The 30-30, who says they can't shoot distance!

Check out the youtube channel WhitSpurzon, these Montana boys shoot 30-30 lever actions at 600+ yards like its nothing. They turn 45-70 into a 900 yd. cartridge as well. There's lot of good videos on there.
i,m not saying the 30-30 is a long range rifle as 90 percent of the 30-30,s are lever actions that were not intended for that.and not many worked on their lever actions to get it to shoot well at longer ranges. but with the advent of scopes and better bullets,powder and bolt action rifles it will shoot(single shot rifles too). what i am trying to say is if you get a 30-30 that will shoot, the 30-30 will carry enough energy(over thousand pounds of energy) at 300yrds and that has been said to be the standard for killing deer size animals . if you want to bang away at 300yrds at deer size animals with a 30-30 you owe it the the animal to be able to him them in a fatal spot the first shot. maybe not for every hunter but the 30-30 can do the job if you do your part. eastbank.
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Lever actions tend to have low end barrels and poor triggers. Plus the crappy sights.

T.O'Heir I have never heard that 30-30s have low end barrels. Do you have some information to back that up? I would love to see it. have looked down many 30-30 barrels and never saw a single one that looked poorly made to me. Do you think that barrel makers just say "aw heck, its just a 30-30. No need to do a good job on this one". And the triggers on most lever guns are easy to work on. The sights are no worse than most factory open sights if you can even find a rifle with open sights any more. And sights are easy to replace.

I have shot my Marlin 336 out to 300 measured yards at a couple of bowling balls I found at the curb. My buddy shot one first with a 270 shooting a nosler 150gr partition bullet. Then I shot right next to where he hit the ball. The surprising part was that the divot blown off the ball from the 270 was just slightly bigger than the divot from the 30-30. I was shooting 170gr remington bullets. Then I shot those two bowling balls to pieces from 300 yards. So yes a 30-30 will hit farther than people think.
I have a 1990 336CS in 30-30 with a Vortex Diamondback 1.75-5x32 scope that hates the Hornady Leverevolution loads but loves the Remington Corelokt 150 grain round nose. Here is a picture of the target I used at 200 yards on a bench off of sandbags. Since I am zeroed at 150 yards, I had to aim 5 inches above the bullseye.


  • Marlin 336CS @ 200 Yards-2.jpg
    Marlin 336CS @ 200 Yards-2.jpg
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Tex45. You can do this? Offhand? Unsupported? At 100 yards? Iron sights? Consistently?

Not offhand and unsupported (not yet anyways). When I hunt, I tend to stay in one spot, so I pick a spot that will allow me to steady my rifle on something. Shooting a 2" group at 100 yards that way is not hard to do.
Post #42. Again, have to agree with eastbank here. The 30-30 simply isn't a long range cartridge. Was never intended to be. In the Mod 94 type rifle's, we know what it can do and it's limitations. In a bolt rifle, like the Rem 788, it is a bit better. One must understand, that the 30-30 case is pretty thin and can not withstand pressures that some other 30 cal cartridge's can. The 30-30 is an outstanding cartridge in it's "intended" use. Use it as such, and nothing more.
In my 340a with a 130g Hornady SP bullet and Reloader 15 powder the sweet spot is 32.2g, well below the max. No pressure signs, very accurate.

I don't push anything I own near max, I've never seen where it was necessary to get good accuracy.
Remember the late Bob Munsen's 200 yard shot with a short barreled revolver?
A 80 yard shot on a small bullseye with a recurve bow is standard skill at the Olympics.
So, a successful 30-30 shot at moderate rifle distances shouldn't be too surprising.
Bob Munden was not from planet Earth and there are no Olympians here. So Mr. WILLIKERS you let that man be proud of his ringing a 400 yard Gong with Iron sights! [emoji41] I'm 38 years old and I doubt that I could even see the gong at 400 yards much less hit it with an Iron sighted anything. But that's why God gave us Nikons, for blind bats like me. [emoji2]