Texas to Defy the World Court of International Justice this Week

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Mexico has successfully reinvaded Kali. We now have a state average of 48% Mexican children in our school system. How are Texas and Arizona doing?
Mexico has successfully reinvaded Kali. We now have a state average of 48% Mexican children in our school system. How are Texas and Arizona doing?
Are the student 48% hispanic decent or 48% "mexican" in the cali school system?
Are the student 48% hispanic decent or 48% "mexican" in the cali school system?

Doesn't matter if they don't break off their loyalty to Mexico. You might be an American citizen, but if you fly the Mexican flag, celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and don't speak English, you're Mexican.
If you parents aren't legal citizens you shouldn't be one either. It encourages people to just run over and have a bunch of kids, that along with all the free aide cali gives to illegal aliens. Its no wonder the states going broke.
It encourages people to just run over and have a bunch of kids,

No, it is the Catholic Church that encourages the high baby production with its anachronistic doctrines on reproduction and birth control. Illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly Catholic.

Texas has now scheduled the execution of a second Mexican national, Heliberto Chi Acheituno, for this Thursday night. Instead of backing down from this controversy, it would almost appear that Texas officials are now ratcheting things up.

Kill two Mexicans in one week? This is sure to bring major protests, especially inside Mexico.


The scheduled 6pm execution of Jose Medelin tonight has been postponed, and is currently on hold.

A last minute appeal made today has made its way to the United States Supreme Court tonight. Texas officials are currently awaiting word from the court as to whether they can proceed with the execution.

Here is a link to this latest news:


Since I showed a photo of the killer, maybe it is appropriate to remember what the two young girls that were murdered looked like:


I hope they dont use those nice drugs to lightly put him under peacefully. I hope they use a 3 foot wide howizter cannon and launch him back towards Mexico. That should save fuel!! I think this should be the same of all Illegal Immigrants that commit violent crimes here. For the majority that are here, the fruit pickers, roofers , builders and whatever. leave them alone. But, if they decide to harm one of us, steal from us, or basically screw up... its Off to the cannons!!
Come on guys, lets stop and think about the consequences to this...what if we get kicked out of the U.N.?:D

Waiting with fingers crossed​
I hope they dont use those nice drugs to lightly put him under peacefully. I hope they use a 3 foot wide howizter cannon and launch him back towards Mexico.
Actually, for people who commit such crimes, I am quite fond of the idea of strapping them naked to a pole with their hands and ankles cuffed behind the pole and let the family of the victims go at them with carrot peelers until dead.
Are you sure the execution is still on hold? According the link you posted, the Supreme Court has denied the appeal, and the execution will occur before midnight.

HUNTSVILLE _ The U.S. Supreme Court has denied an appeal by Houston killer Jose Medellin, who is now scheduled to die before midnight for the 1993 gang rape-murder of two teenage girls.

His execution, earlier scheduled for 6 p.m., was put on hold as the Supreme Court court considered his appeal for a stay.
Oh My! :eek:

We are a bloodthirsty lot, aren't we? :barf:

[thinking something along the lines of live partial burial, honey and ants.... :p ]
The execution is not on hold any longer. But it had to be rescheduled for later tonight, as I mentioned.

All the Texas authorities are saying is that the sentence will be carried out before midnight, Central Time Zone.

That is why I said that he only has an hour or two left to live, at the very most.

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