The First Crack in the Iceberg Of Global Warming...

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OK, let's summarize because I'm tired of trying to explain myself do a defense attorney being on a witness stand my viewpoint of things. Translation: Cherry picking my statements and twisting them to a different meaning...correct me on YOUR stance only. No need to further trying to correct mine.

You think there's a vast majority of scientists that have empirical evidence of abrupt climate change causing GW

I think there are several scientists that debunk the theory of GW and whatever climate change there is, it's natural. Humans are only a very small part of the actual change.

You believe CO2 amounts and pollution supposedly rising in the atmosphere is one of many direct indicators of GW.

I don't.

Actually, there was no evidence that the world was flat. It was the use of the scientific method (in a rudimentary form, of course) and the beginning of actually using evidence to examine the world around us that led early scientists to realize the earth was indeed round.

There was never a scientific opinion - nor a shred of empirical evidence - that the world was flat.

It has nothing to do with scientific opinion. At that day and age, people weren't nearly as far along in the amount of intelligence in science. The best information they could go on was people sailed away and never came back, etc. in a sense. So, you have to place yourself in that frame of mind. They weren't investigating correctly to find the right answer.

Fast forward to 400 years from now. Those that are on this earth is going to be laughing at the so called "evidence" and scientific findings we generated. They will most likely see that some scientists had it all/mostly wrong due to some key factors that have been overlooked. So, you can say all you want that there's all this evidence pointing to GW and you believe the consensus. Just because there may be smoke doesn't mean there's fire.

Some call it arrogance, some call it confidence. It's all relative. But the point remains that what you consider reasonable in this case is going against the opinions of people who have devoted their entire careers to the scientific method.

Touche. I'm leaning towards the "drops" while your leaning towards the "ocean". Last time I checked, odds are just that...odds. You're relying on sheer number of scientists' similar opinions and you automatically scoff at others that don't just because it doesn't fit into the empirical evidence category. Not one item of stats that members brought up to you was credited for any valid points whatsoever. So, my thinking is that you automatically discredit any finding those scientists without reasonable thought. Doesn't agree with IPCC's report? Isn't any good...

The weather of a localized area - especially Alaska, for frak's sake - in one season is not indicative of global climate.

Yep. Kinda figured it doesn't matter what you say, Ken. It's only anecdotal evidence anyway.:rolleyes: One another note, we in the midwest have had quite the long, cold snowy winter here. Even colder than Alaska (Anchorage, anyway). But, what am I to say. We haven't had record breaking cold nor hot days in some time in my own little world of the Quad Cities...;)

Back at Super Bowl 32, the Packers were HEAVY favorites. They had all the evidence together to support the theory of winning it all. Run stuffing defense. Pass defense. A cannon for a quarterback. Wide receivers. Coaches with play calling that kept the opposing defense on the field. All empirical evidence pointed to them winning by more than 14 points. A few people actually came up with evidence of their own even though it didn't agree with the vast majority. No need to tell you the outcome. No need to tell me that it doesn't parallel to science. I don't expect you to understand my analagies from my dumb little mind...

Not necessarily. And besides, thinking about it purely in terms of temperature is another gross oversimplification. The temperature can have drastic effects on the overall climate from severe weather patterns, sea level changes and ocean salinity which can alter the very currents which help regulate the temperature.
It's not just about temperature so to claim that warm = good just doesn't cut it.

And neither does ocean salinity, sea level changes, etc. It all goes back to the point of no one knows what state the earth is supposed to be. People die. Species become extinct. How rapid or slow it happens isn't our say. That's the bottom line. Changing our pollution rate isn't going to do a dang thing. It would be just like the commercial where the dam inspector puts his chewing gum on the leaking crack.

Again, it's not simply a theory that states "gravity exists", it's a set of theories trying to explain how it works.

Yes, Redworm, it is that simple. I've NEVER argued on how it works, only proving THAT IT'S THERE AND WILL BE THERE.

