TFL End of Summer Meet!!! (Repost)

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Are we planning anything Friday night or primarily Sat/Sun?

I will take the phone # for the interstate inn (#5 on the list). I will prob need a room just Sat night unless we get the party going Fri too.


Missouri Carry: While we don't have concealed carry (yet), open carry is permitted. Transporting loaded firearms in the passenger compartment and accessible to the driver/passengers is legal as long as it is not concealed. My suggestion would be if stopped lay the gun on the dash (as far away from from driver and passenger as possible) place your hands on the wheel and inform the officer that you have a loaded gun on the dash. Missouri law enforcment is actualy used to this and will not be alarmed. The standard response is for them to ask to look at the gun, unload and return it with the request that you not reload it until they are safely back in their car. ;)

Friday Night: Anyone wishing to come in early is welcome. Terridarri and I will be available at any point in the week prior to the meet. We can get together earlier in the week for b/s session, maybe eat a burger or whatever. Warning: Anyone arriving early will risk being snagged by either Terridarri or myself into helping with the preparations of setting up tables, preparing the bar-b-que or the myrad of other task that are going to be done prior to the meet. :D

Range: We went to the new conservation department range, which is approximately five miles from my house, yesterday and checked it out. It was nice to see tax dollars being spent this way. This place is beautiful! Twenty covered shooting bays. Beautiful grounds, plenty of parking and seating with two trap/skeet ranges. Because of the baffeling system the use full auto is not allowed and the maximaum range is only 100 yards. However I often shoot here (on my property) and am going to ask my neighbor, who is a shooter, if we can set up a target on his place and shoot some from mine. I'm sure he will be amialbe to this and it will give us 500 to 600 yards. Those wanting to may also shoot their full autos here.
Weapons: Any and all weapons are allowed on the range. We just can't fire thme full auto while there.
Patrick, yes this means you may bring your Garand. ;) I don't think anyone will be disappointed in these facilities. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I have done some checking on the motels and I found out that the Interstate Inn is probably be the best bet for everyone, I spoke again this morning to them and they are giving us unbelievable rates, better than normal, this motel has alot of advantages since it is the cheapest in town and it the closest to our house. So I'm going to post the new rates again and the phone number. I did tell them people would be calling in to make reservations and they would identify themselves by being with the TFL or The Firing Line group, so please mention this when calling.

1st floor-----$33.00 for 1, $6 per person if more than one person.

2nd floor-----$30.00 for 1, $6 per person if more than one person.

3rd floor-----$24.00 for 1, $6 per person if more than one person.

Then after the 10th reservation, everyone gets a 10% discount on the prices above.

Phone nos. (417) 833-1550

They have 141 rooms available so if anyone is going to make reservations please try to make them early because there is a chance the whole motel will be nothing but TFL'ers, I did mention to the motel mgr. this was a possibility that we would need the whole motel.

Ya'll have been very busy and put out some good information, tks very much, Im still waiting for a response from work. I will be their I believe.........btw, how big is the hotels gun safe?.....fubsy.
Motel gun safe.....hmm......interesting concept. :D Actualy SVT and I discussed weapon security, via e-mail, a few days ago. (He brought it to my attention, thank you SVT.) I am going to establish a "secure room" here that only Terridarri and I have a key to for anyone needing to secure additional weapons when not in use. We request anyone bringing weapons that will need to be secured to bring cases if they have them (to avoid scratches when stored with several others) and to please tag them for quick identification.

Yes we have been busy with planning. What has been mentioned here is actualy only the tip of what is being put into this meet. We are inquiring about tables/folding chairs, discount pricing on food, beer, soft drinks etc. for the meet, port-a-potties, preparing the out building (40'X80') in the event of imclimate weather and the list goes on. (It's a lot of work but a labor of love ;)) We're hoping for a couple hundred TFL'ers or more, which was the reasoning for starting the thread early. We hope to have everything perpared so that all the TFL'ers have to do is show up and have fun without having to worry about the details. fal308, who lives three hours from here, volunteered a few days ago, again via e-mail, to come down soon and help with arrangments and agian a day or two in advance and help with the final preparations. Thanks fal. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Thanks for recognizing our efforts, it makes us want to work harder at this, we plan on making this very exciting for everyone and making it a very memorable trip for all TFL members and who else that will be with them, it will consist of alot of work, but once it is done and all over with it will have been worth it all, just thanks again. :) :) :)


[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited April 09, 2000).]
If anybody from Pennsylvania would like to go but does not want to drive to Mizz, email me and you can possibly ride with me in my Jeep Grand Cherokee. I live in central PA. I'm driving instead of flying so I can haul all my toys and ammo :)

1911 Addiction
"Rangers Lead the Way!"
Anyone bringing a .50 cal? Please?!?!

Gunslinger and Terriderri,
I want to thank you both for the work that you've already done and the work that is ahead of you.

