The English are frightened of gun pictures!

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Good points "Garand", but it's sad to see that they are voluntarily giving up some of the fundamental rights that they fight for.
It gets worse...

I heard brifely on BBC news that Britain is considering passing laws to reduce punishment on drug users who commit crimes, even if the crime warrants a harsh penalty.

only the Brits

Who else would you expect to have a council to determine such nonsense besides the British. Oh Yea some of those right sides fundamentalist who would ban certain movies here in the US. Remember the Passion of Christ uproar. Or how about the more recient attempts to have the Temptation movie removed from theaters.
And yet we Americans are afraid of boobs

was in line at wallyworld and someone tapped me on the shoulder, turned around and there was a pair of 44's pointing right at me!
damn right i was scared!:eek:
I belive the right one came off in 1812.
That would have been on January 8, 1815. I heard they shipped General Edward Pakenham's body back home pickled in a barrel of rum and there weren't enough troops left to complain about the wasted booze. :D
was in line at wallyworld and someone tapped me on the shoulder, turned around and there was a pair of 44's pointing right at me!
damn right i was scared!
Yeah Wally World scares the crap out of me too. They don't like me much in there. Especialy when I harrass the sales lady about not having Hereford Red nail polish. Actualy though wally world was the only store that asked me for my Id when buying ammo. That was the only time I was ever asked for ID. And I've been buying my own ammo since I was 17
And yet we Americans are afraid of boobs.

Not sure where you got that idea. Do you mean we have laws and conventions against putting that kind of thing on billboards? Yeah, but that's not new, in fact, I'd say it's pretty normal for human history in general. A few exceptions here and there, but pretty normal. And it's not "fear."

Being afraid of a picture of a gun, though, seems new and aberrant. That's kind of the OP's point, I think.

You're just trying to take your attitude for a walk, I suspect.
Not sure where you got that idea
I think his point is that we make fun of them for this type of thing and then we regularly see people in this country trying to outlaw bad words, nudity, and other arbitrary things most people are not threatened by but a small minority find offensive to their puritan ideals. Look at the history of book burning in this country.
small minority find offensive to their puritan ideals

Hoo hoo! Get to know a more diverse group of people. You may find you're in a minority with your own brand of Puritanism.

And book burning? That's a reach.
Hoo hoo! Get to know a more diverse group of people. You may find you're in a minority with your own brand of Puritanism.
I've lived a lot of places and met a lot of people in the last 41 years and I have found that the vast majority of people , left or right, don't care what you do as long as you don't care what they do and no one is breaking the law or hurting anyone. A small percentage of the population likes to call themselves a moral majority and feels if they are loud enough they can sound like a majority. These same people seem very interested in how other people live their lives for some odd reason. That is what is happening in England and it happens here.

The same happens from the other side here too. When people tell us we can't tell off color jokes, or own guns, or drive whatever cars we want to because of the mileage.
Be wary, I have seen the power of Political Correctness rise in both the UK and Australia. Australia is not quite as far down the road as the UK- largely I think because Aussies have an inbuilt disrespect for authority and those who live outside of Sydney and Canberra just try and get on with life and ignore the PC .

The thing you have to worry about is both of your leading political contenders- Clinton and Obama seem of that mold.
See post # 1.

If this be true, whatever happened to the Brits who withstood The Blitz of WW2?

What frightens government does not necessarily frighten the citizenry, possibly not even the subjects of the said government.

55 complaints received re particular posters. Oh my, what is the population of the British Isles these days?

This sort of thing has the sound and smell of the bo-ra-ha involving the FCC and those "morals monitors" who went wild over the fleeting display of Ms. Jackson's boob, I believe the lady had two, one of which was so fleetingly shown, during her infamous "wardrobe malfunction" as it was described. Oh my.
If this be true, whatever happened to the Brits who withstood The Blitz of WW2?
They are still there. They are just too busy living their lives and not bothering other people. The mistake they make, like here in America, is believing their elected officials have the brains to recognize a vocal minority fringe element and the courage to stand up to them.
Wild guess. You're still single. Hit or miss?
Miss...16yrs of committed bliss...but grew up in a military family, served 8yrs active duty myself, and had a bit of a wander lust when I was younger. Until we bought our last house before this one, I had never lived in the same home for more than 2 yrs since I was 3 yrs old. Even my undergraduate degree was a conglomerate of credits from 5 different universities. :)
So your wife wants naked chicks on the billboards? Ask her. I'll bet she's one of that tiny minority of Puritans who want to control everybody.
When was it that the English had their testes cut off?
October 1781 for the left one. I belive the right one came off in 1812.

They are still kept in a secret American vault. The conspiracy will be at the heart of National Treasure 3:Royal Family Jewels

You do realize we got our asses handed to us in the War of 1812? It was a fight we largely picked with the UK after a long path of bad decisions started by Jefferson. There were causes we cited for declaring war (yes, we declared it, not Great Britain) but most of these, even impressment of US sailors, were being adequately handled diplomatically with a solution already agreed to and on the way west across the ocean while we were declaring war on this side. We had a few notable victories (mostly at sea in limited engagements) but the war was a resounding failure spun as a victory here in the same way Hussein spun Gulf War I to his people.

Here is a good system to determine who won a war. The nation whose capital is burned to the ground while the other's is unmolested generally looses.
This sort of thing has the sound and smell of the bo-ra-ha involving the FCC and those "morals monitors" who went wild over the fleeting display of Ms. Jackson's boob, I believe the lady had two, one of which was so fleetingly shown, during her infamous "wardrobe malfunction" as it was described. Oh my.

A lot of this all goes back to the media that needs to create controversy to sell advertising and fill airtime. Mrs Jackson's quick flash deserved a small amount of news but leave it to the national news to turn it into a major calamity.

It's easy to make guns look like weapons of mass destruction by the media.
What happened to the stiff upper lip?

The British are also compensated financially for the trauma of merely seeing the twin towers fall on their tellies:

from the EnglishPeople Daily, June 24, 2002:

Families of the 67 British people killed in the World Trade Center attacks on September 11 last year are to be offered average compensation payments of about 1 million U.S. dollars.......

The UK Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority has already agreed relatives could be eligible for payouts of up to 27,000 pounds for the trauma associated with watching the events unfold on live television.

The board usually compensates families who are present when their loved ones are killed or injured. But it has now agreed to take into account advances in technology and decided to treat those who saw the atrocity on television as if they had been actual witnesses to the killings.

27,000 British pounds is an interesting "treatment". I guess a new Jag really helps with the grieving process.
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