Yet court proceedings are not used in scientific research. My statement stands, the scientific method is not a court of law and the standards of what is and is not reasonable evidence are much more strict in science. To think that just because forensic science is presented in court somehow justifies what you said is absurd. Equally absurd is the implication that I would treat a decision on a jury like scientific research.

So, forensic science doesn't go hand in hand with scientific studies and methods...hmmm...and laws of motion and all that jazz isn't used for evidence either? Hmmmm....

Yeah, most of them are made here. I read the other forums but I don't post in there. Why? Because I don't know enough about the subject to offer any insightful information or arguments.

Just like the politics don't alter the science, others' impressions of me don't alter my opinions.

Hey, all I'm pointing out is the obvious. And, how nice of you to all of a sudden able to post a subject matter pertaining to your Kimber. Last I checked, I also suggested posting in another forum. What you did was hijacking a thread. You know, for one to imply that I know so little on scientific methods one sure doesn't know about this board. Makes me really wonder why a board with forums dedicated to firearms so much has some that are only making themselves so available to GW?

yknow, it's strange

I was all sad the other day when cleaning it because I took off the grips and one of the screw hole thingies came out of the frame and it looked like the threads had been pretty badly stripped but I put it back together and just now took them off again to take a picture to show y'all and it actually stayed where it was supposed to stay

Yes, strange quite...all of a sudden you have something to say about firearms. As one would say to me about studies that I've read..."anectodal evidence at best".

You do need to cite those statistics if trying to convince someone that their anti-gun position is wrong when they tell you that more guns are dangerous to society.

No, you don't. Helpful, sometimes. Needed? No.

I'm done here. Since there's nothing that I post is correct and not supported by the IPCC, my time should no longer be wasted here. I've put waaay too much time with no good results. Live and learn, I guess. Learned that I'm still an ignorant knuckle-dragging hillbilly that's too stupid to read on GW evidence and should, not, eat eggs. Now, where's my new issue of Time?
let's see. Three pages later, 11 pages in total and still no aggreement. And yet there are claims that there is a consensus on Global Warming. Someone please tell me how scientists are less subject to human nature then us "common folk"
Wild I think that the right way of looking at weather/climate modeling is to understand that these are dynamic chaotic systems. In chaos theory your common assumptions may be entirely wrong. Chaotic determinism just isn't periodic. As an example in a chaotic system where 2 + 2 = 4 a nearly similar 2.1 + 2 might equal 3.8 and 1.9 + 2 might equal 9,325. Tiny changes in an initial state lead to enormous changes in the result.

I can take that one step further and allege that if you accept MWI as a philosophical concept (as I do) it can be hot, hotter, hottest at the same time it is cold, colder and coldest.....

Chaos wise, changes in the initial state could by their nature be politically coloured in an observational sense.

Why wont anyone answer my point about the flaw of WHAT we are supposed to be comparing todays model to?

WildugluuugugAlaska TM
let's see. Three pages later, 11 pages in total and still no aggreement. And yet there are claims that there is a consensus on Global Warming. Someone please tell me how scientists are less subject to human nature then us "common folk"

hey don't sweat it, on a firearms board we have an eleven page debate on GW, whilst the Brady Bunch can't even tell the difference between FMJ and AP ammo:D

WildheywearesmarterthanthesheepledemonkratneoconlibsAlaska TM
What is the Earth's ideal temperature?

70* year round. Never rains but the crops always get watered. Always sunny, never a cloud in the sky,.............

