The BEST shot you ever made...

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New member
I thought this would be a fun topic... I thought this section would be the best place to ask the question:

What was the best shot you ever made?
(Please try to keep the lies down to
a minimum! -smile- )

My best shot was actually with PELLET rifle.
I like to shoot a pellet rifle because it is VERY CHEAP to shoot and helps me keep the fundamentals of shooting fine-tuned. Anyway, I was target shooting with it out in the woods and a dragon-fly landed on a stump about 30 feet away. I aimed at the HEAD - and shot it off... the body dropped to the top of the stump as proof. Seriously!

My best shot with a regular weapon? That would probably be a rattle snake curled up on a log across the river, about 40 yards away. Shot with a .22 (with a scope). When I shot, I didn't even see it move, maybe twitch, nothing more. I thought I missed. After looking long and hard through binoculars, I saw a hole through its head. I must have severed the brain stem or something.
Snap shot. 255+ yards. Priary Dog. Head shot. 4X scope. Freehand. Bushmaster AR shorty. No Lie.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
I was demonstrating a fifty to the crown Prince of Jordon and after the demo which was at 300 yards I had let all the officers shoot and when the general had finished he asked me if I could hit that tank over there. I said I don't see any tank and he pointed it out. I asked him how far it was and he said it was 2000 meters. I told him I didn't think so but I would try. I cranked the scope to the top and what I was going to do was to fire one and get back on the target and dope off the dust and try to luck the second shot in. They tank was a shot out Israeli tank that still had the star of David on the turret . The mirage was running heavy so I held a tank length to the side and touched it off. The API flashed right in the center of the star of David and I set a record getting the rifle disassembled and in the case before he could ask me to repeat it.
I was about 12 years old. My friend and I were in his house shooting a CO2 crossman pistol, out of his open sliding door, into the backyard. A tiny bird landed on the top of his fence, about 20 yards away. I hid behind the door frame, and did a barrel roll onto the floor, at the same time pulled the trigger, all in one (movie-like) motion. Sure enough, I hit and killed that poor thing! I felt so bad, I never shot another living thing since (18yrs later). My friend says to this day, that was the coolest thing he's ever seen.
I shot a ruffed Grouse in dense over grown pine trees with a .22. A pure reaction shot, as I only had about 15' of open area and was carrying the rifle in my left hand.

I just want to know, how is any one going to compete with Gale's story?

He should have to go to the end of the line so that we could get our stories in without feeling stomped on before we start!

Are you guys for real? :)

I made a 30 yardish shot on a rabid dog (he was going for my 75 year old Grandmother!) with a Browning Hi-Power Pratical 9mm. Quick draw and fire. No time for sight alignment! I have no idea how I did it, but I got him in the head.

Maybe looking at the sights is what causes me so much trouble during IDPA matches! :)

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited December 03, 1999).]
Red fox squirrel sprawled and snoozing in a big oak. The shot was 90 yards (+/-) with my trusty Remington 552 BDL Speedmaster .22 with a 4X Bushnell. Normally my squirrel shots (head shots) are straight up or slightly angling within 30 yards. This particular day things were really slow, so I glassed for any sign of a red or gray. What caught my attention was the red bushy tail hanging from a horizontal limb. I didn't even attempt a head shot since I figured I'd never make that, so I aimed for CM, used a tree and rifle sling to give support, and then squeezed the shot off. I watched him roll off and fall the 15 feet to the ground.
1985 in southern Bavaria hunting Gamsbok (a European mountain goat, also known as Chamois). He was running up the side of the mountain, through an old cut down area...I was below him on a trail. Shot him with my Sako Fullstock Carbine, .30-06, Kahles 4X Lightweight Scope. Range was approx 125-135 shot kill through his heart and lungs.
Bobwhite quail, on the wing (flushed), with a .22! I was rabbit hunting at the time in a spot where I usually quail hunt, so it was just instinctive reaction. I think I'll still keep using a shotgun on quail though. ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Shot a crow at @ 335 yards, out of the top of a small tree in a 30 mph crosswind using my 6mm ack imp. Load was 95 grain Berger VLD[moly] over 42 grains of reloader #19. oh yeaa....
Lets see...

1997 Wyoming antelope hunt above the laramie river, unexpectedly drove into a herd of antelope on top of a bluff running down to the river. Bailed out of the truck picked my doe and touched off one round of 165 gr. sierra sbt from my savage 30-06. Heard the distinct "pop" sound as the round hit her clean. She turned in the scope and her whole left side was pink. Nice big uncommon doe. Got her through both lungs. 275 yards shot from a kneeling position using a GI Leather sling for support. (that's not the longest shot I've made but perhaps the cleanest)

1996 Wyoming Antelope Hunt near Gillette,Wyoming. Spent ALL day knocking on doors trying to find some one to let us hunt very depressing. Finally found ONE owner who would let ONE of us take 1 shot. My partner deffered to me... the land owner threw me in the back of his truck and took over over hill and dale with me barely holding on. He pulled up on the herd at 275-285 yards (based on the width of his rows of wheat and the wind was blowing at a 45 degree angle to me steady at 15-20 and in gusts of 30-40 mph. I rolled out... dropped to one knee wrapped the sling around my arm picked my target... waited for the wind to drop.. took a little windage, took a little MORE windage and touched off my one shot. It was a hit but too far back on her body and broke her hips. The land owner said "yep that's the one I picked.. you gut shoot her or hit her in the ass?" pissed off at my poor shooting i replied "dammit i shot her in the ass.. she's not going anywhere" We drove up and before The owner could say another word i drew my PA-63 and fired one shot from 30 feet away RIGHT between her ears and dropped the struggling animal instantly with a 90 grain hydrashock. He wasn't impressed with my rifle shot but the pistol shot REALLY impressed him. I really was annoyed at wasting a lot of meat by hitting a hind quarter but making a 275+yeard shot in a high wind on a target the size of a german shepard wasn't bad at all.

