The Law of Stupids

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well, if you would like to explain running 100 yards across an open field right into the path of a 18wheeler going 65 that was in clear view the entire time, I will gladly listen.

if you would like to explain that after the first 2 or 3 deer get hit by the vehicle, why the next 2 or 3 deer also run right into the vehicle.

If anyone wants to suggest that these animals are "discerning", I will politely disagree.
Lol, humans do more stupid things than that. They will plow right into the back of a BIG HUGE SOLID YELLOW SCHOOL BUS WITH A LARGE BLINKING RED STOP SIGN FLASHING AND OTHER RED AND YELLOW LIGHTS FLASHING AS WELL!
And they WILL walk in front of a moving Automobile going much slower. I recently watched a guy walk right into a Pole while walking with stupid face buried in a Cell Phone.
Some people can not even figure out, the story of the "Wise Old Buck". Best to avoid them.
God forbid if someone actually told them a metaphor. I am sure they would tell you a person or camel is not capable on going through the eye of a needle for example and argue all day about it.
There are millions of stupid People in the world. Some will even inject Poison into their veins. Never seen a deer do that.
Deer may not comprehend things outside of their natural habitat, Highways, etc. Or be able to read a deer crossing sign. But the smart ones can figure out where safety is in their natural environment, and how to use their instincts pretty damn well. I only wish all Humans could. We would all be MUCH SAFER.
Deer will use the senses God gave them. Some better than others. Millions of humans refuse to use those gifts. Ever seen a person with ear buds stuck in his ears running along a road?
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At that time, we Canadians had Permits issued by a Sherif near Tonawanda. There was a fear that we could be tripped up, even transporting in a locked case in the trunk. On our way to the match.

Then prior to 911, all you needed to obtain a Florida CCW, was to obtain a Hunting Lic. from Michigan, send it to Florida, with a cheque in US Funds, the CCW came in the mail, good for 7 years. Just prior to it expiring, I was a resident of Florida, with a Green card.
My Son was a Citizen. I obtained a replacement, sent it in, with a change of address.

Now both my wife and I are citizens. Both with CCW's.

At the time of my possibly menacing? I was much older than the two young men, and also significantly smaller as well. Nearly all of my American Friends, except LEOs, have never been in a fight, as an adult. Not I! I was a Bouncer at night Clubs, 1960 till 1965. Never was hit in a fight, stabbed twice at the Cavern Club of Beatles fame.

Some clarification on the Cavern Club. Situated on Mathew Street. No alcoholic drinks, clientele, young kids, girls, 14 or 15-year-olds. Boys the same. Girls, dressed in very short skirts, lots of makeup, help in the padding area Bra Pads.
Except on Friday nights small groups of young men, around 19 years of age. Normally 19-21 Years-of Age. Just out after a quick supper, and a wash (No showers in the homes then) had a few pints. Plus the heat downstairs, it was bother time!
So we stopped them at the Street entrance. I did the talking (You noticed I am mouthy)
Larry Newport or Georgie Downes were the two fighters, Larry ex SAS Trooper he never divulged that, came out when he died. George, was just huge 6ft 4" tall, and massive, hands like spades. Worked on building sights.

We had a good system going. When a group arrived at the door, "What's the score on gettin in, LA?" My question to Larry, or George. Not looking at whoever. "What do you think Mike?" Two instant punches, nose or jaw, kick into the shin, continue downslide scrape. Then step forward, attack who was left. Remember this was the early sixties. It was rough in that big Sea Port.
Certainly not every Friday. But that was a more likely one.

Did anyone come back mob-handed? Not to my knowledge.

Bit more history, I lived in a small town Prescot, 8 miles from the Liverpool docks bombed to bits by the Luftwaffe in WW11.