I might suggest occationally posting in the General Discussion Forum. I, for one, dont always read all of the forums and stumbled upon this. We might miss some of those who would like to attend.


[This message has been edited by scottMO (edited April 09, 2000).]

You are going to run into some expenses doing all this! Can we pitch in??

All Carolinians: I'm driving up from Charlotte, to arrive on Friday for early doin's. Anyone want to jump aboard?? Email me!
Whoo Hoo! Started page 2.

Ok, ok, ok! You've talked me into this. Change my status from 'tenative' to 'definite'. Oh, and save me a little patch of grass to camp on. :) And Joe brings up a good point about the 'monetary assistance'. I'm sure most of us will have no trouble chipping in.

Gunslinger/Terriderri: Thank you so much for organizing this event. Sounds like it'll be a hoot!

BTW: Is the 'open carry' good for non-residents? (Vermont Style)

[This message has been edited by jcoyoung (edited April 10, 2000).]
I also want to thank Gunslinger, and Terridarri for hosting this. Also, if anyone wants to ride shotgun (In both the literal and figurative sense) from Indy, the seats open.

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by scottMO:
Anyone bringing a .50 cal? Please?!?!


I'll bring my Barrett 95 if you supply the ammo and clean it afterwards :)

1911 Addiction
"Rangers Lead the Way!"
Better look out, ya'll, this could be looked upon as a "militia movement" and I'm sure some or most of you fit the FBI profile of a terrorist. Now all you need is a few pro-RKBA bumper stickers and the JBTs have all the excuse they need.
Thank you for all the praise but to be honest the credit all goes to Terridarri. She is the one doing all the calling and planning. I'm just......well.......hmm.......I must be doing something.

Our goal is three fold. One is to arrange it so everyone knows exactly how much the meet is going to cost them in advance with everything included. That way no one has to concern themselves with any unexpected expenses later.
The second goal is to keep the cost as low as possible. We'd like to see as many members as possible be able to attend and keeping the cost low will help. Unfortuately that will require money. However with the preplanning that is going into it and by doing a lot of "shopping" we are anticipating a cost of from $10 to $20. No more! That will include everything in the above post as well as a few other things that we are still working on.
Combined this will acheive our third goal which is to have fun!

Forum location: We have posted the meet in the General Discussion forum twice but the staff is trying to steamline that forum by moving the meeting post here. Besides George was getting lonesome down here. ;) It was receiving more responses in the GD forum and many of the members have not "discovered" the meetings have been moved yet. (George posted a thread in GD (Lock and Load) to direct members here.) This thread will reach 100k soon and have to be restarted. If the staff have no objections we will reopen it back in GD. If not members will discover it here eventually. The staff knows a dang sight more about moderating than I do so I will defer to their judgment. One suggestion on that topic though. If any of you notice the name of someone whom you would realy like to meet at the get together that is conspicuiosuly absent here send them a personal invite via e-mail and direct them to the link.

One last item: Any and all suggestions, ideas, thoughts or whatever are more than welcome. Again you can either post here or feel free to e-mail either myself or Terridarri . To paraphrase the Motel 6 commmercial; "We'd love ot hear from ya.' :)

Thank you to Slowpoke Rodrigo for volunteering, via e-mail, to drive three hours and help before the meet. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited April 10, 2000).]
I'm in on the .50 cal deal. 5 or so rounds should be plenty for me. I would be proud to clean it!!!!!

you guys (and gals) are great,

Thanks for all your efforts. I think this is a super opportunity for all of us here to shakes hands with some "cyber-family". :)...Also thinking this would be great place for personalized TFL shirts! (To save: I'm John. I post as...)

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited April 10, 2000).]
Thanks again for everyones support, it is appreciated very much.

I called the local store for you tonight and the out of state fishing license is $35 or you can get a daily pass for $5 each day.

Someone earlier asked about the open carrier laws in Missouri, it is legal for out of state just the same as residents.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Gunslinger and Terridarri,
Thanks for hosting what may become a VERY big deal!!

Let's close this big, slow-loading thread.
Open one in General Discussion and let's see how big *that* one becomes!
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