The beauty of Palin


“Initiate the momentum and the structure will topple under its own weight”. The selection of Palin as candidate VP is a stroke of brilliance by the Republican party. Total and utter brilliance. The more I think about it, the more impressed I am. A good-looking female governor with strong republican views on social/fiscal issues, the second amendment, energizing the republican base. But that’s not where the brilliance lies.
Any criticism of her will result in an even more fired up base, as well as the sympathy of former Hillary supporters and “tired-of-negative-campaign” voters – and there are a boatload out there. Any criticism of her job-experience will make BO look even worse.
Now the beauty lies in the fact that the liberal media and the Dems will do the work for us. Insert some (perceived) juicy details, sit back and watch the house collapse. Leave it to the Dems to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. What a move by the republicans, brilliant.

If they’d only run the country with the same level of craftiness and skill…
Yes, it's an inspired choice, but this year's presidential election is like me
(160lbs) going into a ring with a 400 pounder.

All the judo in the world may not be enough to save us this year. Maybe,
we let the Democrats take office, have them screw up again and then take
back Congress in 2010.
I still think the Democrats own excesses will defeat them. The bizarre allegations that she faked her pregnancy. The vicious attacks because she complained about her BIL, the out-of-control cop to his boss. The sexism, the hatefulness of it all, the sheer insanity of their reaction to her has caused Obama to even stop campaigning against McCain, and start comparing himself to her. Guess what? He loses in the comparison. I still think that the Democrats will show enough of their insanely vicious side to turn off a majority of the public and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I still think the Democrats own excesses will defeat them. The bizarre allegations that she faked her pregnancy. The vicious attacks because she complained about her BIL, the out-of-control cop to his boss. The sexism, the hatefulness of it all, the sheer insanity of their reaction to her has caused Obama to even stop campaigning against McCain, and start comparing himself to her. Guess what? He loses in the comparison. I still think that the Democrats will show enough of their insanely vicious side to turn off a majority of the public and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Exactly right. Plus, why is the Republican Party so fired up now? Inspiration.

JFK, MLK, and Reagan all inspired people toward goals to achieve, something positive to move toward. Like them or not, they spoke of a future to move toward: The Moon; Judging not by the color of one's skin but the content of one's character; Tearing down the Berlin Wall. These ideas, and others, will live forever because they inspire.

This year, Obama, Biden, and the Dems have painted a picture of bleakness and despair. They project images of things to move away from. Obama's selection of Biden was neither hope nor change; it was same old, same old. Not inspiring.

Contrast that with McCain and Palin. They're inspiring. McCain's past shows he fulfilled Kennedy's exhortation to "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." His pick of Palin is real change, open-minded, and inclusive. People, especially women and conservatives, are inspired about the possiblities to move toward.
The selection of Palin as candidate VP is a stroke of brilliance by the Republican party. Total and utter brilliance.

I'm not an Obama supporter but I am curious, if Palin was a much needed shot in the arm for the party, why are the polls still showing McCain behind by 6%? On the 24th of last month, the two were tied at 45% each.

Gallup Poll Daily tracking encompassing Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday's interviewing shows Barack Obama retaining a six percentage point, 49% top 43%, lead over John McCain among registered voters.

Granted, I'm sure those numbers will change after the RNC is over with, but I would have expected an increase for McCain after Palin was named VP.

At this point, I just don't see Palin as the savior for the party.
World War II bomber crews knew that when they got a lot of Flak, they were
pretty near the target.

The sheer vitriol and witch hunt type of frenzy that the left is unloading on
Sarah Palin is a sure sign that she was a good choice.

Obama was on CNN the other night saying that his experience of managing his
campaign gives him more executive experience than Sarah Palin. :confused:

A trained cockatoo can manage a campaign. Figure out what the battle-
ground states are and run a bunch of TV commercials. Yes, that's as
difficult as running a state. :rolleyes:
I'm not an Obama supporter but I am curious, if Palin was a much needed shot in the arm for the party, why are the polls still showing McCain behind by 6%? On the 24th of last month, the two were tied at 45% each.

1. Given the situation the Reps faced this election he should be 15 - 20 points ahead.

2. Obama should have gotten more than a 3-5 point bounce from a week long convention complete with his deification at the Olympian temple in Denver.

The Dems typically loose ground towards the end and they are in a position of not being able to afford to loose squat right now. Palin speaks tonight. The media has been conducting hit pieces against her and her family since the weekend. That is going to backfire in a BIG way.
The Dems typically loose ground towards the end and they are in a position of not being able to afford to loose squat right now. Palin speaks tonight. The media has been conducting hit pieces against her and her family since the weekend. That is going to backfire in a BIG way.

It seems that the average democrat has a difficult time restraining themselves from calling their opponents by terrible names, by making up lies about them and by general childish behavior. The average American does not think like them and is turned off by such antics. Yes, this insane anti-Palin crusade will backfire, I think.

saab 1911
World War II bomber crews knew that when they got a lot of Flak, they were
pretty near the target.

Excellent assessment of the Palin choice and the dem reaction.
Granted, I'm sure those numbers will change after the RNC is over with, but I would have expected an increase for McCain after Palin was named VP.

There was the little matter of a hurricane that threw a monkey wrench in the works.
Yeah, that and a general disinterest in mccain as a candidate.

I've seen more than a few conservatives who weren't voting for McCain turn around and agree to support the ticket, just to give Palin a chance.
WhyteP38 posted:
Contrast that with McCain and Palin. They're inspiring. McCain's past shows he fulfilled Kennedy's exhortation to "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." His pick of Palin is real change, open-minded, and inclusive. People, especially women and conservatives, are inspired about the possiblities to move toward.

What a great point. McCain's campaign should use the JFK slogan and apply it directly to McCain.

Also, if McCain wins, I would hope he rounds up some conservative black and latino folks to be in the cabinet and for judges. That may also help to solidify some more votes, especially if he says he will be doing that when he gets elected. The iron is hot, John, as hot as your VP choice. Strike, my man, strike.
Buzz Knox posted:
There was the little matter of a hurricane that threw a monkey wrench in the works.

And some high muckity muck in the DNC had to apologize because he was overheard saying "With Gustav hitting the US right during the RNC Convention, it just goes to show that God is on our side". What a door knob.
And some high muckity muck in the DNC had to apologize because he was overheard saying "With Gustav hitting the US right during the RNC Convention, it just goes to show that God is on our side". What a door knob.


That's even worse than the d-bag that the Daily Show found at the RNC, talking about how they had to "cancel the party" to "placate the liberal media" because "a few people got rained on" or some such.
Also, if McCain wins, I would hope he rounds up some conservative black and latino folks to be in the cabinet and for judges. That may also help to solidify some more votes, especially if he says he will be doing that when he gets elected.

Yeah, McCain also said he is going to nominate democrats for his cabinet. If I wanted democrats in a president's cabinet, I would just vote for Obama.

Just goes to show you that Johnny Mac doesn't really see himself as that much of a republican. I assume he would feel just as comfortable running as a democrat.