TFL Members: Time to Pay Your Dues

Dues half paid, will take the wife to see the movie and buy the video when it is out...


You guys are great!

Coinneach. DC has voice recording downloadable from her website. The transcripts are available also. For DC's link and the transcripts look thru yesterday's Rosie threads on this Forum.

Thad...I actually knew *nothing* about the movie when I called for the favor. If Tom could handle Ellen for 12 weeks, we can cough up 100 minutes! (As a last resort, remember ticket purchase alone is acceptable.) For myself, I've already gained points by offering to take my lady to a love story!

Thanks all for the overwhelming response. More volunteers requested!
Coinneach....nah no offense taken at all, I'm not PC esp. with traditional language useage

Kodiac...title is something like "Love Letter"

All.....Ellen isn't the romantic female lead. Kate Capshaw is and even I think she is gorgeous :)....definite eye candy factor

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, I'm gonna look silly as all hell tonight... single guy going to see what's essentially a chick flick.

The things I do for this board and my country...

One more thing: I'm definitely bringing my .38 along for company. :D

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
OK, did my duty to the TFL. Now I'll have to find where the movie is playing, this will be only the second movie I have seen in the last ten years, but Selleck deserves it.
Rich, thanks for posting the link. Wrote my note, and it was well-deserved. I hope Tom fully appreciates the depth of our appreciation. What a fine man.

Coinneach, actually, you may be missing the opportunity here. Single guy? Chick flick? Hmmm ... you do have an imagination, don't you? Lots of women. Lots to talk about after the movie ... c'mon boy, get in there! ;) No harm bringing the .38, but I have more confidence in you than to think that will be your 'company'. ;)
Rich, that is a cheap price and I'm down with you on it. Now, perhaps an equivalent link so I can vent my spleen on the OTHER individual involved with that show...

Then, should Hollyweird ever offer Charlton Heston another role (not damn likely) let's line up for THAT flick, too. He has (as far as I can determine) completely destroyed his career by sticking to his (our) beliefs.

And if someone knows how to do that stuff, wouldja download the President's Column from this month's American Rifleman for posting here, so's I don't have to type it in?

Guess I jumped the gun on this on. I sent a mail to Mr Sellect yesterday and planned on seeing his move as soon as it opens. Upon return from the movie I plan on plugging in Quigley and watching it "just one more time"

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Great idea, thanks for the link. I too am 50% percent paid and will see the movie ASAP.

He wasn't MAGNUM P.I. for nothin', Rosie.
Dues paid in full my good man! That's the least we can do.
Might I make a suggestion: If folks want to take this a step further, make a cash donation to the NRA on behalf of Mr. Selleck and his contribution to our cause. It doesn't have to be large to be noticed. A membership is a small INVESTMENT, and it goes a LONG way in our collective fight for our constitutional rights. For those who aren't NRA members, what the hell are you waiting for!! Strength in numbers gentlemen!

Cheers to All!

"There's gunpowder and there's pu**y. Live by one, die by the other, and love the smell of both."

[This message has been edited by Mike A (edited May 22, 1999).]
Saw Love Letter. Good friend of mine owns a theater - So the tickets were free. (thank goodness)

Cute movie. Chick Flick for sure...
DC is correct, Kate Capshaw is a doll.

But I will take Salma Hyak and Desperado any day.

Tom played his role well - and it the scripting was clever. Guys, if you have to see this one - and you do - it isnt that bad.
