TFL Pennsylvania gathering October 30th

Sounds like there`ll be lots of "evil black rifles" there. A fitting tribute to the death of the AWB. :) I`m gonna try and actually get some time in at the rifle ranges myself this time. Gotta break in the new Bushy M-4gery. :D Marcus
Which reminds me........

I'll ask that anyone that is bringing a rifle to try and use it at the rifle range. The pistol range has a tendency to fill up quicker since the majority of you are pistol shooters. You can use rifles on the pistol range but sometimes it is a little too much racket for those on the firing line. We'll adapt to whatever the situation calls for, but just keep that in mind.

I'll also pull a few tables off the 100yd rifle range just so some of us can get off the benches and shoot off the ground or some other shooting positions. I'll probable bring a shooting mat since I don't like to shoot off tables anymore.
Don't worry, the crowned 16" barrel on my AR is real quiet. Folks love to be next to me at the NRA indoor range. Not much muzzle flash either. :rolleyes:

I plan to stake out a spot where I can shoot the AR at 100 yd and the FAL at 200 yd. Tables are optional; I'll bring a GI sleeping pad. I probably won't do too much pistol shooting.

Should I bring the shotgun? Are we doing sporting clays?

I invited a local guy to come with me. He's been shooting before, but I don't think he owns any guns yet.
Maybe he has become just quit :eek:

I just received notice that my M1 is on the way :D :cool:

Should be here today!!!!

Dat was fast!!!! :p !!!!!!
I may have to take this as an opportunity to make the acquaintance of some of the fine folks on this board. The THR shoot is scheduled for the previous week, but I have a feeling that the range is going to be stupidly over crowded and I don't want to wait 2 hours for a bench again.

Any other MDers thinking of making the trip up?
but I have a feeling that the range is going to be stupidly over crowded and I don't want to wait 2 hours for a bench again.

This range is going is going to be OURS for the whole day. There is enough room for about 20-26 people to be on the firing line at a time. I estimate there will be 20-60 people coming but there will be plenty of time to shoot your guns and other peoples. If you don't have room to shoot somebody will make room for you. I, along with several others that come don't have a problem laying on the ground and not using tables.

The pistol range will get crowded.

I haven't met too many of you down there. I meant to come down there a awhile ago but never did. I almost went to the CO and Utah shoots a couple times (since I have family and friends out that way) but it fell through. We've had guys from NY, OH, MD, VA, NJ, and DE come to the Pennsylvania gatherings.

I'll probable only have them 2 times a year but its nice to actually meet people that you see on the gun boards everyday.

There will be plenty of guys from other boards but the TFL/THR crowd will be dominant.
Personally, I will bring one or two tables and one or two chairs with me. And, there will be some of us OLD FOLKS that need to take a break now and then...

Jamie, do you plan a dinner this year for those who wish to attend? That was a fun and fine end to the day on the first year I attended.
We went out to dinner everytime except for the last time. I guess it depends on how tired everyone is. And it is michief night so some people might not want to be out too late. Although it would be pretty funny if somebody tried to throw eggs at us. :D How about a bayonet charge if that happens? :eek:

There are hotels/motels in the area so some of you long distance travelers can crash there if you feel like it.

Jody is being smart by bringing a table and chairs. You won't have too many places to sit down (except for the firing line) unless you bring a chair.

I'll bring my table for everyone to use but please organize your stuff and label it. There may be a couple hundred firearms there and bags and gear might start to look the same.

Anyone bringing a State Flag?

I need somebody to bring an AK sighting tool. I have 3 AK's that need to be sighted in.

I'm probable just going to bring:

Colt 1991A1
Sig 239

Winchester Model 70-30/06
Bulgarian AK
AR and maybe a Mini 14.
Guess what I'm bringing :D

Plus my AR and bolt guns.

Don't plan on bringing handguns unless someone has a special request.No shotguns either.

YOu are going to like her! Now you just need to get a m1 Carbine, if you dont have one! Oh and a 1903A3, and.... :)
Soda or anyone,

What is the age policy at W&W? There is a guy posting in the THR version of this thread who's son will be 16 that day and it sounds like he'd like to bring him for his birthday.

I'm bringing my AR and FAL, and probably a few handguns. I'll also bring a chair (there's a folding table build into my CR-V, go figure). I ordered some XS tritium sights for my CZ-75, so I'll have a chance to test out the sight pusher before the meet. Chris, I want to try out your Rohrbaugh and compare it with my Kahr.

I'm attending a class at Storm Mountain (WV) in two weeks, so my gear should be well-tested after that. If anyone's interested in the training, let me know or check out the training forum on A couple of the guys in the class are heading to Iraq, so it should be very educational. It's a good thing there's a huge gun show this weekend, because I need to pick up 2000rds of 9mm!