TFL Members: Time to Pay Your Dues

I've not resorted to arm twisting before this, but I'm calling in all favors today.

What Tom Selleck did in the NRA Ad and on the Rosie show has served to represent the highest and best standards of American Civil Liberties. In one interview, he has demonstrated to the American public the McCarthy tactics and Brady reason used by those who view the Bill of Rights as a simple inconvenience.

Mr. Selleck has done this at no small personal risk. While Hollywood may have temporarily rallied to his defense, this was due to the nature of Rosie's attack only; not to her position, which is widely supported in TinselTown. If the current support for him holds and raises his pull at the box office, many more closet shooters of celebrity status will be tempted to weigh in on his side.

We've got over 1300 registered members here at TFL, and probably twice as many lurkers. Voluntary dues for the month are as follows:
1) Go to,agicm,tom,selleck,,f1446 and voice your support for Tom Selleck.
2) Go see his movie this weekend. Even if you don't see it, buy a ticket.

Thanks for your time.
Rich Lucibella
Rich -

Dues half paid, now I am looking for the nearest theatre with his movie in it. For the time being I guess Quigley and The Sacketts will have to do!

Freedom is not Free
50% done (I suggested a Selleck/Eastwood 2000 campaign as well :) )

I don't normally go to movies, but this time, I'll make an exception.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Paid and then some. Sent an e-mail, and my wife and I sent an actual letter, on real paper, with a stamp and everything. We also have a date on Saturday night, she's been dying to go to a movie, so it's a perfect opportunity.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Half way there...My wife is going to think I lost it when I offer to see the film.

My little secret. Maybe it will make me look sensitive
Done and half-done.

I read some of the letters from today and noticed one where the writer thought that Mr. Selleck was ill-prepared and should have done a better job. I think that Mr. Selleck had to say what he said without looking like he was attacking Rosie. Stating the facts is one thing, but appearing to be another raving lunatic, like Rosie, is another. Stooping to their level only puts us in the same category.

Good job Tom!
Do I get extra credit (and does it help Tom in any way) if I head over to the video store this weekend and buy my own copy of Quigley and The Sacketts? I've rented both in the past, but having my own copy would be cool, and if it helps Tom and helps make a point, then all the better.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
re: Eastwood and Sellick for Prez:

Isn't Eastwood a typical "armed guards and gated community for me but disarm the filthy peasants" Hollyweird hypocrite? Correct me if I'm wrong, but let's not confuse some noble armed cinema persona for the boob who's FAKING at being that way.

Since "Harry met Sally," is ANYONE confident in their lovemaking to Meg Ryan? You can be sure that she wasn't really climaxing in that booth in the diner! How will you know she's not faking it elsewhere?

Anyway, I'm paying up the dues too, and want to know where I can get something like a transcript of Tom's exchange with Rosie. Anyone got a convenient URL?

Isn't Eastwood a typical "armed guards and gated community for me but disarm the filthy peasants" Hollyweird hypocrite? Correct me if I'm wrong, but let's not confuse some noble armed cinema persona for the boob who's FAKING at being that way.

Eastwood is a card-carrying, outspoken member of the Libertarian Party. I've never met any elitist [L|l]ibertarians, but that doesn't preclude their existence, of course.

I've never seen any anti-gun statements from Eastwood, like I have from Stallone and Gibson. No really strong pro-gun statements either, but Libertarians, to a man(*), believe wholeheartedly in the Constitution, and no Libertarian who has ever held public office has ever, AFAIK, worked against it.

(*) No offense intended, DC :)
How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited May 21, 1999).]
Okay - stupid question... What is his new movie?

I have been into Star Wars lately - writting for And have lost track of other films...
