The BEST shot you ever made...

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If your "best" shot means a good shot you made that you'll never forget, then mine was also with a BB gun. I was about 7 in north GA and spotted a small bluish bird roughly 30 to 40 yds away in the top of a pine tree. I wanted to miss it and just scare it, but, as so often happens, the miss turned into a dead on hit. It fell to ground like a rock. The bird turned out to be an Indigo Bunting, the state bird of GA at the time and shooting it was a misdemeanor. Fortunately, no one from the GBI was around at the time, but my mother wasn't pleased to say the least. That one shot made me determined to shoot better so that when I wanted to miss, I would.
My friend was sighting in his new rifle with a target set at 100 yards. Around the target where assorted cans, to plink at after he got it sighted in.

I figured what the hell, I was wearing my P91, I did a quick draw and blasted one of the cans, nailed it. I quickly put the gun away and acted like it was no big deal. The rest of the guys where impressed. Unfortunatly it wasn't the one I was aiming at.

I did once see my dad hit a flying dove with an old winchester lever action .22 at about 40 yards. Now that was cool.
No doubt was my lucky rabbit shot. Had a rabbit running full out from right to left of me, approx 150 yrds. Quick drew my Ruger Single Six .22 and fired from the hip. Got him in the head. He rolled for about another 10 ft.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
No doubt was my lucky rabbit shot. Had a rabbit running full out from right to left of me, approx 150 yrds. Quick drew my Ruger Single Six .22 and fired from the hip. Got him in the head. He rolled for about another 10 ft.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I love the fact that some of us have memorable shots from bb and pellet guns. I still love to shoot them. My most memorable shooting was as an early teen. One pretty girl and three handsome guys. A friend borrowed his Dad's S&W .22 revolver and we competed for the affection of said girl. After witnessing the results of my opponents exceptional ability I became desperate and planted a 1" stick in the ground 16 paces downrange. Of the four rounds in the cylinder, three hit the stick. I got the girl. That said even this far down: Mr. McMillan wins the trophy in my mind. :)
While guiding a spring brown bear hunt on Admiralty Island my client and I hunted ten full days before shooting a big bear on the last day of the season, right at sunset. We stalked to within roughly 50 yards of the boar and my client made a good shot with his .338 win mag. However, the bear sprinted for the timber even though the shot had taken out the near shoulder, the pipes over the heart and the lungs.

I knew it was a good shot, but told the client to shoot again, as I'm fond of my skin as issued, but he missed the running bear at roughly 80 yards, not surprising since bears can really move. I swung on him and let fly with my .375 H&H at about 100 yards and the bear crashed into the ground, with everything but flames coming out of his a$$. Spine shot. I tried to look nonchalant as I said, "Let's go look at your bear."
Many years ago (about 20) I lived on a farm that was fairly secluded. There was a nice flat surrounded by horseshoe shaped hills. In this flat I set up several silhouette targets that were to be shot at from the back of a moving pickup as they were driven by or towards, as the case may be. I built a cage for the bed of the pickup from which to shoot from. We were also shooting rather rapid fire (if you get my drift) UZI 9mm's.

I was shooting and the drivers was driving through this course a little faster than I was ready for. Anyway, I engaged the target we were moving towards over the cab, then the target to the right, by that time we were almost to the left target. I had no time to turn so I instinctivly bent backwards over the roll bar and gave the target an upside down burst. The cool part was that all targets had 2 plus shots in the kill zone.
Cat lovers will not like this and the only reason I shot this cat was because my Aunt on the farm asked me to. The farm had way more cats than they could really afford to feed and besides the cats were wild, really wild, they would attack the unsuspecting.

Anyway, one of the cats was with kittens and my Aunt asked me to dispose of it before it gave birth. I loaded my trusty Ruger Bearcat, stuck it my el cheapo Hunter holster and set forth. The cat saw me coming down the walk and took off running, I made a quick draw, snapped off one shot without really aiming and made a head shot.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Caught my neighbor in the top of the scalp with a home made dart (finishing nail in a poplar stick with chicken feather vanes). He ran all the way home with this big ol dart dangling from his skull. I denied everything!
Other great shots with rifle were at illegal things at illegal times. Of course I haven't done anything else wrong for last couple of decades.
Good shootin Gale!!!!

