The Best and Worse Gun movie?

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Goldeneye gets my nod for worst gun movie ever...not, specifically, because of the gun handling, but because the main rotor of a chopper is used to "chop" up a street chasing James Bond. What the hell? I swore I would never pay good money again to watch an 007 flick after that. (Well...may if a really hot date wants to go.) Sniper was close behind. Billy Zane goes in-country to pop a perp at long range, but can't drop the trigger? Then, wants to kill his partner after he finally deletes an objective? Go figure.

It may not have had a lot of realism, but I loved Predator. The reality of killing and death I feel was well-served in Unforgiven. I loved Seagal explaining the difference between "semi" and full auto in Under Siege, but got miffed when he started running around in an all-metal corridor, spraying rounds from machine pistols pointed sideways. Duh. Then in Under Siege Two, he hands a Glock to a friend, and tells him to take the safety off! His handling is usually pretty good, though.

Lots of movies with poor handling. I have noticed a trend lately (just looking at video covers). More actors are keeping their fingers out of the trigger guard when posing! Someone has the word!
re: Point of No Return

Yeah, that Hammerli 280 looks nice but it's .22lr/.38. Get the original movie it was copied from, 'LeFemme Nikita' (STAY AWAY FROM THE TV SERIES OF THE SAME NAME). Lightyears better.

- Ron V.

I've got to give a vote for the TNT remake of "Riders of the Purple Sage" about 2 years ago. They used authentic period guns, and used them in a way that would have made Zane Grey proud (with apologies to our Mormon friends in Utah :) ). I was surprised that Turner would have allowed a controversial movie to be shown on his system, but he did.
Almost forgot a good one ...

"The Odd Angry Shot", an Aussie Vietnam movie. Not all that much shooting, but what they do is done well.

Believe it was filmed at the Jungle Warfare school in Canungra (where they also trained the Indonesian soldiers we're now about to get into a "real" shooting war with!)

My favorite "gun " movie, although it was Chachingagooks battle axe scenes that made it reeeaaal special, was The Last of the Mohicans! That last scene was unforgetable. I wonder what "martial arts" he was taught for that movie? Does anyone know? Can't even find it in the LotM web.

As for the worst.....I don't know. There are just sooo many. The worst one I saw lately had Rutger Houwer (sp?) in it. He played some psychopathic murderer who tried to frame some nineteen year old kid w/ the murders. What a waste of time and a lousy benning, middle, and esp. ending as some teen girl was drawn and torn in half by Rutger who tied her to a semi truck. There! Now I went and spoiled the ending for you, so you don't need to see it now. GOOD! Only good thing to say about it is that I'm glad that it was the TV edited version. And that's coming from someone who is not a prude, and likes to see shoot em up movies once in a while.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I have to defend Point of No Return, anytime ;)Bridgett Fonda ;) handles a gun, I don't care IT IS A GOOD FLICK!!! (pitter-patter, pitter-Patter) my heart akips a beat when she is in the shootout in the kitchen!

Conversely: RED DAWN primo gun flick, nobody squeezes off 400 rounds from a 1911 and a full auto burst from the mac-10 ate the whole mag in 4 seconds. Jennifer Jason Leigh behind the .50 also light my jets ;)

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Oooh! Oooh! Just remembered another great one! The Wind and the Lion, with the great Sean Connery as the Razuli (sp?) who asks when he hears of this distant Teddy Roosevelt who threatens him to give up his American hostage: "What kind of rifle does he shoot?" The great American woman (forget the actress' name, daggummit) responds boldly: "A Winchester!"

Early on in the movie, the British ambassador, or consulate, or whatever, is having tea at the American embassy in this N.African desert country (Morrocco?) when the Razuli's men storm the grounds, scimitars waving, rifles firing from their horses. The British ambassador stands up from his tea, draws his birds head Webley .455, and begins to drop agressors shot by shot. Shot six: Click! He glances at his revolver and says only "Dahmn!" as he is cut down. (Back when the Brits had real fighting men!)

The rescue by the US marines is superb, as well. Also the storming of the port city capital but the marines of the Great White Fleet. Gatling guns, Winchester shotguns, '95 Winchesters, Mausers... It's beautiful.

