The English are frightened of gun pictures!

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The book burning business is from an anti-christian website. It's a total assault on Christians by atheists trying to mock us.

Mocking Christian Site

IT is to christianity what the American Hunters and Shooters ASSociation is to 2nd amendment believers. Though it goes several steps further by taking it to ridiculous levels.
I gotta go with PBP on this one, we Americans have an effed up phobia of boobs. Case in point - compare a French beach with an American beach - topless? Unfortunately, no.

Isn't it amazing how we're scared of public display of boobs, yet the violence is everywhere...movies, TV, print, video games, etc. And then we wonder why we have mass shootings on a regular basis.

The Lovemaster's prescription for a better America - more boobs, less violent images! Remember, you heard it here first!
The book burning business is from an anti-christian website. It's a total assault on Christians by atheists trying to mock us.

I am an atheist and pretty darn anti religion (though you are welcome to believe in it if you want in my opinion) and even I have to say that tidbit on book burning above was pretty ridiculous. The Nazis also burnt plenty of books. The destruction of any competing idea is a practice common to any cult and to single out Christianity as the single greatest perpetrator in history overstates their accomplishments in the field and understates every other group's.
That is something I can agree with...but why do we keep doing that?
Probably a little projective identification and a lot of misplaced kindness. You've got to admit they're so durned cute when they're little, like lab rats.

And yet we Americans are afraid of boobs.
Funny, boobs, that is a female word. You never hear a man say that in the locker room. We say, oops, never mind, ladies present, well you know what we say. But it ain't boobs. And there's some of us that are not at all afraid of them. Walking in the dark woods at night and hearing a rustling in the leaves there is a lot of reassurance when you remember, "Oh, yea, its probably just a herd of wild boobs passing by".:eek:
Whether you are a Christian or not, you are free to burn any books you own. Now if somebody else takes YOUR books and burns them, that's a different matter. Seen Christians doing that?

If you object to people burning their own books, you don't respect private property.

As for the sale of Playboy or beer being illegal in some localities, well, I'm pretty sure George Washington wasn't fighting for frickin' Playboy*. In the case of beer, well, that's just a gesture; you can go to the next county and buy beer. We tried making alcohol contraband nationally, but the user base was too large for that to be practical. The failure of Prohibition is actually evidence of the value of the "War on Drugs". We'll never "win" the war, but we restrict the size of the user base. That's important, because once the cat gets out of the bag, he can't be put back in. Ask Elliot Ness.

Alcohol's our most problematic drug by far and for just one reason. It's legal.

*the w-----s among us may have detected penumbras emanating from somewhere, but that's baloney.
The reckless and irresponsible manner in which Hollywood depicts guns being used should be offensive to all of us who respect the 4 rules.

Is it any wonder that a movie-goer is terrified at the mere sight of a gun. He is fed a steady diet of gangsta thugs and demented losers employing guns to settle scores and prey on innocents.
As for the sale of Playboy or beer being illegal in some localities, well, I'm pretty sure George Washington wasn't fighting for frickin' Playboy*
I agree. He wasn't fighting for freedom and liberty for everyone. He was fighting for the freedom and liberty of men like him to enjoy. How many of the founding fathers actually believed in such concepts for everyone and not just for their specific class?

On the other hand, Playboy is covered under the 1st the same way that an AR-15 is covered under the 2nd. Ole Georgie wasn't fighting for semi automatic rifles, either.
The failure of Prohibition is actually evidence of the value of the "War on Drugs".
What the flying frak?
Alcohol's our most problematic drug by far and for just one reason. It's legal.
And folks have no more business telling me what type of chemicals I can put in my body then they have business telling me what type of firearms I can own.

This is a common problem among so many gun rights advocates. We all claim to believe in freedom and liberty and personal responsibility and all that warm fuzzy stuff but when you get right down to it some are just as happy to restrict the freedoms of others to do things they don't like.
Is it any wonder that a movie-goer is terrified at the mere sight of a gun. He is fed a steady diet of gangsta thugs and demented losers employing guns to settle scores and prey on innocents.

Actually yes, it is a wonder that the focus would be on the inanimate object, rather than the pathetic loser gansta thug culture that produces the misuse of the inanimate object.

Oh ya, their self-esteem is at stake, it must be the guns.
I'll waste a little of my time.

The Constitutional Convention over which George Washington presided didn't produce a document that guaranteed anybody's right to porn or to beer. These were grown men who had big stuff going on in their heads and who had recently won a war against a great military power. As victors, they reserved the right to make their own rules. They made a rule for themselves that kings never make for their subjects. It was a rule by and for victors. The 2nd Amendment.

Wankers and dopeheads don't win wars or establish free nations. That's why you won't find anything about that in the Constitution. Those kind of people come along later and tear down what the great men built. They're symptomatic of degeneration.
So we only have rights as the would have been available at that time and only if they were specifically spelled out?