I was born in 1935, we could see the Dog Fights, our war started in 1939. the American ships delivered our life blood in the shape of supplies every day.
If you want to avoid trouble with bad guys, start by understanding them. This is the old "know your enemy" thing you hear bandied about. People looking to commit assaults and robberies are not looking for anyone in particular, they are looking for someone who is unprepared or thinks they have nothing to worry about, or thinks they can handle whatever comes their way and take chances, or other irresponsible behavior. Soft targets, easy marks, people who let their guard down, people who are worth risking combat with to get what they have. The good doctor got ambushed in his home because he thought his neighborhood was safe and he could display his wealth and nothing would come of it. Apparently he was wrong. The only people who can flaunt it are the ones who really are prepared for the "thief in the night", and most of us don't have bodyguards or sicarii. You go places all the time, but you don't know who is watching for the unaware. You do things all the time that tell people if you are aware or not. The supermarket, the mall, the gas station, walking your dog, driving into your garage, mowing your lawn, whatever. And you have no idea who you are telling whether or not you are a good target. We read about stories like this all the time, and many do not end with "happily ever after" because thugs and thieves are smart and persistent and evaluate their targets based on "is it worth it". Mug the guy coming out of the bar for a few bucks and a cell phone? OK. Take on a home invasion? Better be worth the risk. So rather than being on guard against "those people", be aware of the messages you are broadcasting to whoever wants to watch you with bad intentions.
Moonglum, sounds like you are giving sound advice, I don’t understand why so much criticism. I understand completely. I never leave home without a sidearm,but there are areas where I live that I don’t go because the chances of me having to use that firearm mulitiplies by the 1,000’s
Some folks just feel the need to prove they're the smartest guy in the room
If you want to avoid trouble with bad guys, start by understanding them. This is the old "know your enemy" thing you hear bandied about. People looking to commit assaults and robberies are not looking for anyone in particular, they are looking for someone who is unprepared or thinks they have nothing to worry about, or thinks they can handle whatever comes their way and take chances, or other irresponsible behavior. Soft targets, easy marks, people who let their guard down, people who are worth risking combat with to get what they have. The good doctor got ambushed in his home because he thought his neighborhood was safe and he could display his wealth and nothing would come of it. Apparently he was wrong. The only people who can flaunt it are the ones who really are prepared for the "thief in the night", and most of us don't have bodyguards or sicarii. You go places all the time, but you don't know who is watching for the unaware. You do things all the time that tell people if you are aware or not. The supermarket, the mall, the gas station, walking your dog, driving into your garage, mowing your lawn, whatever. And you have no idea who you are telling whether or not you are a good target. We read about stories like this all the time, and many do not end with "happily ever after" because thugs and thieves are smart and persistent and evaluate their targets based on "is it worth it". Mug the guy coming out of the bar for a few bucks and a cell phone? OK. Take on a home invasion? Better be worth the risk. So rather than being on guard against "those people", be aware of the messages you are broadcasting to whoever wants to watch you with bad intentions.
Well, no.

They Petits were targeted because Mrs. Petit and her 11 year old daughter went shopping in the wrong Walmart. One of the criminals saw the daughter and decided to rape her and followed them home.

The two guys that tried to rob me took less than a second to make that determination.

I've had people who knew beyond question that I was armed and aware of their presence and wearing body armor go after me.

The crook may be planning to rob someone that night but who is pretty random.
It's all about one's risk appetite and risk tolerance. Most people's risk tolerance decreases when they have stuff to lose - family, job, house, wealth . . .

I will bet that most of the folks here are older or married and don't go out as often as someone in their 20's and single looking for a good time. Back in the day, I'd thought I was pretty invincible. Closing up the clubs at 3AM then going to Denny's was a regular thing. Try to do that now, and I'd probably die from the exhaustion.

The thing is, when one is of a certain mindset, they are not going to avoid "stupid" . . .etc period. It's Darwinism.
Why in the world would you want to "load up" and go to a bad place? I don't carry, but I keep a gun ready. In the car or at home. I guess if I had to pass thru a bad spot, I'd put a gun in my belt or pocket, but I sure wouldn't like it.

i agree, keep a gun handy, but don't go to places where you might need it
kell is offline Report Post

I dont even know how to begin to address the issues here
Man…id love to have the crystal ball that tells me where/when im going to be attacked and need my pistol. If i had one of those..i would avoid that place.

