The beauty of Palin

How about a little Palin humor.

Oprah said today she did not want Palin as a guest on her show because she (Oprah) does not want her show to be a political platform...:D:D Oprah does not want to delve into politics...:D:D Help, I can't stop laughing:D:D
If you want to know the truth stay away from ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN and worst of them all NBC and MSNBC.

And Fox. Just because you may agree with the Fox news bias, does not mean they are giving you the truth.

It seems that the average democrat has a difficult time restraining themselves from calling their opponents by terrible names, by making up lies about them and by general childish behavior. The average American does not think like them and is turned off by such antics.
Don't make me go back through the last six months of L&P posts and dredge up all the "OBAMA IZ TEH MUZZLIM!!" threads.

That's fine, but does not make my statement any less true.

I use this browser tool bar feature called "Stumble Upon". You click a button in your web browser and it takes you to a random site based on your choice of topics. One of my topics is politics. After McCain chose Palin as his VP, and within 24 hours, every few sites was a democrat hit-piece on Sarah Palin.

The hate field rhetoric may eminate from both conservatives and liberals alike, but IMO, the liberals have it down to a science. It's seems like hatred and name calling is part of their genetic makeup. And the hatred and "scorched earth" politics is supported by and even pushed by the supposedly "un-biased" news personalities in the so-called "main stream" media. The point is, the average person in America is not filled with hatred and can spot a "hit piece". They are turned off by such stuff and the hit pieces will back fire.
How about a little Palin humor.

Oprah said today she did not want Palin as a guest on her show because she (Oprah) does not want her show to be a political platform... Oprah does not want to delve into politics... Help, I can't stop laughing

You see Obama being on wasn't political... He is just a very well know black man that lots of her viewers wanted to see on the show. The difference is Palin is a very well known woman who lots of her viewers want to see on her show.

Assuming The Oprah is not getting political here I guess the simple reason is she doesn't like women.:rolleyes:
According to Rasmussen we are seeing bounce from Palin's appearence.

A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% hold an unfavorable view of the self-described hockey mom.

Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%.
Palin is conservative but signed law making it ok for gay partners of state employees to get benifits also. So I wouldnt rate her as a pure conservative.
Frankly, I would rate that stance as extremely conservative. Goes all the way back to the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." Not "all straight men," "all white men," etc. Therefore, Palin strikes me as extremely conservative. Works for me.
like many said before in 2012 palin will be running which is good cause Hillary will come back again, unfortunately for Hillary Palin has people skills and can relate to the common folk. Hillary not so much................. Palin 2012 mark it down
“Initiate the momentum and the structure will topple under its own weight”. The selection of Palin as candidate VP is a stroke of brilliance by the Republican party. Total and utter brilliance. "

well, its not only lefties who diasagree with this notion...
Noonan, Murphy trash Palin pick over open mikes
September 4, 2008

Two GOP icons - former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and former McCain strategist Mike Murphy - were caught trashing vice-presidential pick Sarah Palin yesterday when they kept talking after they thought the audio was off during an interview on NBC, and a YouTube version of their off-off-message exchange rocketed around the Internet at light speed.

Noonan, who had praised Palin in a Wall Street Journal column in the morning, said, "It's over," and added, "Most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bull -- about narratives ... Every time Republicans do this, because that's not where they live, and that's not what they're good at, they blow it."

After the NBC comments surfaced, Noonan updated her Journal column online, lamenting that she had been "mugged by the nature of modern media" and apologizing for her rough language. She said that her statement that "It's over" was out of context, and was not a conclusion about the likely outcome of the McCain-Obama race, and her true feelings toward Palin were favorable.

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Palin the right choice?

Dang straight she was. Just look at the demos flying around and attacking her on every front. Why, because they are worried.
She has done something (that probably no other available VP picks could have done), GALVANIZE the Republican base/party.
Scared the heck out of the liberals and really inspired us conservatives.
Besides, she also had a better TV rating as well: Obama 36% and Palin 38%
Yes, the was a great choice for VP and McCain picked a winner for sure.
Besides, she is definitely easy on the eyes............
How about a little Palin humor.

Oprah said today she did not want Palin as a guest on her show because she (Oprah) does not want her show to be a political platform... Oprah does not want to delve into politics... Help, I can't stop laughing)Quote

Appears to be "some" bias there.:rolleyes:
I for one, definitely feel that she is unqualified to run the country should McCain become disabled.
I, for one, definitely feel that Obama has been sent here by the BORG and will begin assimilation once he is able to plug into the conduit under the desk in the Oval Office. I have no evidence or cites but it's a dang strong definite feeling. Definitely. :rolleyes: :)
I'm watching political coverage now, a few days out from the convention.

Sarah Palin taking the podium, McCain standing off to the side with a dumb grin on his face. I think the McCain strategists might want to separate them to keep Sarah from stealing the spotlight.

Some very capable people get promoted beyond what their prior experience and/or resume would justify. Some rise to the occasion, and shine. Others demonstrate the level of their incompetence. The Palin story, as yet to be written.

Anyone remember the Kevin Kline character, in the movie "Dave"? A totally unqualified outsider becomes president, and conquers corruption. Wouldn't that be a great new template for newcomers in government?
"With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies by using energy as a weapon, we cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers.

To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ... we Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas.

Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit.

Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it."

Intune, your sarcasm isn't warranted. Did you see Palin talk about foreign policy? She sounded as well versed in middle east issues as a high schooler.
I don't know which high school district you're in but you guys need to start sending those students to Washington posthaste! See, more warranted sarcasm.

Actual policies will be delineated down the road, NOT at the convention.

Not impressed.
What COULD she have done to impress you? All she was required to say was that she accepts her nomination as VP.

In fact, there were probably more attacks on the Democrats than policy ideas.
Again, actual policies will be delineated down the road, NOT at the convention.

Do you realize her traditional role at the convention in regards to the VP nominee? Watch out for the lipstick... ;)
With respect InTune, the comments she made about foreign policy are pretty obvious. "We cannot leaves ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers [of gas]" REALLY?? I had no idea.

And forfeit implies a straight pull out, what the dems are supporting is a phased withdrawal. Something that doesn't sound like a bad idea, now that Iraq has become safer. [] You will note that a large majority of the casualties in recent months are of the non-hostile nature.

I believe a number of us here on TFL are worried that our fighting forces are stretched a little thin, especially with Russian aggression. Does redeployment really sound like such a bad idea?

And when did Obama ever imply that we need to read a terrorist his rights before shooting him....that seems like a blatantly false attack on the part of Palin.

The fact of the matter about precise energy policy is that McCain didn't even have an energy section on his website until about two months ago. And don't even get me started on the 'Tire Gauge' fiasco.

I'm a moderate, definitely not a tree hugging liberal, so I go with who appeals most rationally to me.

Even in your quote of Palin, do you notice that there are 3 attacks there already? And the fact that there are three attacks doesn't even bother me, it's the fact that she so blatantly misinterprets and misrepresents Obama's policies that irks me.

"Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?"

Does she really believe, that we should make exceptions for due process when it comes to terrorists?


Could you imagine such statements if, heaven forbid, she ever has to negotiate with another country?
I think the McCain strategists might want to separate them to keep Sarah from stealing the spotlight.

Why? I would give her the spotlight. Heck, I would get her a larger spotlight.

Sarah Palin taking the podium, McCain standing off to the side with a dumb grin on his face.

Maybe that's a smart grin on his face.;)