The Bush Legacy?

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Technosavant, I cannot find fault with anything you said. Pretty much nailed it.

It will take far more than one good president to fix the damage, but unfortunately, of the current field I don't see even one who qualifies.

In order to correct a market drop of 50%, you need to gain 100% just to break even. It is far easier to ruin than the build up. There just is no quick fix.
But I do think he will be remembered as a man who stood by his convictions, unlike his predecessor who twisted and turned with every poll.

"When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday -- no matter what happened Tuesday." --Stephen Colbert, at the WHCD

i.e. Complete inflexibility is not an asset.
I did not say anything about his decisions, but his convictions.

The conviction that terrorism had to be addressed finally, once and for all, because our policy of half measeures, and throwing a missle at a training camp once in a while was not cutting it.
I did not say anything about his decisions, but his convictions.

The conviction that terrorism had to be addressed finally, once and for all, because our policy of half measeures, and throwing a missle at a training camp once in a while was not cutting it.

Let me know when that "finally, once and for all" happens.
President Bush IMHO has a very interesting history. Have we ever had a President that had to make so many difficult decision? I think he will be remembered along the lines of Truman, or Nixon depending on how things end up playing out in Iraq. Or he simply may just be remembered as the last president that allowed us to keep our guns.:eek:
I think he will be remembered along the lines of Truman, or Nixon

Truman and Nixon are remembered quite, quite differently.

that allowed us to keep our guns.

Allowed us? Allowed? Why, thank you for the privilege. Please re-read the 2nd. Furthermore, inaction from Bush is not necessarily action itself.
i am a fan of the president, he disappoints me on some levels, like not standing agaionst illegal immigration,but removing saddam and the taliban and freeing the populations of two opressive regimes, and throwing alqueada on the run is the right thing. he also lets us have guns. but i wont be persuaded by the liberal media, trying to lose wars and ban guns
He did provide a lot of AIDS relief to Africa. Africa loves Bush.

He also, thankfully, said that the Olympics is a sporting event for athletes, not a political soapbox - despite all those calls for boycotts from Hillary, Obama, and even McCain, and all those stupid violent protests to "free" Tibet. Kudos to that.

I can't believe my 1,000th post is on defending Bush. Ugh.
He faced terrorism and Osama is alive and well.

This many years after Pearl Harbor - where were Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo?

That's all I need to know. Instead, we went to Iraq on a Freudian dream of upstaging his father.
If some many years down the road Iraq is the first of several stable peaceful democracies in the middle east he will be regarded as successful regardless have how stupid he appears to be or is now.

Any of you that claim to have some clairvoyance as to how the area will look 30 years from now have an inflated opinion of your insight.
Oh, and I guess restoring Honesty and Dignity to the office after Clinton left it a cat house is nothing.

Have sex in the Oval Office, get impeached.

Start an unnecessary war that kills 4000 Americans, 100000 civilians and costs us $3000 per second, get re-elected.
I voted for him the first time. :)

I voted for him the second time. :mad:

If he could run a third time, I'd vote for him again, seeing what the Liberals have to offer. :eek:
Now that's really sad !!!

Perhaps it's time to stop voting for the lesser of two evils and send a message ??? :rolleyes:

Be Safe and don't forget to say your prayers. "God Bless America"
He will make Jimmy Carter look

like a leader when the evaluations over a long term are made. No one disputes Carter lead the country into wretched interest rates. But along with the interest rates being high for borrowing there were high earning rates as a trade off. With Bush we have high oil, huge profits for limits oil company shareholders, and expanded tax benefits for selective oil interest. There has only been a down side with no favorable upside.

The Patriot Act will be a part of the Bush legacy along with so many of his nifty presidential power interpretations. Presidents who follow Bush and keep the same presidential powers interpretations will always be seen as simply following the Bush legacy.

Bush has appoint more inept individuals into positions than anyone else in history. Another president will have to work very diligently to bring us less qualified people than we have seen in the Justice Department, FEMA and a never-ending list of incompetent appointees running departments.

Ben Laden will always be connected to Bush as an example of how one man could evade an entire nations commitment to capture one terrorist.
Iraq is the first of several stable peaceful democracies in the middle east

Hmmm.... Sounds like a great opportunity to invest in real estate. I hear you can get property in Bagdad real cheap.

freeing the populations of two opressive regimes, and throwing alqueada on the run

Yes it certainly is freeing to be worrying if your going to get beheaded, blown up in a car bomb, shot to death or kidnapped just for belonging to the wrong fan club of Allah. What a great way to enjoy freedom :rolleyes:

Al Queda on the run? lol. Maybe running to Iraq (where they were not welcome before) so that they can gain valuable experience.

Bush has appoint more inept individuals into positions than anyone else in history

"Your going a great job Brownie!"
Absolute failure as a president. An incredibly successful politician.

If you think of Bush in terms of foreign policy, the economy, or any "policy" rubric he has unalloyed failure.
If you look at his political efforts, cutting taxes, reducing regulations, or placing political appointees in office, he's been very successful indeed.

While his political success has arguably played a part in the failure of his policies. It is a bit too soon to tell how they will work out in the long run.

My own opinion is that Bush has left us some booby-traps, that will pop up for several more years to come.
Only if we "metaphorically" plow the soil of this administration and sow it with salt will the nation have a chance to return to a semblance of normality.
I doubt that'll happen cause the democrats are wimps and once out of power the republicans will go 24/7 obstructionism.
Cut taxes, but only for the rich,

Wasn't aware I was rich. I pay less tax under Bush than I did with Clinton.

Right or wrong, at least Bush had the balls to do something. Clinton buried his head in the sand. Congress could have prevented any US invasion of Iraq. Didn't Congress can force the troops out of Iraq at any time. They won't Sure, blame Bush.

One might note that the Afghan government is happily going about banning free speech as it violates their views of the roles of women.

One might note that every country the US has liberated has eventually done something that totally pisses the US off. France. Italy. Germany...hell, most of Europe. Phillipines. The list is endless. The only way to make a country do what we like is to occupy them and force them, but then, that would be Iraq and we don't like that either.
With Bush we have high oil, huge profits for limits oil company shareholders, and expanded tax benefits for selective oil interest.

I get tired of this perception. It's good for oil companies to profit, hell even profit by a lot. What, you want them to fail? Look, the oil companies themselves have surprisingly little to do with the price of your gas at the pump. Econ 101.

"But all they care about is the bottom line!"

Yeah, that's capitalism for ya.

Those of us who have planned our finances for retirement have money tied up in one energy company or another (most of us without realizing), either direct through portfolios, or mutual funds, pensions plans, 401k, etc. If you're so pissed that the oil companies are making so much bank, why not invest? Chances are, you already have. Duh.

1,001th post: Defending "Big Oil." Ugh.
Cut taxes, but only for the rich, and simultaneously increased spending, turning a several trillion dollar surplus into a several trillion dollar debt. Estimates range from $20K-$30K of debt for every American man, woman, and child. Thanks a lot for that.

I disagree. Define rich. You'll see many of us fall in this supposed "rich" category. Another way to believe this was benificial were that "rich" businesses were able to hire more workers, promoting the economy further.

OK, this statement shows that you're not even trying to think rationally. Bush is a national/global embarrassment.

I really don't care what the world thinks of us, and I feel if we as a country worry about our immage we are doomed to globalization.
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