Oh and almost forgot. The blizzards would be forgotten about by April. Unlike last night the one that knocked out power for the whole town of 4,300 people. Not to mention you could not see the road right in front of the truck coming home. That was freaky. I was heading into town and all the sudden BANG all the street lights and everything went out. And to think that 2 days ago the snow was all melted and the grass was green and growing. Global Warming would actualy be nice right about now.
Global warming (man made) is a tool to gain more government control and take away our liberties. A majority consesus does not make it reality. There was a majority consesus that the universe revolved around Earth. And why does GW not get debated as far as the man made aspect? All the Al Gore(and Al himself) fanatics can do is call people names and put them in the same crowds as people who still think the world is flat. It is no different than calling somebody a rascist if they believe in immigration reform and protecting our borders. As if only one race of people enter illegally. It is a deflection from the fact that many other respected scientists do not believe a rise in temp is man made. And why does Al and his angry band of hollywood elitists traipse across the country and globe in private jets? Oh thats right, they are different! they just go around telling everybody else to sacrifice their lifestyles so they do not have to feel guility about their massive carbon footprints. I guess the enviornmentalists no longer believe in evolution, survival of the fittest, adaptation, or natural selection. They apparently think things should remain the same forever and that 150 years or so of data is where it must be maintained. I do believe in recycling and common sense conservation but GW is nothing more than a guilt trip.
Why wont anyone answer my point about the flaw of WHAT we are supposed to be comparing todays model to?
Because they can't refute it and because politicians change the meaning of words whenever they want. Its all a scam. Our only hope is that one day somebody will figure out that government is a money losing proposition and they outlaw the damned thing!:p
this is the last info I can find on what the current atmosphere is made up of!

Constant components
(proportions remain the same over time and location)
Nitrogen (N2) 78.08%
Oxygen (O2) 20.95%
Argon (Ar) 0.93%
Neon, Helium, Krypton 0.0001%
Variable components
(amounts vary over time and location)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.038%
Water vapor (H20) 0-4%
Methane (CH4) trace
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) trace
Ozone (O3) trace
Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) trace

As long a the o2 The Stuff We Need is above 14%!

And the Co2 is good, The Stuff Plants need to feed us o2, I am happy!:D
All I know is we would not have to worry about global warming if Al Gore would keep his mouth shut. I haven't read the entire post here, so I don't know if it's been covered. If it has been, my apologies. The founder of the Weather Channell, is sueing the ex-vp for proof of global warming. We'll see.
The blizzards would be forgotten about by April. Unlike last night the one that knocked out power for the whole town of 4,300 people. Not to mention you could not see the road right in front of the truck coming home. That was freaky. I was heading into town and all the sudden BANG all the street lights and everything went out. And to think that 2 days ago the snow was all melted and the grass was green and growing. Global Warming would actualy be nice right about now.
Yea, sorry about that. We were worried that it would hit us up here in Grand Forks. However we have the World Curling Championships here this week and all the Canadians coming south blew the storm much farther south than expected. We didn't even get single snowflake here.
In a 2001 report, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a graph that showed relatively stable temperatures from A.D. 1000 to 1900, with temperatures rising steeply from 1900 to 2000. This graph, commonly known as "the hockey stick," has been used to support the theory that human energy use over the last 100 years has caused unprecedented rise global warming. However, several studies cast doubt on the accuracy this graph, and in 2006 Congress requested an independent analysis of it, notes H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis.

A panel of statisticians chaired by Edward J. Wegman, of George Mason University, found significant problems with the methods of statistical analysis used by the researchers and with the IPCC's peer review process.


The researchers who created the graph used the wrong time scale to establish the mean temperature to compare with recorded temperatures of the last century.
Because the mean temperature was low, the recent temperature rise seemed unusual and dramatic.
Furthermore, the community of specialists in ancient climates from which the peer reviewers were drawn was small and many of them had ties to the original authors.
These problems led Wegman's team to conclude that the idea that the planet is experiencing unprecedented global warming "cannot be supported."
Even using accurate temperature data, sound forecasting methods are required to predict climate change. Over time, forecasting researchers have compiled 140 principles that can be applied to a broad range of disciplines, including science, sociology, economics and politics.

In a recent NCPA study, Kesten Green and J. Scott Armstrong used these principles to audit the climate forecasts in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report:

They found the IPCC clearly violated 60 of the 127 principles relevant in assessing the IPCC predictions.
It could only be clearly established that the IPCC followed 17 of the more than 127 forecasting principles critical to making sound predictions.
Source: H. Sterling Burnett, "Climate Panel on the Hot Seat," The Washington Times, March 14, 2008.

