The Law of Stupids

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Four or Five years ago a small town gun shop was broke into by three kids in the teens . They took 4/5 new Kimber 45 acp ( now stupid happen) . The boys take the firearms to Chicago to sell a little over 100 miles from home . They go too the south West part of Chicago at night (never Been in Chicago) lots of buyers . Bottom line the guns are gone no money was paid and the boys got out of town alive .
Dr. William Petit and his family lived where people don't need to carry guns at home.,_Connecticut,_home_invasion_murders
What a nightmarish story!

But how do you prepare for something like that? Dr. Petit was asleep on the couch when the perps walked in.

Counting on having access to a firearm is not enough, I am starting to realize that since I began to carry a firearm I have neglected hand to hand self defense/combat and martial arts. <<cue in Brit to chime in :) he'd probably agree >>

Time to start hitting the weight room again and to find a good BJJ gym.
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If you mean that opportunity awaits the prepared mind, I agree.

Flip a coin. It’s going to be tails. I told you. How did I know?
There is luck, and it seems god loves a drunk.
You could start by LOCKING YOUR DAMN DOOR!!!!
I was in the Electronic Alarm Industry since a young Man. Went into so many homes and business's after the fact. One thing I was fond of telling friends and Family. Lock your Damn door. And Never open your door to a stranger. Ever!
Many times it is just the simple things that can put you in harms way.
There was a guy who used to post on THR a lot (he was in the electronic alarm business too). Every. Single. Time this topic came up he would talk about so clients of his who were murdered in a home invasion (he was never able to link to a news story though). It got really, really old after a while, people eventually asked him to stop posting the story.
I do not know about the guy you are talking about, although I did post of being in the business, now retired for many years. No one ever told me to stop posting. I have no clients so if you are trying to infer that it was me, DON'T. I have seen many break in's over the years and intrusions to include rape and murder.
If you want a link, you can look up this particular murder in Richmond Virginia where the whole family was killed. I was a friend of the brother of the family. I could probably find other links to murder from Home Invasions in my area as well.
(By the way, this family made the mistake of leaving their front door un-locked during the day)

At the time I was employed, I did do the security for at least 5 homes where a serial rapist known as the "North End Rapist". I believe at the time he entered at about 7 different homes. I talked to many of the victims.

I also remember a providing security to many Real Estate Agents when we had a serial rapist that was attacking them on Job site models. I knew one personally and still friends with her to this day.
Being in the business for so many decades, Electronic Security and CCTV, homes, small business, Commercial, industrial etc, I have given my opinion on Break in's, and Protection. I am sorry if that offends you.
If however, you have your own experience or differ in my opinion, please share it. We would all appreciate any ideas that will provide protection for ourselves and loved one.
Thank you

PS Here is yet another link of a wife of a Navy Seal on deployment was murdered along with her children. The Killer lived down the street. No alarm. Entered through the Garage door at night. Extremely heinous murder.
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DDSS is a pretty good guideline, particularly when you actually think about what you’re about to do.
(Don’t Do Stupid Stuff)
The avoid stupid people, places ... I've most frequently see it used as rationalization for carrying something minimal, same as statistics.

Stupid Places - I sometimes go to Wal-Mart :rolleyes:
Stupid people (or where stupid people congregate) - I avoid crowds, bars, "bad areas"
Stupid things - No problem, not getting in the ocean (shark food bowl) and I avoid places where I'd be disarmed.
At stupid times - I am not, nor have ever been a night time person; lunch out > dinner out.

I live in a "good area", avoid stupid people and places and my schedule resembles Will Smith in I Am Legend. ;)

Despite that, whether walking the dogs or going to the area of perceived greater threat (WalMart) I'm always carrying a Glock 32 + spare mag wherever.

Why not a pocket 32/380/38 snub? Because if I had to defend myself I'd prefer that Glock 32, so that is what gets carried. :)
The avoid stupid people, places ... I've most frequently see it used as rationalization for carrying something minimal, same as statistics.

