The Castle Doctrine

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I'm talking about the rules and laws that allow such orders to be given. If you don't think defense of unoccupied, non-domicile property is moral (assuming escalation to deadly force is a possibility), then you should be opposed to the laws and rules that allow government entities to use such force.

Let me ask you this, since I gather you are either active or former service; If your MOS puts you on one of these security details, and (Lets assume you don't feel shooting to protect property is morally justifiable)
and,you are required by orders, or the circumstances, to fire, will you disregard the order? Or if you are in a command position, would you give that order if security were your standing orders?

... don't be disingenuous.

I have not been, now please answer the question, will you do your duty or not?
In which case, if firearms are LIFE insurance, not PROPERTY insurance, then you should be writing your congressfolk and state legislators about the possible use of deadly force by federal, military, and LEO to defend property. After all, you don't think it's moral, right?

I see no reason, as I can tell the difference between the Apple and the Orange.
The difference...

... is defense of public PROPERTY, vs defense of private PROPERTY.

It's not Apple and Orange. If it is, then explain why it is. You can't just say, "it's not the same, obviously."

Well, you can, but it's intellectually lazy, at best.
MLeake said:
Given an after hours strike on physical assets, such as a known, unoccupied structure or aircraft, is a deadly force response morally acceptable or not?

Does the Security Detail have police arrest powers on government property? Yeees, so if the ELF resists arrest violently force may be used to effect the arrest.

MLeake said:
... take the military out of it.

That is a good idea since you do not seem to understand that cargo aircraft are vital to national defense and do not seem to know a lot about the military.

However, I am chuckling as you dance from thing to thing trying to qualify your scenarios to absurdity.

The question is not the simple defense of public vs private property. May I morally use deadly force to stop a terrorist from stealing a nuke (public property) and also a teenage punk from stealing my Surefire flashlight from my car (private property) is an absurd comparison.

You are comparing a life threatening theft to one that threatens no one's life. Can you not see the difference?

You sound like Joe Horn. I am mad because they are stealing something from me (or in his case another person he didn't really even know) that I could replace so I want to use deadly force against them. That is not a moral decision. It is an emotional one.

MLeake said:
The government allows and in fact obligates personnel to be prepared to use deadly force in defense of property.

Just as an aside since we've established you don't know a lot about the military, security personnel cannot use deadly force willy nilly to defend military property. An MP may not shoot you if you shoplift at the PX. He might however, if you try to enter a restricted area (defined by law) that is posted with warnings not to enter. Your comparisons are fraught with problems thus.
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You sound like Joe Horn. (...) we've establsihed you don't know a lot about the military
I agree with much of what you've said, but we're really just sniping at each other here.

The original post has been answered, and good points have been raised about the circumstances under which force is justified. At some point, we've lost track of things, though.

One interesting question has been raised in the last couple of pages, however. Although simple protection of property is not a justification for lethal force, there are circumstances under which it is justified in defense of government property. Is there a moral or constitutional authority granted to those guarding such assets that is not available to civilians, and if so, from where is it derived?

Might make a good thread of its own.
Tom Servo said:
but we're really just sniping at each other here.

You're right. You ever seen the game where the gophers pop up and you just keep knocking them down? Gets tiring after awhile.

Tom Servo said:
Is there a moral or constitutional authority granted to those guarding such assets that is not available to civilians, and if so, from where is it derived?

For military installations it is derived from statute and Rules of Engagement policy by DoD.

... guess you're right, I must not know much about the military.

Other than just finishing up my 20, and now being a deploying contractor, I've had no exposure whatever. :rolleyes:

So yes, I understand that airlift is critical. Then again, I asked the same question, using a primary trainer aircraft. Think T-34, T-6, or T-37. Those aren't "critical assets" by any stretch, yet they would also be defended by armed security, with fatal results to a saboteur who didn't surrender.

And I'm not jumping around all over the place. The theme has remained the same - government agencies are authorized to use deadly force in defense of property. What makes that inherently morally acceptable, if it is unacceptable to use deadly force to protect private property?

You have flung insults, and behaved in a snarky manner, and made fun of my scenarios. What you have not done is answered my basic question, which has remained the same throughout the different examples I've offered. Why is it morally acceptable for the government to use deadly force to defend unoccupied, non-defense-critical property, if it is morally unacceptable for a private individual to do the same thing?

Either answer that question, or admit that you don't have a good answer for it.

And TG, just like I told OutCast, when you talk about the authority to do things granted by law and ROE, you are talking about legal vs moral authority. The argument you've used vs individuals is a moral argument. Please stick to the moral argument. Legal and moral aren't always all that closely related.
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I would like to have an answer to this as well....

[FONT=]Why is it morally acceptable for the government to use deadly force to defend unoccupied, non-defense-critical property, if it is morally unacceptable for a private individual to do the same thing?[/FONT]

I've read the last 2 pages of this snipe fest and would enjoy the next volley.
Sorry for the double post but...

This reminds me of that old joke about the scruffy looking guy offering a lady $20 for ____________ and she acts very indignant until he sets a suitcase with a $1,000,000 in it on the bar and makes the same offer.... which she then delightfully accepts.
So he sez .. of course... "Young lady so it's not a matter of what you are but merely what your price is."

So... what is the price of a thief or saboteur or arsonists' life??
Either answer that question, or admit that you don't have a good answer for it.

