The dumbest reloading thing I'd ever done survey.

married for looks the first time...oh wait dumbest thing in shooting

that would be buying a barrel that I knew only had a lifespan of 1000 rounds or maybe turning the windage right instead of left after my sighters
It was maybe 30 years ago my wife bought me a Lee Progressive loader, I forget the model. I had ben doing all my stuff on an old RCBS Rockchucker and an old Lee O press so this was my first foray into progressive. I get the thing all setup primers, powder, brass and away I go with 44 Magnum. Next day I take my Model 29 to the range. The first few went real well and then a pop. Bullet now stuck in forcing cone.

I go see my friend Emery who is working the range. Wood dowel and rubber mallet. I tap the bullet back into the case. skip that and Bang! OK, back in business I return dowel and mallet. Two bangs later and pop again. Back to counter, dowel and mallet again. On my 3rd or maybe 4th trip Emery just told me keep the dowel and hammer. :)

Took weeks for me to live that down. I had been loading just fine for 18 years right till that press. Likely 1/3 of what I loaded (50 rounds) were missing powder. Still have the press but can't recall ever using it again.

I emptied my Uniflow of powder measure into wrong powder can, one part of my yard looked real good that summer hdbiker
I haven't done very many dumb reloading mistakes but have you ever seen what happens to a .357 Magnum case when you run it into an expander die adjusted for .38 Special. :)

Lee-Loader in the 70's. Didn't know squat. Felt that more powder than required would just make my SA .44 magnum more fun.

Never had a mishap, but certainly should have. :o
Accidentally loading a primer up side down. Loading some 40 but accidentally using 10mm data. Gun was fine:mad:
Reloading .45-70 using a misadjusted seating/crimp die. Got a nice crimp, but when the round came out of the die it had more twists than a slinky.

-jb, this is all just between me and the OP, right :rolleyes:
Pulling bullets, grabbed the wrong powder jug, dumped pistol powder into a rifle jug. Had to toss about 1/2 lb powder, not a good day. Won't make that mistake again...