some sanity in this discussion:

Rep. Paul (R-TX) will NOT be the Republican candidate. He will not be running for president. Now having said that... if you like what he's about, vote for him anyway.
Even better: if you like what he's about, get involved in your local Republican party and promote change.
Osama bin Jakarta abu Barak and Hitlery Clinton are EVIL.
McAmnesty is the slightly lesser evil.

(And FWIW Ron Paul is a antisemitic mindless boob who can't poll 2% nationwide.)
nemoaz... you are full of smack. Ron Paul got 16% of the vote in Pennsylvania last week. Of course, it's easy to overlook that when the media ignores it. That's nearly one out of every 5 Republican voters in Pennsylvania who chose Ron Paul.
nemoaz... you are full of smack. Ron Paul got 16% of the vote in Pennsylvania last week. Of course, it's easy to overlook that when the media ignores it. That's nearly one out of every 5 Republican voters in Pennsylvania who chose Ron Paul.
He is absolutely correct. Paul got such a large percentage because the vast majority of republicans stayed home because the race is already decided. Even though most stayed home because their vote was not needed the Ron Paul supporters still turned out to make a point.

When 1000 people show up along with 10 Paul supporters he gets 1% of the vote. But when all 10 Paul supporters show up but only 100 others show up he gets 10% of the overall vote.
He is absolutely correct. Paul got such a large percentage because the vast majority of republicans stayed home because the race is already decided.

Oh, is that why? Creative. I thought it was because 16% of Republicans in Pennsylvania can't stomach the lib John McCain... I mean 27% as Huckabee did get 11%.
I thought it was because 16% of Republicans in Pennsylvania can't stomach the lib John McCain... I mean 27% as Huckabee did get 11%.
See what happens when you start thinking. You forget to remember that he did not get 16% of the republicans in the state. He simply got 16% of the small number of votes from people that actually bothered to take the time to vote in an already decided race. :)
Firemax, Don't waste your time. I think PBP already ordered his 2008 commemorative John McCain Amero Collection

Wow, you need to spend more time around here. I highly doubt Playboy would buy anything commerating John McCain especially since he can hardly stomach him..right PBP ;)

Oh, is that why? Creative. I thought it was because 16% of Republicans in Pennsylvania can't stomach the lib John McCain... I mean 27% as Huckabee did get 11%.

You are full of spin...look at the facts, compare the voter turnout for Republicans in this election to the total number registered and the voter turnout for Democrats to total number registered, you will see a staggering difference.

You claiming that he got 16% of the vote is accurate but entirely misleading. He did not garner that support and increase from less than 1% in major primaries to 16% in PA, none of his support has changed. While most R's didn't show up (I am a PA resident and did vote for Huckabee) your RP crows turned out...good on ya supporters for exercising your right, but dont confuse that with a higher amount of support.

Whats the amount in the bankroll he is sitting on at now? How many kids can't afford Fall semester because of their donations?
Methinks the real purpose of this thread is to say, "why choose the lesser of 3 evils when you can have Ron Paul?"

It's a Ron Paul thread.

By the way,

nemoaz said:
Osama bin Jakarta abu Barak

That's a new one. Very original.
not really, Just pointing out the fact that most of America is not truley happy with the choices they have before them. either way were screwed.

Actually, the real fact is that there are a minority of people, who are Ron Paul followers. These followers are very, very bitter. You could even say that of them are clinging to their guns.

Screw the party for the way they have treated Dr. Paul. Paybacks a B_tch
But the way the GOP has rigged the election system.

He hasn't dropped out of the race, If he won .

Hey, if you're still really, really, really into Ron Paul, feel free to tell us why he's super cool fantastic OMG! Just don't disguise it. Some of us do still remember what your OP orignally said.