I will challenge you to do the same, if you can. You just stated;

... guess you're right, I must not know much about the military.

Other than just finishing up my 20, and now being a deploying contractor

So, you must have some knowledge of the COC,ROE, what constitutes a direct order, and the oath you and many of the rest of us have taken. Since you dodged the question the first time, let me ask again;

Let me ask you this, since I gather you are either active or former service;(Now confirmed) If your MOS puts you on one of these security details, and (Lets assume you don't feel shooting to protect property is morally justifiable)
you are required by orders, or the circumstances, to fire, will you disregard the order? Or if you are in a command position, would you give that order if security were your standing orders?

Now please answer the question, will you do your duty or not? (or again dodge or obfuscate the simple, direct question?)

If you have the credentials you claim, and I'm sure you do, then regardless of your personal feelings, you will follow standing orders. Why? because you too know the difference between the Apple and the Orange.

And TG, just like I told OutCast, when you talk about the authority to do things granted by law and ROE, you are talking about legal vs moral authority.

Please MLeake dont make such a "disingenuous" request, as you know full well that the two have no bearing on each other.
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You are the one dodging the question.

I've stated, repeatedly, that we are talking about YOUR interpretation of whether the POLICY is moral, not about the morality of a soldier, sailor, or airman following the policy.

BTW, since I'm the one defending the idea of confronting persons over crimes against one's own property, it should be obvious to anybody that I won't have a moral issue with the aforementioned soldiers, sailors, and airmen following their lawful orders. And no, I would not have refused such orders.

So, once again - and you still haven't answered the question, just made some snide and insipid remark about apples and oranges - we aren't talking about legality. Even if you want to discuss law, legality does not create morality, although the reverse can sometimes be true - our morality usually biases the sorts of laws we pass. But, what is legal is not always moral.

So, if you believe that the potential use of deadly force as a result of confrontations over property crimes is IMMORAL, when the confrontation is made by a private citizen protecting his property, then how can you think the POLICY of using deadly force to confront perpetrators of property crimes is MORAL when the confrontation is made by government personnel?

To reiterate, this is NOT about the morality of the security personnel. It's about the morality of the POLICY that allows the engagement, over non-national-security critical assets.

Please answer, for once.
I have, numerous times. While I do not feel that shooting someone over my personal property is justifiable morally (by ME) I have no problem with assets of the DoD being protected by lethal force, nor would I refuse a direct order to do so. Why? Because my 36" plasma TV has no effect on national security, the encroachment of UA's on a military installation does. Should I use smaller words ? or type more slowly?

just made some snide and insipid remark about apples and oranges

Sorry but that is what it boils down to, it ain't rocket surgery.
MLeake said:
So yes, I understand that airlift is critical. Then again, I asked the same question, [this time] using a primary trainer aircraft.

MLeake said:
And I'm not jumping around all over the place.

ROFL! No you're not jumping around :rolleyes: you just keep changing the property example each time you are refuted. If I answer the trainer question what will be next; shoplifting in the PX?

MLeake said:
yet they would also be defended by armed security, with fatal results to a saboteur who didn't surrender.

That is called resisting arrest not using deadly force to defend property.

government agencies are authorized to use deadly force in defense of property

No, they are not authorized to use deadly force in defense of all government property. Were you really on active duty? Can you not understand that the government thru law can do things morally that civilians cannot? They can imprison people, you cannot, they can execute people, you cannot, they can declare war, you cannot, they can seize property, you cannot etc. There is no moral equivilence that you are asserting between lawful use of deadly force by the government and that of private citizens. Therefore the apples and oranges OuTcAsT keeps calling you on.

MLeake said:
Why is it morally acceptable for the government to use deadly force to defend unoccupied, non-defense-critical property, if it is morally unacceptable for a private individual to do the same thing?

The government doesn't use deadly force to defend unoccupied, non-defense-critical property. Period. So the question is moot. The government may only use deadly force to defend certain property and if you were really on active duty you would know that. As I stated before MPs who shoot folk for shoplifting will probably be court martialed.

MLeake said:
Legal and moral aren't always all that closely related.

But more often than not they are. ;)
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Because my 36" plasma TV has no effect on national security, the encroachment of UA's on a military installation does.
It might, depending on what was watched on it ;)

To rephrase the question: if a piece of property is deemed as having an effect on national security, then it's OK to kill over it? How do we decide what qualifies and what doesn't? Who has the ultimate moral authority to make such distinctions?

I won't pretend to have answers; they're rhetorical questions. They're good food for thought, but I think they merit a separate thread of their own.

To sum up: Castle Doctrine good. Joe Horn maybe not so good. Apples and oranges, both tasty. Defending the honor of a 36" Plasma TV to the gravest extreme (no matter how amazing Halo looks on it), questionable.

Getting all hot and bothered, and not in a good way, on a Saturday night? Meh.
There is no moral equivalence that you are asserting between lawful use of deadly force between government and private citizens. Therefore the apples and oranges OuTcAsT keeps calling you on.

Precisely, I could not find enough three letter words to state my point any more unambiguously. ;)
Going way way back to the OP....

Tennessee has a very similar Castle Law. However......

I couldn't take a life just for trying to steal my truck from my garage (even though I spent 8 hours today removing dead paint and waxing).

I could take a life if someone showed up in my house uninvited at 3:00 AM.

I'm not sure until it happened what I would do if someone was trying to blow up my stable with lots of horses in it.
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