I think I'm a MUCH better "reaction" shooter than most of my hunting buddies. If I don't have time to think about range.. drift.. wind etc I usually take only one shot.. its when they are at 300+ yards that I end up overthinking and judging range and etc that makes me miss long range shots.

Gale.. you win this hands DOWN.

Using my trusty Walther .380 on a golf ball. Once, just once, my gun and I were One. Was shooting at a quarry with a buddy and tossed over some old golfballs. Loaded the Walther up with 7+1. Golf balls were at 100-110 yds. I was shooting down from a height of about 100 feet. Didn't miss a damn one. Blew every single one apart. Never could duplicate it, but it sure was cool while it lasted.
I was riding down a farm lane in the back of my buddies pickup. We were looking for woodchucks. He stopped real quick and handed me his old Savage bolt action .22 Hornet with a 2 1/2X Weaver scope on it. He said there was a pigeon in the cow field to the right of the lane. It was about 180 yds. I had never fired this rifle before. I held about a foot and a half over its head and touched one off. The doomed pigeon's head disappeared in a small cloud of feathers. My buddy said "Hey, you hit him in the head!" Naturally I replied, "Of course. I wanted a clean kill."
I never had anyone laugh at me so hard.

Neil Casper
14 years old. Shot a sparrow out of the air at a range of about 40 yards with a wrist rocket and a large marble.

Yeah, I know, not the most glorious story, but it was VERY cool.
Coyote - trotting, 150 yards, H&K .22WMR rifle w/ Leupold scope, free handed - right behind the shoulder.

It was pure luck.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
Wondering around the home place with an iron sighted .22 rifle, I noticed a crow perched on a willow tree. Figured I would harass him and snapped a shot off. Range was in excess of 200 yards. The crow simply folded up and fell out of the tree.

Teaching a friend to shoot, I demonstrated the double tap one afternoon. Was not paying attention to the target as I wanted her to get the idea behind the trigger control. (IPSC target at 15 yards or so) She looked at the target and asked me how I got the bullets to make those cute "figure 8" holes. Could not have done it with a rifle off a bench with a day to try. Sure can't do it again.

Trying to convince a buddy that "hip-shooting" was for the birds, drew, fired and hit a tin can at distance. Looked great, but wasn't aiming at the can......


"I don't make enough money to buy cheap stuff" - Mark Manning
The BEST shot I ever made?

I was about 14 years old and was walking with my uncle in his back field at dusk to shoot some bats near the woods. A huge flock of blackbirds flew over and he pointed up and said, "See if you can hit that one flying off to the left." I closed my single-shot, full choke 20 ga., brought it up to my shoulder and followed the bird until my shotgun was 90 degrees in the air. At this point, my uncle said, "you waited too long..." and started to walk away.

I kept my bead on the bird and squeezed off my shot way past vertical, with my back bent backwards. Of course the blast knocked me on my @$$, but the bird spun in and landed exactly at my uncle's feet. He couldn't believe it, and neither could I. A stupidly lucky shot, and I didn't get a single bat that evening either.

The BEST shot I never made? (But say I did.)
DC will like this one ;)

Squirrel hunting in the woods, I spied a gray squirrel on a big oak limb about 30yds. away. Lifted my .22 (open sights) to my shoulder and fired one shot. The squirrel dropped out of the tree, dead. Not a mark on him. I had aimed just in front of his mouth, and the vaccuum behind the bullet sucked the air out of him and collapsed both his lungs. :D


The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
Like Dad2Jane, my best shot was with a BB gun. The pigeons in my neighborhood were trained to fly once my window opened. They responded accordingly and I snap shot one in flight from over 40 yards away. A puff of feathers and he went down. Vengence for what a pigeon did to me when I was in 3rd Grade. :)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Best shot? Last spring a friend offered to take me and my fiancee shooting. I grew up hunting but we never shot handguns. This guy let us try all his neat toys and last of all brought out a Ruger .44 magnum loaded with .44specials. I had never fired a revolver before in my life, and had fired only one handgun. I carefully loaded it, cocked it to shoot single action, and put 3 rounds in the same hole. Unfortunately, it wasn't the end of the session so I was forced to try to repeat it. I won't bore you with the rest. :) But my friend was real impressed for about 15 seconds there . . .
Oops, forgot the details. This was at exactly 50 feet at an indoor range on a human silhouette. I had no idea where the shots had gone until the other guy checked the scope.

"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited December 03, 1999).]
Snap shot off hand TC contender 22long rifle with Iron sights at tin can 100 yards, nothing but net, oh I mean luck.

Speaking of luck when I was a kid i tried shooting my brother with our lawn hose and as he was out of range on his bike and takin **it, i pulled pellet pistol [45 auto lookalike] which couldnt hit anyhting or hurt anyone. Only problem was shot out one of his front teeth at 20 yards, maybe not lucky after all.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 03, 1999).]
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