Stupid Places - I sometimes go to Wal-Mart :rolleyes:
Stupid people (or where stupid people congregate) - I avoid crowds, bars, "bad areas"
Stupid things - No problem, not getting in the ocean (shark food bowl) and I avoid places where I'd be disarmed.
At stupid times - I am not, nor have ever been a night time person; lunch out > dinner out.

I live in a "good area", avoid stupid people and places and my schedule resembles Will Smith in I Am Legend. ;)

Despite that, whether walking the dogs or going to the area of perceived greater threat (WalMart) I'm always carrying a Glock 32 + spare mag wherever.

Why not a pocket 32/380/38 snub? Because if I had to defend myself I'd prefer that Glock 32, so that is what gets carried. :)
It's not the same thing. The best example I can give is the bar district in downtown town Colorado Springs. It's a stupid place, full of stupid people. I wouldn't go down there (apart from work) no matter what I was carrying. Same with the 7-11 I mentioned.
What I'm trying to say is while I try not to live my life in fear I also try not to take needless unnecessary risks.
Ah! You are risk averse.

In my trade, we define three attitudes towards risk:

- Risk averse: avoids risks that do not have a sufficiently high payout, and shuns risks that have no chance of reward: that would be you (per your statement above), definitely me, most people, and most living creatures actually.

- Risk neutral: balances risks and rewards, plays the "law of averages": this would an insurance company, most big enterprises, a casino's house...

- Risk loving: seeks risk for risks sake. Teenagers. Many people when they are impaired by drugs or alcohol.

<<So my question is how much of a part does avoidance play in your over all self defense strategy? >>

For me avoidance is 1st. I am by definition risk averse. I don't take chances unless there is something really worthwhile going on. Bars can be worthwhile to me, btw (specially the ones with good music and pretty girls ;)). I can understand how for others they might not be worth the risk: to each his own. Maybe I am stupid?

When I was younger, I was very much risk loving, and definitely stupid. Fortunately I was also lucky. But hey, as someone said: "I would rather be lucky than smart".
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Don't go to Stupid Places
With Stupid people (or where stupid people congregate)
To do Stupid things
At stupid times

So the other night in Colorado Springs someone got car jacked in a 7-11 in a known high crime neighborhood. One of the news channels reported it on Facebeast and 10 or 12 people responded something like "That's why I always take my gun when I go there." While I'm reading this I'm thinking "If it's so bad you make a point of bringing your gun there why are you going?"

Unless I'm going somewhere where I am legally prohibited from even having a gun in my car (Military Installations/State prisons and the like) I do not leave my home unarmed. Still armed or not there are places I don't go.

There's an area downtown that is literally nothing but bars/nightspots for 6 or 8 blocks. Each bar by itself isn't bad but if you put that many drunk people in that small of an area there are bound to be problems. There are fights and shootings pretty much every weekend. I don't have any reason to go there so I don't.

I used to be a late nighter until I got to work nights downtown for 4 or 5 years and I got to see what crawled out of the sewers after dark. I've read some postings on other forums by a guy who has 20+ years experience in the criminal justice system who says that your chances of being involved in a homicide sky rocket if you're outside your home after 9 pm. I won't say that I won't be out after 9 but my lifestyle rarely requires it.

So my question is how much of a part does avoidance play in your over all self defense strategy?
Why in the world would you want to "load up" and go to a bad place? I don't carry, but I keep a gun ready. In the car or at home. I guess if I had to pass thru a bad spot, I'd put a gun in my belt or pocket, but I sure wouldn't like it.
Don't go to Stupid Places
With Stupid people (or where stupid people congregate)
To do Stupid things
At stupid times

So the other night in Colorado Springs someone got car jacked in a 7-11 in a known high crime neighborhood. One of the news channels reported it on Facebeast and 10 or 12 people responded something like "That's why I always take my gun when I go there." While I'm reading this I'm thinking "If it's so bad you make a point of bringing your gun there why are you going?"

Unless I'm going somewhere where I am legally prohibited from even having a gun in my car (Military Installations/State prisons and the like) I do not leave my home unarmed. Still armed or not there are places I don't go.

