The beauty of Palin

Watching Cspan last night and a panel of republicans was unanimous in answering no to the question, would Palin have been the VP pick if she had been a man.
They then went on to say what a great choice she was for various reasons, stopping short of saying she had foreign policy experience because Alaska is next door to Russia.

IMHO, Sarah Palin has many failings, but I'm a democrat and she's not running on my ticket. If she floats republican boats good for her.
I'd just like to point out that the republican party used to be against affirmative action.
IMHO, Sarah Palin has many failings, but I'm a democrat and she's not running on my ticket. If she floats republican boats good for her.
I'd just like to point out that the republican party used to be against affirmative action.

But then Obama never even considered putting Hillary on his ticket which left the door wide open for McCain to pick an attractive, smart, tough governor who is also a woman and likes guns. Man, what a pick. ;)
I'd just like to point out that the republican party used to be against affirmative action.
And it's great to see the democratic party actually supporting a black man instead of chaining the school doors and turning fire hoses and dogs on him. :o
Many posts that were just embarrassing have been deleted.

I am beginning to think that drastic measures will soon be needed here in L&P.
Go the other way...
allow everything.
As soon as a moderator or admin starts censoring thier personal judgmnet becomes a focus of the group. Allow FREE OPEN discussion on everything. If people want to spout off sexist remarks about Palin they should be able to. Same with racist remarks about Obama or Geriatric remarks about McCain.
The great thing about not limiting it is that you can always say "we do not resrtict peoples opinion" becasue if you restrict anything then one group feels you are taking sides.

go over to accurate reloading web site and look at thier political forum...WOW!!!!!
Makes this place look like Saturday night at the Monestary.
I was reading a geek article that claimed due to the biases built into polling samples democrats could have as much as a 10 point lead and in reality it would be even-steven with republicans. I doubt 10 points but there is a definite bias.
You'll also need to ask why Obama always polled higher than he achieved. Remember Hillary's victory in NH?

Its the liberal main stream media, they can post or print what ever they want.
Watch they will show a big jump in the poles for McCain afer the convention and then over the next several weeks they will be able to report how Obama-Ben-Biden is cutting in to and overtaking McCain. If you want to know the truth stay away from ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN and worst of them all NBC and MSNBC.
Ringworm - If you are unhappy with how this forum is run, I will cheerfully refund your money and escort you to the accurate reloading forum.

Any other off-topic comments should be made via PM or email.

The Governess (would that be proper?) Looked outstanding tonight. Very relaxed and poised. Palin and McCain seem to fit together somehow. Beauty & the beast? I don't really know how to explain the dynamic but I see it and feel it.

ARRGGG..., I'm a freakin' closet liberal.... :barf: :rolleyes:
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Yeah, McCain also said he is going to nominate democrats for his cabinet. If I wanted democrats in a president's cabinet, I would just vote for Obama.

Just goes to show you that Johnny Mac doesn't really see himself as that much of a republican. I assume he would feel just as comfortable running as a democrat.

this is why to me....McCain would be a Bush 3rd term.
Palin was yet another great way to make conservatives shut up and carry the moderate water.
It seems that the average democrat has a difficult time restraining themselves from calling their opponents by terrible names, by making up lies about them and by general childish behavior. The average American does not think like them and is turned off by such antics.

Don't make me go back through the last six months of L&P posts and dredge up all the "OBAMA IZ TEH MUZZLIM!!" threads.
As far from the hard right as McCain is he is well to the right of Obama and a McCain presidency sets up Palin for a real conservative run at the White House in 2012 or 2016.

Keep your eye on the prize.
As far from the hard right as McCain is he is well to the right of Obama and a McCain presidency sets up Palin for a real conservative run at the White House in 2012 or 2016.

We went round and round arguing the merits of the respective candidates, McCain got the nomination, some of us didn't like it, I know I was one of them.

McCain picked Palin, someone who at least if you believe her shares some of the conservative and libertarian principles that I do.

Obama on the other hand picked someone just as or more liberal than he is.

When McCain/Palin is compared with Obama/Biden, the choice for conservatives, libertarians and gun owners should be clear.

We just have to accept that McCain is the best we are going to get and hope for better things in the future.

Keep your eye on the prize.
Nate45 posted:
We went round and round arguing the merits of the respective candidates, McCain got the nomination, some of us didn't like it, I know I was one of them.

McCain picked Palin, someone who at least if you believe her shares some of the conservative and libertarian principles that I do.

Obama on the other hand picked someone just as or more liberal than he is.

When McCain/Palin is compared with Obama/Biden, the choice for conservatives, libertarians and gun owners should be clear.

We just have to accept that McCain is the best we are going to get and hope for better things in the future.

Good points, all. The other thing to keep in mind is what kind of people the candidates would select to help them govern if elected. The pick of a VP is a foreshadowing of those picks. Obama would go very liberal, as he has already picked the third most liberal Senator to be VP. Obama was the number one ranked liberal Senator. McCain on the other hand, picked a pure conservative. This should be an indicator of what types of people he would appoint to cabinet positions as well as judges. Keep that in mind. I was and still am not that impressed with McCain, speaking from my conservative values. However, his pick of Palin made it clear to me that I should vote for him now and hope he makes other very good picks which would help with the future.
After listening to Gov Palin's speech I would give Sen Biden the same instructions as the boxing referee, "protect yourself at all times".

I saw Sen Biden on a morning show and he reminded me of the dog chasing a car until it stops then the dog cant figure out what to do with it.

I have no problem with Democrats in the cabinet. There are some good conservative ones out there.

Palin is conservative but signed law making it ok for gay partners of state employees to get benifits also. So I wouldnt rate her as a pure conservative.

General polls for the presidential election are darn near worthless. One needs to look at state-by-state polls to try and get an accurate read. It is the electoral vote that counts.
Palin is conservative but signed law making it ok for gay partners of state employees to get benifits also. So I wouldnt rate her as a pure conservative.

Maybe "pure" conservative is not accurate. I still like her, however. The gay issues are really not one of my hotbuttons one way or the other. That's probably because I'm not gay. I have nothing against gays, unless they try to shove it in my face that I have to accept "the gay lifestyle" as being normal. I'm not saying it is or it isn't, but I don't like someone telling me what I have to accept.
General polls for the presidential election are darn near worthless. One needs to look at state-by-state polls to try and get an accurate read. It is the electoral vote that counts.

I agree to a point. General polls can be used to create momentum or block momentum for a particular candidate, which could have an affect on state by state polls. There has been speculation that the polling outlets would try to manipulate polling results to show McCain/Palin ahead and then watch as Obama/Biden push forward, catch up, and then surpass McCain Palin. This might cause fence sitters, who want to be on the winning side, to jump on the Obama/Biden bandwagon. Remember, many polls are conducted by liberal, left wing, news outlets in order to "make news". I wonder which way they like that news to flow, left or right? Hmmmm.