[This message has been edited by mcshot (edited December 03, 1999).]
Gale's was a very impressive shot, but yours, McShot, with that home made dart, has got to be the funniest! :O

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Back in 1994, another officer and I were shooting up an out-of-date box of 9mm. I was down to the last round and my buddy looked at me and said, "Bet you a steak dinner you can't hit that prickly pear fruit." Said fruit was on top of a cactus about 10-15 yards away.
My mouth was about to decline, when my arm brought the pistol up, I got a snap sight picture and fired one-handed as the pistol came level.

Clipped that fruit off that cactus slicker'n a cat whistle. Couldn't do it again if I tried.

Sure did enjoy that steak, though.

BLM land near 29 Palms, 1992, coyote hunting with a fellow SSgt, no wind conditions, took a dogs spine out @ 610 meters with a Remington 700 in .308. We paced it off and my buddy was incredulous. Lucky shot. Up to that point, I'd not hit anything beyond about 500 meters. If you're wondering why the great distances, being a marksmanship instructor for the rifle team, we were used to 500 meters anyway and thought it more challenging not to engage anything under 200 meters.
Christmastime, 1963. I was home from Germany.

I went to the Sears & Roebuck store in Daytona Beach, FL, and bought a J C Higgins 9-shot .22 revolver as a Christmas present for my Dad. (No identification or license needed back then.)

Upon unwrapping his gift, Dad and I marched out to the back yard (we lived WAY out of town) to try it out.

I hung a large pine cone on a three-foot piece of string from a tree. As a joke, I gave the pine cone a hard push.

Dad made me take the first shot. As the pine cone was swinging back and forth I took a quick shot with both eyes open. The little .22 slug (all on its own) cut the string and the pine cone fell to the ground.

I immediately handed the revolver to my Dad and said, "Well, the sights are right on!"

I left him open-mouthed as I went forward to re-tie the string. Upon my return he looked at me and said, "Do that again!"

I refused, "Dad, it's your new gun. You shoot it."

Needless to say, my little deception didn't last long as we continued to shoot. But the time we had laughing about it is one of my fondest memories. That's one reason that old .22 revolver is not for sale.
Early '80s, friends and I were standing at the front steps of a house. Turned around, lifted up my Marksman wrist rocket and sent a Crosman copper plated .177 BB at a 1½" metal flag pole approximately 15 yards away. 'TINK'. Everybody else started shooting to do same but no more 'TINK's.

- Ron V.

Here's a list. I couldn't narrow it down to one.........

Handgun-10 foot shot with my S&W 686 on a charging Javelina. Head shot anchored him. Pure luck.

Rifle(308)-Head shot at 300 meters.

Rifle(50 BMG)-Mover at 1200 yards.

Grenade-At the Ft. Knox range I took out the 100 yd. sign. Had to do pushups for an hour and replace the sign.

M1A1 Abrams-Mover at 3700 meters while on the move.
Last season I made a neck shot on a turkey at 110 yards with my ol' .270

Coolest shots I've ever seen:
I once saw one of my huntin' buddies knock a buzzard off a powerline at over 300 yards with a .380 (Pure Luck)

The absolute coolest was a friend of my Dad's videotaping his 11 year old son turkey hunting. He sent his son into a clump of brush after a tom with a single shot 20 guage. The boy disappears from view of the camera, you hear a BOOM, and the turkey comes flying out of the brush. The camera stays on the flying turkey, and then you see Mike's (cameraman's) left hand come in to view with a Colt 1911. He fires one shot & the turkey drops like a stone, filming the whole time. Very much cool!

Ok, we have a new winner! LoneStar's friend, Mike. That one's going to be hard to top for out right coolness.
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