The cost of one animal per pound butchered.

If I am lucky enough to be lying peacefully on my death bed surrounded by my loving family and friends my thoughts will surely be on the things I did, not the amount of money I have made or spent. I don't remember the cost of my many big game hunts, or the steelhead fishing or snowshoeing a trapline or piloting a Pacific City dory from Depoe Bay Oregon up the coast to the Columbia River and across the bar into Astoria....Or the beautiful women in my life or the feeling of riding a big street bike over thousands of miles of highway or playing a guitar for thousands of people in the audience...
How can people reduce their lives to dollars and cents? Makes no sense.

Excellent post.
A square mile is 640 acres, so indeed 1/2 mile x 1/2 mile is 160 acres.

The Math is not your friend, Spacecoast.

1/2 of 640 is 320.

I grew up in open farm county..... a field or pasture was "a section", "a 1/2", "a quarter", "an 80", or "that little strip/scrap"..... a "quarter" is 160 acres, or 1/4 of a section, which is a square mile, 640 acres.
It is to the point that I can't justify the cost without the meat.

Luckily most of the big time meat hunting (read moose) is a shared endeaver, everybody that participates gets a equal part of the meat, this year we got 2 outta 6 alotted animals in our team during the actual hunting week, a calf and a bull, and 15 people are to share it, as we have 4 more allowed, most people would probably not turn up for the weekend hunts so there will be more to share, (we are 18 people in the team)

The shooter gets the heart/tongue and a choice cut of his/her choosing

My lease allows me to hunt solo for deer, hogs and other animals but we do have some shared/organized hunts for those aswell where we share the meat.
640 is one square mile 1/2 mile x 1/2 mile is 1/4 of a square mile=160 acres. His math is correct.

I apologize the 160 is correct. I was thinking half a section, that would be a 1/2 x 1 mile. But I stand by my statement that 160 free would be a heck of a deal. :)
But finding a deer rifle and load that 11 year old girls can manage well is ....tricky.

My skinny little 13 year old has done well with a small rifled 20 gauge and a .243 since she was about 11. She is good with an adjustable stock .223 also but it is not legal for deer in most places.
If you look at it as a hobby, and do your own cutting, I think you are way ahead. Take 2 pounds of 90% lean beef burger and cook it up. Drain the juice into a can and let sit overnight. Do the same with 2 pounds (Or 3 pounds) of deer burger with no added fat meat. Look in the two cans the next day. Where you gonna buy meat that lean at any price? least I dont have to add on the price of a guide. Transportation... yes. Out of state tags and license... yes, Food... yes, For camping, all I have to bring is my sleeping bag, rifle, ammo, and clothes thanks to relatives. And then there is shipping the meat once buchered.

On local hunts, its just fuel and ammo. Im 65 so license and tags are free.
I am just spit balling but I would guess the, maybe, one pound duck we got today cost about $120. Hopefully more will come before the end of the season and that will spread the cost some. But if not it was more than worth it, especially getting to see my daughter take it upon herself to slog into the water and mud to retrieve it before I could stop her. It was the only one we saw today but it might as well have filled both of our limits, as happy as she was that we got one.
Twelve minuets difference in time crossing past the camera between this one and his older brother. Yup another candidate roaming around where He shouldn't be. (Oops!! correction: Where He should be_:D)
Sounds like you've got these two dialed in Sure Shot.

I can see the wheels turning....

....where's the best place to set up to ambush one of these guys... which way does the wind usually come can I enter this area without leaving scent or getting busted....:confused::confused::confused:

Been there done that! :D

Good luck and hope you score.
Yep it is tough to sneak in there without being seen or scented. A good snort or whistle in the early Am or evening darkness is just the thing we need to perk up that old hearts a pound'in.
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