One thing you might want to remember is prostitution was not actually made illegal in America until the early 1900's. Many of the founders made use of prostitutes on occasion themselves.
Wankers and dopeheads don't win wars or establish free nations.
That's part of my point. This nation wasn't really "free" when it was established. They were tired of being subjects to a king so they formed a land in which they could rule over their own subjects.

This country wasn't free until every single person living in it was considered free and every person - regardless of chromosome - had a vote.

Besides, seems most of the founding fathers enjoyed plenty of alcohol and tobacco.
Besides, seems most of the founding fathers enjoyed plenty of alcohol and tobacco.

And grew hemp as it had quite a variety of uses.

Wankers and dopeheads don't win wars or establish free nations. That's why you won't find anything about that in the Constitution. Those kind of people come along later and tear down what the great men built. They're symptomatic of degeneration.

a) Many great leaders abused substances.
b) Not finding it in the Constitution neither supports nor contradicts your argument.
ForksLaPush said:
Actually yes, it is a wonder that the focus would be on the inanimate object, rather than the pathetic loser gansta thug culture that produces the misuse of the inanimate object.

The focus on the gun is, I believe, part of an intentional Hollywood agenda to discredit any responsible use for firearms. They continually feed the public this image of a gun as something that is ONLY used by sociopaths for misdeeds, to further the argument that no civilized person has use for one.

These images give the sociopaths aberrant behavior to emulate, which liberals can then use to demonize the weapon (not the behavior) and further restrict gun freedoms.
This nation wasn't really "free" when it was established.

I assume from the rest of your post, you're talking about female suffrage. The right to vote was fought for by men and later given to women. In Western culture, women have always be given whatever they asked for. What they've asked for has evolved as technology, politics, and economy have changed. Men in the West have had a bit of a challenge in recent decades keeping up with the changing requests from women (although they've been amazingly flexible).
I assume from the rest of your post, you're talking about female suffrage.
As well as the whole slavery thing. The founding fathers fought for their freedom and liberty. Had they been fighting for freedom and liberty for everyone they would have included such things for africans and the natives of this land. They were fighting for themselves and people like them, not for everyone.
The right to vote was fought for by men and later given to women. In Western culture, women have always be given whatever they asked for.
What the hell?

Those men that fought wouldn't have gotten anywhere without women supporting them. Those men that fought didn't "give" a damn thing to women, they kept the right to vote from women throughout their entire lives. They denied them one the most basic freedoms they claimed to be fighting for. Hypocrisy at its best.

You're forgetting that plenty of women are ready and willing to fight for their freedom but it's a culture of misogyny that prevents them from doing so. Women are just as capable of men in combat.

Women have had to fight for their rights. The western world doesn't "give" them anything. No one gave them the right to vote, no one gave them equal treatment in the workplace, no one gave them sexual freedom, no one gave them the option to refuse to marry and have a child, no one gave them any of these things. They were fought for just as strongly as any of the men who fought in the revolutionary war.

Carrying a gun and going into combat is by no means the only way - nor the most noble way - of fighting for something.
Men in the West have had a bit of a challenge in recent decades keeping up with the changing requests from women (although they've been amazingly flexible).
Yeah, kinda sucks having to put up with these uppity broads that want to be treated equally and not considered little more than property by guys demand they stay home barefoot and pregnant. :rolleyes:
Women are just as capable [as] men in combat.

Mortal combat appears to be instinctive for men; they have engaged in the practice in every culture on every continent for as long as anyone can remember. Women do not appear to have this instinct. They can push a button as well as a man can and if that button fires a rocket then that's "combat", but the instinct is not there.

Also, you must get away from the logical fallacy that everything women have ever done was what men forced them to do.
Mortal combat appears to be instinctive for men; they have engaged in the practice in every culture on every continent for as long as anyone can remember.
Absolutely not. There are a number of cultures that would blow this idea out of the water.
Women do not appear to have this instinct. They can push a button as well as a man can and if that button fires a rocket then that's "combat", but the instinct is not there.
Of course they have this instinct. They don't normally have as much testosterone as we do but they certainly have the same basic human instincts.

There are also theories that women have a stronger instinct for combat through their stronger instinct to protect and feed their young. This is common in many species of mammal including a few primates, making it quite possible that it holds true in ours as well.

Also, you must get away from the logical fallacy that everything women have ever done was what men forced them to do.
I did not claim any such thing. There have been plenty of matriarchal societies around the world and there have been plenty in which women were equal in status to men. I did not say "everything" they have "ever" done but it is a frequent occurrence, especially in American culture.
Quite an amazing change of subject in this thread. We go from the English being frightened by a gun picture clear through female suffrage and whether women are capable of mortal combat.

Closing for thread drift.

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