The Bush Legacy?

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define less taxes

for the sake of clarity define pay less taxes. If you simply talk about a reduction in the income tax tables you are right. However if you add back in the cost of every additional user fee, excise tax and the affect of those on prices you pay for goods and services you might find there has been no overall reduction in taxes.

Start by looking at your phone bill and see how many little fees have been added or increased since 2000. Check out your local school budget and see if the amount from the fed for something as simple as school lunch programs has actually been reduced causing more local property tax increases. Meanwhile the same Bush administration has enacted multiple mandates for schools, municipalities and state government with no federal funding. Most of these mandates have required some additional state or local tax to be added to your bill. Most people don't even know that some of these taxes were added over the last few years. Is everyone aware we now pay a very small Federal excise tax on all fuels that goes to fund the replacement of buried fuel tanks owned by private enterprise? And the list goes on and on of those things you now have numerous little federal fees and taxes added to your bill.
In 50 years? He'll probably be seen as an average president, possibly below-average. Nowhere near worst, certainly not great. I'm guessing most texts will give some mention to the difficulties he faced (and really, it's not like he had a really easy eight years regardless of how he handled them), but will likely describe his handling of the issues while he was in office as poor or at best mediocre.

I could be wrong, of course, but I guess we'll have to wait 50 years to find out.

It's also likely that in lower-level history books that our operations in Iraq and 9/11 will be given more coverage than his actual presidency.
Oh, and I guess restoring Honesty and Dignity to the office after Clinton left it a cat house is nothing.

Seriously? :eek:

Bush appointed to the Supreeme Court constitutionalist judges.

Two Words: Harriet Miers

I feel Bush prevented a full blown depression.

Little early to say he prevented one as this recession certainly isn't over. His rate cuts have played no small part in wrecking the value of the dollar either.

For God sakes, he's not the devil folks.

I doubt Ol' Scratch himself would claim him.
to respond to several posts, hitler mussolini and tojo fell since they were in well publicized positions in a conventional war, saddam needed to be removed, those pacifists at the UN would sit and watch while he kills more and more of his people saddam killed over 2 million, and china does need to get out of tibet and stop threatening taiwan screw those damned commies the reason im buying an ar15 is so i can shoot at them when the liberals cut our military and china rolls in
I don't know how history will judge the man, but I know how I will judge the man: Not kindly. Perhaps the Democrats will be more appreciative of his presidency. After all, he was able to accomplish what they were unable to do; destroying the reputation of the Republican party.
I mostly stay away from the L&P posts but...
Uhhh.... You must not spend much time around the military and see what's really going on.

Typically people with that kind of view-point are the ones with a "Support the Troops" sticker on the back of their SUV, who love war but for some reason never got around to joining up themselves or much less encouraging their kids to enlist (especially not for a Direct-Action MOS).

Really? I see a heck of a lot more support amongst the military for Bush than for the Democrats. And I do spend a fair bit of time around the military. And I have a 'Support the Troops' sticker. Goes well with the Purple Heart license plate, I think.

Greatest President ever? Hardly. Pretty decent? Yes. Compared to the alternatives we've been presented with the last few elections? Glad it wasn't the others.
I'm just not able to express my deep and multiple frustrations with Bush and what has done to our country. There is so much I want to say and it all gets rolled up in to a ball of disgust. What a waste of opportunities, lives, treasure and individual rights.

this sums me up........
Compared to the alternatives we've been presented with the last few elections? Glad it wasn't the others.

and then to have this party is going to learn some tough lessons

Great standard
I see a heck of a lot more support amongst the military for Bush than for the Democrats

Yes, quite often a tragic by-product of "group-think" that occurs in any massive bureaucracy and the socio-economic background that many of our soldiers come from. Since you've obviously served, you know as well as I do how open the military is to dissent and thinking differently.

NOTE: I'm not saying Dems are better than Rep (even though I'm a liberal), rather I'm pointing out that as Patton said: "If everyone is thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking".

It's the same as the predominance of evangelical Christianity and the de facto proselytizing that goes on and is condoned in many chains of command.

All of which are excellent reasons to bring back the draft both so that we not only bring people from all walks of life, religions, political views and experiences but than everyone can share in the sacrifices and really "support the troops" (because it will be their kids, not someone elses).

I wonder how much longer the war would last if we had a draft?:rolleyes:

John Reed does a great job discussing this:

Uhhh.... You must not spend much time around the military and see what's really going on.

Have you seen our re-enlistment rates and the $$$ we're throwing around? Their waving 30-60k bonuses to for junior officers to stay in. But lots of us who have other options and have saluted the flag & done our part are punching out because we want a "normal" life. Which is going to leave a mix of folks who either really enjoy the military for a career (WAY too few of those) and folks who have no better option than to stay to wait for that 20-year retirement (many, many, many of those)
It imagine that in the grand scheme of things he'll be remembered fairly well, given what history tends to remember.
liberals write our history books, i love reading about how awful the us was in vietnam and not hearing about how weak willed politicans lost the war and how 2.5 million innocents were massacred by the commies after the pullout, how the TET offensive weas a major defeat of U.S. forces, how clinton is a modern history textbook
liberals write our history books, i love reading about how awful the us was in vietnam and not hearing about how weak willed politicans lost the war and how 2.5 million innocents were massacred by the commies after the pullout, how the TET offensive weas a major defeat of U.S. forces, how clinton is a modern history textbook

Depends on what text you read. With high school texts it's pretty much a given. The two college texts I've read give a decent treatment of the fallout of our pullout from Vietnam as well as many of the factors that led to it (and yes, politicians were a big one).

Though most still give Clinton the Oval Office treatment. But I'd chalk that up to recent memory and times being relatively good back then.
My take not that anyone wants to here it is, Bush Got caught holding the bag that Clinton left behind.

Clinton was riding the wave of some Else's actions. He gave the Chines our manufacturing industries. He gave them The means to maintain orbit in space. They can put people up there now!

He had a chance to wax Osoma! He bombed a aspirin factory instead to get the heat off of his crap in the home front!

Yep, He may be a Goof Ball some times but he has his hands full.

If (It ) gets in office your going to wish you still had him!:D:D
I think he like his Dad, got a tin ear late in the term. Kinda, gave up.

I think if Obama/Hillary gets in, those Southern Christian Boys are not going to enlist.
and sitting back and not acting is the way to go.....................maybe we should try diplomacy!!!! the UN is very good at it i heard.........
Yep! That's the ticket!

and sitting back and not acting is the way to go.....................maybe we should try diplomacy!!!! the UN is very good at it i heard.........

That sure worked!

Maybe we should sick Jimmy Carter on them! :D
Love him or Hate him, He's sure killed a lot of Muslim fanatics.

Which only help create thousands more to take their place. Worked real well.

His war also led to the deaths of at least 80000 civilians. And those Muslim fanatics were halfway around the world from America, posing no threat to us until we chose to invade their country.

and sitting back and not acting is the way to go.....................

No. Most Americans would agree that the invasion of Afghanistan was justified.
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