I still have snow drifts in my yard that are about 4 ft deep.
Hmmmm. In my area, it has been unusually cold this year as it has in most of this country.

If we use the logic of the human initiated global warming theorists, then they should be going around screaming "global cooling". As it is, I believe they will stick to their guns even though facts are against them.
From Lawrence Solomon's book "Deniers".


Dr. Edward Wegman -- former chairman of the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics of the National Academy of Sciences -- demolishes the famous "hockey stick" graph that launched the global warming panic.

Dr. David Bromwich -- president of the International Commission on Polar Meteorology -- says "it's hard to see a global-warming signal from the mainland of Antarctica right now."

Prof. Paul Reiter -- Chief of Insects and Infectious Diseases at the famed Pasteur Institute -- says "no major scientist with any long record in this field" accepts Al Gore's claim that global warming spreads mosquito-borne diseases.

Prof. Hendrik Tennekes -- director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute -- states "there exists no sound theoretical framework for climate predictability studies" used for global warming forecasts.

Dr. Christopher Landsea -- past chairman of the American Meteorological Society's Committee on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones -- says "there are no known scientific studies that show a conclusive physical link between global warming and observed hurricane frequency and intensity."

Dr. Antonino Zichichi -- one of the world's foremost physicists, former president of the European Physical Society, who discovered nuclear antimatter -- calls global warming models "incoherent and invalid."

Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski -- world-renowned expert on the ancient ice cores used in climate research -- says the U.N. "based its global-warming hypothesis on arbitrary assumptions and these assumptions, it is now clear, are false."

Prof. Freeman Dyson -- one of the world's most eminent physicists says the models used to justify global-warming alarmism are "full of fudge factors" and "do not begin to describe the real world."
It appears the global warming hoax doesn't pass the highly touted peer review test. Or are only those that agree valid peers?

And where did all the GW advocates go?
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Well, let's remember that most of the GW supporters have Science Degrees.

Political Science degrees, that is... :rolleyes:
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So they have a degree! What does that mean? There family had money to send them to a academia institution?

I know people that can out wit, out test, out smart most college grades that did not complete high school.

If I remember right, Einstein did not complete school.

I have a foot locker full of certificates from various collage courses. Does it mean anything NO!

Bottom line! Some people have it and some people don't!

If you just look at the trend over that past 100 years you can see what is happening.

Normal variations, nothing more , nothing less.
On the subject of degrees the smartest man I know has oved his life on only an 8th grade education. Born in a different time I suppose . He later went and got his GED.

It amuses me how most of these people with degrees hanging on their wall are some of the dumbest people. So what if you have some theory. If you can't prove it, It means nothing, and 2 if you are so far into these "theories" that are unable to function in society then what good does it do you. I had a teacher of whom I have much respect for. He told me that I could never fit completely into society. But I could, and for that matter had to skirt somewhere around the fringes. I won't mention names but there are several who have posted in this thread. They are the "educated" type. They can grasp ideas and concpets that I can not even begin to entertian. But they are unable to entertain very simple concepts. The difference between sand and heavy ground comes to mind. They can probably come up with a very detailed explaination of the two. In doing so they miss the obviuos.

On the subject of GW. Isn't it funny how only certian peer reviewed publications are valid. Ain't it also interesting how mainstream science no longer reffers to it as "Global Warming." In the past few yeas it has changed to "Climate Change." To any "common man" it's quite obviuos. Rather then admit thier wrong, They change the name and promote it as if it called by that name from the begining. Anyone who watched the press coverage over the now defunct AWB nows how important a name is.

Furthermore if we truely were causing the earth's temperture to raise via CO2 and the like. It would melt the ice caps greatly disrupt the ocean conveyor(yeah there's a fancy name for it) and the resulty would be an ice age, Not warming as opromoted by so many. And if an ice age did come about as a result of man. I'd just move up to the northern part of this state and get a job with Artic Cat making sleds.
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