Texas to Defy the World Court of International Justice this Week

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thallub: Let them send their marshalls to TX to enforce their silly a$$ed ruling.
I hope that they give us some warning if they try it. I want to have plenty of popcorn on hand for the show.
ever had a conversation with someone who's been in a Mexican jail? I'm sure Jose is being treated much better with his 3 hots, a cot, and cable :rolleyes:

Texas could very easily set the precedent that could turn this country around. That's a thread all in itself though, I digress.
The Mexican government has already officially protested this matter to the Bush Administration. What should President Bush tell all of these outraged Mexican officials??

They are most upset with us for claiming that the United States Constitution can overrule international law.

Yeah well what is pres Bush supposed to tell the families of the victims or the country for that matter?

Is he supposed to say oh well your daugter was murdered by someone above our laws justice as we know it does not apply to these men they are not required to behave like the rest of us in OUR COUNTRY because some jerk somewhere else in the world says our laws are TP cause we signed some treaty.

$%@# ON THAT
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It looks like the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, will not intervene in the matter. His office has issued this statement:

"Texas welcomes foreign visitors, but for those who come here with the intent to do us harm, there are going to be consequences."

What would they do to these men if the crime had happened on Mexican soil? Would they get death? Or life in a Mexican jail? Or a sentance less than life?

As has already been stated, Mexico has no death penalty. So life in prison is the worst they could have received.

However, this defendant was only a 17 yr old minor at the time of the crime. A Mexican court could have easily taken that into consideration, and handed out a much lesser sentence. The State of Texas, though, decided to try these minors as if they were adults.

This defendant is now 33 years old. So the state of Texas has had to pay to imprison and support him for 16 years now. In addition to having all of the cost of the many legal appeals that have been made on his behalf.

So when people say that illegal immigration does not cost our country any money, this may be another issue to point out.

A lot of taxpayer money could be saved if our border could be brought under control.

Here is a good editorial from the Houston Chronicle about this case. It includes a through review of the legal aspects of it:


Note from this article that THREE justices on the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of honoring the decision of the World Court of Justice.

All we need is for two justices to be replaced by those who feel the same on this issue, and the rights of Texas as a state would then be ignored.

Instead, and in the words of Randy Ertman, father of Jennifer Ertman: "The world court don't mean diddly. This business belongs in the state of Texas ... the rest of them can go to hell."

Tremendous! To the criminals who committed this atrocity: AMF

It's little moments like this that remind us what perfection our forefathers created for us. Unfortunately, some fight to screw it up everyday.

And, the Mexican government suing US makes me want to vomit. What a disgrace to civilization that POS government is.
I agree, this is a local (Texas) matter...

This defendant is now 33 years old. So the state of Texas has had to pay to imprison and support him for 16 years now. In addition to having all of the cost of the many legal appeals that have been made on his behalf.

It appears that the defendant has had the same benefit from the Texas legal system as any US citizen. So when the time comes, he should be executed like any US citizen would be.

I like that. At least if I am putting the right words in. Starts with "Adios" doesn't it?
As the United States has clearly failed the 'global test' (according to John Kerry), and we're not not being a good 'global citizen' (according to Obama), we're not looking very international at all. :D
Is he supposed to say oh well your daugter was murdered by someone above our laws justice as we know it does not apply to these men they are not required to behave like the rest of us in OUR COUNTRY because some prick somewhere else in the world says our laws are TP cause we signed some treaty.

That's pretty much what Bush DID say. He was solidly in favor of the efforts of Mexico and the World Court to stop this execution.
In Kali, the average school % for Mexican folks is 48%. We have been invaded, and, they have won...

Some California High Schools have had to drop American Football, due to lack of interest.

Meanwhile, soccer is really now taking off....

I predict that by 2030 California will attempt to leave the union. Hopefully we will have another President Lincoln by then.

I would let the little sucker live, life in prison and all that, just let two Border Guards out with back pay.

If Bush does not pardon those two Border Guards before he leaves office, then that will be the final betrayal of his administration.

Mexico is somewhat like a spoiled child constantly try to get its way with its parents in the past 7.5 years they have done so and the cost to the American taxpayer is high.
I predict that by 2030 California will attempt to leave the union. Hopefully we will have another President Lincoln by then.
Let the southern half suceed, the northern parts will likely want to stay.
A 17 year old who committed a heinous act of murder and rape.

The treaty was signed in 1963. It states that a person has a right to access consular officials. this does not change the fact that they were found guilty and the person in question signed a confession.

If the treaty doesnt conform to the laws of this nation then as the USSC says it has no bearing.
"The law is clear: Texas is bound not by the World Court, but by the U.S. Supreme Court, which reviewed this matter and determined that this convicted murderer's execution shall proceed."

By all means Texas should carry this out. They committed the crime in Texas and should pay for it according to Texas law.
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