TFL Pennsylvania gathering October 30th

I volunteer to be a Range Officer: and I DO allow them! Most Certainly; IF they are properly qualified to fill the bikini bottoms and they are small enough... thinking floss! :D
Actually, the Sweedish Bikini team willl not be able to make it. They are sending the Bulgarian speedo team instead. :eek:
At approximately 1:30pm we will stop everything for an 'armed' group photo. I'll give you guys 6 weeks to think about which rifle you want to pose with. Prefereble a post ban firearm. ;)

No pistols............... and Jody, that means keeping your pants up this time. :D
OK Chris,

You can do some or all or shared RO... but someone has to bring the Icelandic Beauties in floss-bikinis and such... Well, bikinis ARE optional.
I think its safer for people to pose with rifles rather than pistols. I think its kind of hard to get 40 people next to each other and have all of the guns pointed in a safe direction.

they come in quick once you order them! SO if you ordered it already you should have it BEFORE Oct 30th! I think I got mine in like 3 weeks or something
I'm getting great response from guys over at Looks like we might see more FALs that usual. :D

I'm guessing we are close to 20 people coming but we still have over a month to go. I have another 10-20 people that are probable going to wait until the last minute.... as usual.

Keep spreading the word.