There's an area downtown that is literally nothing but bars/nightspots for 6 or 8 blocks. Each bar by itself isn't bad but if you put that many drunk people in that small of an area there are bound to be problems. There are fights and shootings pretty much every weekend. I don't have any reason to go there so I don't.

I used to be a late nighter until I got to work nights downtown for 4 or 5 years and I got to see what crawled out of the sewers after dark. I've read some postings on other forums by a guy who has 20+ years experience in the criminal justice system who says that your chances of being involved in a homicide sky rocket if you're outside your home after 9 pm. I won't say that I won't be out after 9 but my lifestyle rarely requires it.

So my question is how much of a part does avoidance play in your over all self defense strategy?
i agree, keep a gun handy, but don't go to places where you might need it
i agree, keep a gun handy, but don't go to places where you might need it

If you are keeping a gun handy for security, then you are obviously in a place where you might need it. Otherwise, why are you keeping a gun handy? You aren't keeping it handy in case you don't need it.
Quite a few years ago, when I still lived in Toronto, Canada. I and a buddy went to a Snub-Nosed pistol match, close to Rochester. Half the match was shot on Saturday, to which we both went to, got drowned in a rainstorm as well!

Sunday he was staying in bed, sick, I went on my own, did well too. We were staying in a Holiday Inn, 4 floors. When I returned, every floor in the parking garage was full, but the top one, no roof on that one, not raining this day.

Found a spot facing the entrance to the stairs, no elevator that I saw. I backed in, grabbed my gun case out of the Trunk, one I had made by a Guy who made instrument cases for musicians. Cutouts in the foam, that stopped things rattling about.

When I looked at the entrance, I saw two young guys, leaned against the side of the two cars that were closest to that entrance, both with a leg cocked up against a door! When they saw the case, they started to walk towards me!

I had the case in my right hand, leaned over, and put it on the gravel, pushed it forward, a couple of inches. Both of them looking at the case.
I now had drawn my LW 45 Colt commander, held two hands, ready position, 45 degrees! Must have looked like a magic trick to these two.

"You are in my way lads" Liverpool Accent and all! They both turned to my right, and took off, one behind the cars against the wall, one in the front.
They both seemed to be looking at me, over their shoulders.

Big clunk noise, now the guy behind the vehicles, was running in the front, behind his buddy. Limping badly, hopping really.
When they were out of sight, I went to look behind the vehicles on my left, the Clunk sound I had heard, was visible, a big long tow bar, behind an old Station Wagon. I bet that hurt.

I described the two youths to the Manager, another young guy. He gave a couple of yea-yeas, and that was that. Lots of adrenalin dump cut in then.
No, I did not mention the Gun.
Moonglum, sounds like you are giving sound advice, I don’t understand why so much criticism. I understand completely. I never leave home without a sidearm,but there are areas where I live that I don’t go because the chances of me having to use that firearm mulitiplies by the 1,000’s
When I looked at the entrance, I saw two young guys, leaned against the side of the two cars that were closest to that entrance, both with a leg cocked up against a door! When they saw the case, they started to walk towards me!

I had the case in my right hand, leaned over, and put it on the gravel, pushed it forward, a couple of inches. Both of them looking at the case.
I now had drawn my LW 45 Colt commander, held two hands, ready position, 45 degrees! Must have looked like a magic trick to these two.

"You are in my way lads" Liverpool Accent and all! They both turned to my right, and took off, one behind the cars against the wall, one in the front.
They both seemed to be looking at me, over their shoulders.

Cool story bro. If you overlook the fact that what you're describing is felony menacing (not to mention the fact that Canadian Citizens can't legally carry a firearm in the United States.
So much poor understanding of animal behavior. Just because you don't understand why it does something does not mean it is for "no good reason."

well, if you would like to explain running 100 yards across an open field right into the path of a 18wheeler going 65 that was in clear view the entire time, I will gladly listen.

if you would like to explain that after the first 2 or 3 deer get hit by the vehicle, why the next 2 or 3 deer also run right into the vehicle.

If anyone wants to suggest that these animals are "discerning", I will politely disagree.
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