The LawDog Files - The Definitive Collection

I'd pay for the book in a heart beat I'm still chukling... If not a book then maybe a Myspace webpage with posted story's. Something though pls you have a gift share it
I took the liberty of printing out all of them, putting them in a loose leaf folder, and putting them in our squad room. It's by far the most popular book there; even more than Playboy :D .
I just want to point out some economics.

Stephen A. Camp is getting $14 for his self-published novel. I bought a copy and it is well worth it.

A well-published copy of the LawDog files, with just a couple of new stories in it, could bring at least that much. A couple thousand copies sold to your buddies at TFL and other sites would go a long way toward boosting the retirement plan.
Why do you do this to us Mr. Dog? We need our monthly fix, Rich I think as part of being on the TFL staff, LawDog should be required to give us, at the minimum one story a month, now thats not asking alot. Lawdog as has been said where is the book. Thank you for the laughs, we also need the ending of the pink gorrilla story. God Bless
Any .45, have you been following his web log? I hope that I'm not out of line by posting this link.

Lots of good stuff; don't miss the Ratel story, and ... {/long-winded 'Hey, Lookit' post that's best stopped before I get rolling}.

I read it daily.
Hey Brian I know its a bit late but thanks, now I'm just trying to bring this back up to the light just in case there are some new TFLers that dont know about the files. Enjoy.
Oh, that's gotta hurt....

If you go to the LawDog blog you will see and read of his nose, the surgery, the fishing. I hope it heals OK.

Maybe there will be a story involving the Roman helmet.

Bart Noir
Go there, I am not a raving lunatic. Sometimes I'm quiet.
This thread is beautiful!!!! As Everybody's Favorite Newbie, this thread has pulled more laughter out of me than every other internet forum combined!!!

Mr. Lawdog: my goals and aspirations in life lead me to desire a career in law enforcement. Hearing LEO stories is just as good as hearing my Grandpa talk about the hell he raised when he was a teenager. Hearing Your Personal Events make the rest pale in comparison.

I wish my (hopefully) future career gives me as many entertaining stories, without any holes through my gut (wouldn't want to leak like Bugs Bunny or nothin'). Thank you for the inspiration and hilariously told tales. I doubt the words would be half as hilarious coming from someone else's keyboard! Excellent writing voice!
No bump since 07' not good lets get this one back up there, this is a must read for all TFLers'. Enjoy as I am 100% sure you will.:D
My sides hurt!

In large towns and cities, you're so busy that often times some of these things just blur into one incoherent mass of human stupidity. But small towns and farms ... well, folks talk. And cops is folks too.

There ought to be enough humor out there for a book to be published for each of 50 states. Except maybe for Maine and New Jersey. I understand humor is outlawed in those states.

New Jersey I understand but Maine that can't be true. Maine split from Massachusetts a long time ago.

Bill CA--Can't say anything abaht New Jehsey, but Maine does have humah. Y'just have to undastand that it's VERY low-key, and based on undastatement. Oh, and you have to undastand the pruppa use of the letta "ah," also.

Example: Tourist: "Why are all these rocks in your fields, farmer?"

Farmer: "The glaciahs brought 'em."

Tourist: "What glaciers? Where are they now?"

Farmer: "Prob'ly gone back faw anothha load o'rocks."

C'rect applause f'this would be a slight nod of the head, and perhaps an "Mmmm." Anything mowah would be vulgah display.
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