Since i dont have that ability… i carry everywhere i can.
This comment really doesn't have anything to do with this discussion. No one is talking about not carrying wherever legal.
Avoiding problems is a big factor in having to deal with fewer problems. That said, it's not always possible to avoid things. Crime and evil don't just live on the other side of the tracks. I look at my various self defense options as insurance, and as with my house insurance or car insurance, I hope not to use it, but I have it just in case.
Avoiding problems is a big factor in having to deal with fewer problems. That said, it's not always possible to avoid things. Crime and evil don't just live on the other side of the tracks.

Sure.. but lets not pretend that the bad part of town isnt the bad part of town for very good reasons. Common sense is a fairly important factor in these things if a person intends to mitigate the compounding of unnecessary risk.
We've always told our kids, "Nothing good happens after midnight." We know they have always heeded our advice. :rolleyes:

But I wanted to address two points made in previous comments: (1) the admonition to lock doors and (2) FireForged's post #20 in which he says, "Firstly, there is no such thing as luck."

I address these points by referring to horrible luck a family in my area suffered that involved an unlocked door and the murder of a child. My information is obtained from the Kentucky Supreme Court Opinion found here:

The defendant was known as "an exemplary, dependable, and trustworthy employee" with no history of mental illness. He began exhibiting bizarre behavior the first week in December 2015 which culminated in instances of sobbing, babbling about inane subjects, and leaving his fiancé, with whom he had gone shopping with earlier in the day for an engagement ring. He was thought to be headed from his residence in Indianapolis to relatives living in Florida.

Instead, he wound up in Versailles, Kentucky, a small town he had never been to before. Versailles is about 10 to 12 miles off I-64.

The defendant told investigators that "he saw a street sign that said either “Grey’s Street” or “Grey’s Road.” He said the sign made him think of the television show “Grey’s Anatomy,” which, in turn, made him believe he needed to perform surgery. The house he chose to enter was the home of the Tipton family. He said he selected the home because of the Christmas lights on the outside." Opinion, p. 5. Unfortunately, a key had broken of in the backdoor lock a few days before and the front door was left unlocked so one of the family members could enter the house without waking the other family members after she got off work.

Instead, the defendant entered about 4:00 a.m. and stabbed and killed a six-year old child with a butcher knife. The child's father was able to struggle with the defendant and take away the knife. A jury found the defendant not guilty of murdering the child and burglary by reason of insanity, but guilty of two felony assault charges and a misdemeanor. The opinion upheld the guilty verdicts against the argument that they were inconsistent with the not guilty by insanity verdicts. I won't go into that any further.

The point is that there is such a thing as luck because a madman chose a house for no reason other than it was on Grey Street/Road and had Christmas lights on it. In addition, the house happened to be unlocked due to the seemingly random event of a key breaking off in a door lock. The result was a tragedy.
just a thought

Sometimes one can't avoid - "stupid". Chicago as an example of a "stupid" place - carjackings and even bicycle-jacking - in the middle of the day in downtown Chicago . . .
Sometimes one can't avoid - "stupid"

Just so. I live in a quiet, very low crime part of Northern KY. I carry whenever I leave the house because you simply never know what madness you can get caught up in.

EXCEPT: Pre-pandemic I regularly traveled to LA for work. Clearly, I could not carry a gun there. My daily work commute was a 6 block walk through the heart of downtown that was sprinkled with a large number of homeless and frequently incoherent people.

I simply avoided them and never had an issue.

By the terms of the OP I was being 'stupid' by being there.

But, my financial obligation to provide for my family dictated that I be there and I took care to avoid any kind of interaction on the streets.
Assume that you are of average intelligence with an IQ of 100. That means that half the people that you encounter are stupider than you are. Most need to be avoided.
Assume that you are of average intelligence with an IQ of 100. That means that half the people that you encounter are stupider than you are. Most need to be avoided.
If it's AVERAGE then the largest number of people are going to have it.

To simplify it HALF the population is of average intelligence. A QUARTER are BELOW and a QUARTER are above. AND not all of the people who are below are even SIGNIFICANTLY bow.
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