Oh yes-- another infuriating one, even if very realistic, is Breakdown. This guy watches some very bad guys laugh about killing his wife, and 2 minutes later when he gets the drop on them in their kitchen, can't bring himself to do what needs doing. Then, 10 minutes later, while being pursued by a semi-tractor rig while he's in a pickup, he has no CLUE as to what he can do to get away, all the while his wife in the passenger seat is holding a M-94 .30-30! Slam! They get rear-ended. "Aghhhhh!" They shout. Blam!! They get rear-ended again. "Aggrhhhhhh!!! What'll we dooooo?" They wail.

You find yourself rooting for the bad guys.., or at least hoping the good guys are injured such that they don't breed...

It's realistic in the worst ways.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


The flick you're thinking of is called "The Hitcher". I haven't self-trotured with that movie since I was old enough to have good taste. To all- stay away !!!!!

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
DOC Spanky: it wasn't "Jennifer Jason Leigh behind the .50" in Red Dawn, it was Lea Thompson. But she lights my jets, too.

Wind and the Lion rocks! I love the scene where the Marines double-time in their dress blues to the palace and let off a mass volley with their Krags before charging in and "getting some!" Sean Connery in not a very believable arab, but the gun scenes are worth the price of admission
Sure it was JJL, both had scenes behind it, but go back and look at the scene when they ambushed the communications station. Remember Patrick Swayze popped up, the russian yelled "Sniper" right before having his chest ventilated. She is setback in a small structure laying it on "Hot & Heavy".... (whew need to go take a cold shower)

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
The best... Segal looks like he's handled a gun at least. John Wyane (fill your hand you son of a bitch!) Platoon, Breaker Morant (with a nifty bit of sniping courtesy of Bryan Brown), anything directed by john Milius. The Unforgiven (best morality play ever on screen). And of course.. the matrix. Special nod to a crappy sci-fi horror movie Scorpio Rising (guns we need BIG ****ing guns!!... where do we go now?? Now we go get bigger ****ing guns!)

The worst.. an action star who FLINCHES when he/she pulls the trigger. (note that BARB WIRE doesn't flich.. even though the REST of her does jiggle when she pulls the trigger on 44 magnum blanks). Any film where noone reloads or fire limp wristed.. or flicks their wrist as they fire like they did in old cowboy serials.

And even though the Gun-Fu gets OUT OF HAND in John Woo hong kong pics like hard boiled.. the killer and bullet in the head... wow are they cool to watch.


Now HOW MANY mg 34's & 42's and FAL's and Sterling Guns and Mauser c-96's and ak's are used in the star wars movies??? A WHOLE BUNCH!

the guns look real because they are (at least in the first films) Take a GOOD loook at the storm trooper ordinance on Tatooine.... hhhhmmmm that stuff looks familiar. And the "rebels" in the last film on the moon of endor favor trusty ak's (note the front sights) over british submachine guns of the stormtroopers.

OH and ONE last note...
HOW COOL would it be to own a Planet of the apes M-1 carbine??? (way way way cool)

see you at the movies,


PS will be looking at those russian films..
Long Path:
Candice Bergan. Unforgettable in "The day the Fish Came Out", very forgettable as of late.

Surprised nobody mentioned "The Professionals" with Lee Marvin. Decent gun scenes, GReat! Ending!

CCW for Ohio action site.
Remember "Silverado"?

Kevin Costner did pretty good in that one. He had the scene where he shot to guys at the same time on two sides of the same building... Pretty slick...
Fun movie altogether...

"I dont want to kill you and you dont want to be dead." Classic line...

While holding a Henry Rifle in each hand: "This is all I need."

I think I will rent that one later... is it on DVD?

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Good movie: "Sailor of The King" made some years ago, with Jeffrey Hunter the survivor of a WW1 naval battle who escapes from a German cruiser that has put into an island to make repairs; Hunter goes into the hills with a rifle and picks off the German repair crew, thus delaying the ship's escape before British warships arrive to sink it. Based on a good book by, perhaps, Nicholas Monserrat. "The Wind and The Lion" has some particulary nice moments including the march from the wharf of the marines. A long tracking shot follows them as they pick up speed and finally double time into the fight.
Lousy movie: "Replacement Killers." No plot, no script, no acting, no style. Just endless shooting.
Interesting TV show: "Dead Man's Gun." A great centerpiece: the revolver is the star.

Here's a movie guarantee: if, early on, you see the film doesn't move the plot along, and lacks memorable dialogue or interesting characters, you can be sure that it will either use a car chase, shooting or both as filler.
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