The Future of our beloved freedoms???

I thought it was obvious that was a joke.
I have no doubt it was but honestly that's my first reaction whenever I hear anyone talk about "the good old days" as if society was more honorable back then. It wasn't.
as if society was more honorable back then. It wasn't.

This may surprise you, but I agree. I use to spend a lot of time in Vicksburg Miss. (my Mothers home town) in the late 40's early 50's. I was a little young to understand that the things I saw on a daily basis were an affront to any self conscious human. Later I understood. Considering my temperament when I was young, if someone told me I could not use a restroom because I was the wrong color, then I am sure there would have been trouble on the spot.

PS: I still don't like Obama, Bush, Edwards, McCain, or no certain order. Ok, I know Bush is not running, I wanted to add him to my list. As a Republican, I would say I dislike McCain more than anyone on the above list. Too many long reasons to state here.
I still don't like Obama, Bush, Edwards, McCain, or no certain order.
Agreed on all counts. I'd put Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee, Dodd and a few others on my list as well. Even my preferred candidate has a number of things I don't like about him.

And for the record, I don't necessarily believe society is more honorable today, either. :p A few decades isn't enough time for a paradigm shift in the character of an entire civilization. There were plenty of good things about the "good ole days", I just like to keep things in perspective.
In reference to the original topic.... You guys do know who's getting the most campaign contributions from our servicemembers, don't you?

Apparently our troops have a different set of priorities than who pledges alleigance to the flag and who doesn't.
In reference to the original topic.... You guys do know who's getting the most campaign contributions from our servicemembers, don't you?

Apparently our troops have a different set of priorities than who pledges alleigance to the flag and who doesn't.

A report from a center funded by the Ford Foundation (would support Paul, if you know anything about Henry Ford's darker sides) and the leftist Joyce Foundation. So they say that the number one recipients are Paul and Obama. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, I'll believe that. :rolleyes:
The critical thing is why Obama refuses to pledge allegiance. If he can pop out with some originalist, Federalist, Constitution-loving reason, well, fine. But I strongly suspect that his refusal doesn't have a motivation like that. More likely (given his political party), it's just the same old anti-Americanism. The Dems would be willing to rule a weak and cowering America. But America happy and free? Can't have that.
I call shenanigans. Democrats love and support America every bit as much as Republicans. Their views about the behaviors that should be promoted/ discouraged merely differ from yours.
If I followed the same narrow-minded and irresponsible philosophy, I'd say you're every bit as much of a traitor as they are.
Such arguments are divisive and dishonest at a time when we're looking for unity and openness. Ultimately they hurt your cause more than they help.

The Dems would be willing to rule a weak and cowering America. But America happy and free? Can't have that.
I fundamentally agree with that, but they could replace "Dems" with "Republicans" and present a statement that's just as true.
I fundamentally agree with that, but they could replace "Dems" with "Republicans" and present a statement that's just as true.

I totally agree that the Bush Administration has been the most fear mongering administration in my life time. When a President asks "which terrorist attack would you like me not to have prevented", you should realize his entire foreign and domestic policy is all about fear.

As a result of fear he has been able to sell us a war that is accomplishing nothing except breeding new terrorists, as well as pass much legislation that promises increased safety (a fallacy) at the expense of personal liberty (a reality).
Thanks but the "good ole days" were only good for certain classes of people.
And now we have it "bad" for all, good trade off I guess.:rolleyes:

I have no doubt it was but honestly that's my first reaction whenever I hear anyone talk about "the good old days" as if society was more honorable back then. It wasn't.

Did you live "back then", sorry but I believe your very wrong our society
as a whole has become less honorable and we are paying the price.
And now we have it "bad" for all, good trade off I guess.
And how exactly do we all have it "bad"? More people are considered equals to what used to be the ruling class in this country, that's not bad. A more sensible approach to science has given us medicine that will keep us alive long past the shelf lives of past generations. We can communicate with each other from across the globe, instantly.

Exactly how is taking white men off their high horses and making them realize that blacks and women are equal to them....bad?

Did you live "back then", sorry but I believe your very wrong our society
as a whole has become less honorable and we are paying the price.
No and I'm thankful I didn't. I know enough history to know that society would not have been very honorable to certain folks due to their skin tone or sexual preferences. I know that to many in that society women were nothing but property or baby factories. These days the average man can't beat his wife and then have a few beers with the sheriff. A man can't tell a woman she's not good enough to be anything but a secretary or a homemaker.

As a whole I'd say we're more honorable than past societies that allowed slavery and the genocide of an entire people because they were in the way of "expansion" or societies that burned people at the stake for being witches and gave "savages" the choice of converting or dying but as I mentioned before, a mere century - in fact, just a few decades - isn't nearly enough to time to alter the overall morality of this culture. The generation from the early 20th century had some good points but it certainly has plenty of stains on its shield.
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Democrats love and support America every bit as much as Republicans.

Like a bunch of intellectuals in coffeehouses in late 19th century Russia loved their country. We see how that turned out. :barf:

Leftists enabled some of the bloodiest dictators and tyrants of the 20th century, from Stalin to Castro to Mao to Pol Pot. And their misguided, idiotic utopianism will do the same here if we allow them to.

Or did you not notice places like Daily Kos, full of democrats who loudly endorse Hugo Chavez and excuse the actions of terrorists?