Texas Remains Adamant in Face of Protests: Executes Another Murderer Tonight

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I don't see how you could possibly have expected anyone to have had any knowledge of this case you cite, since not only did you not mention his name, but you did not even specify the location, nor even the specific year that it took place.
What I said was, people who live in Arizona might remember the case from local news coverage. It was a pretty big story at the time.
Short of being omnipotent and being able to judge a man's guilt with god-like acumen, our system of justice here in the United States is pretty much as good as it gets anywhere. True, there can be the occasional tragedy of justice, but a death row inmate is granted such latitude in his/her appeals that rarely is an innocent man executed.

I am all for society putting murders to death.
Yup, but some people want to take away the appeals and other safety nets. They yell for blood and want it immediately.
One question I am always asked by a friend of mine who is anti-death penalty is "How many innocent people is it okay to kill to satisfy a lust for vengeance against the truly guilty?"

You should tell your friend hs is asking a slanted question. The constitution doesn't require perfection. The constitution only requires a fair trial. Thats all you get.
They yell for blood and want it immediately.

That doesnt and will not happen anytime soon.

They yell for blood and want it immediately.
That doesnt and will not happen anytime soon.
But how many people in this very thread have called for more immediate executions? What is happening does not seem to be what some people want. Some people would see them executed soon after initial conviction. I cannot support that except in rare circumstances.
Shoot, I think we should go back to making executions for public viewing and televising them....maybe make them a pay-per-view and the proceedes go to the TDCJ. (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) :cool: and this coming from a Corrections Officer in a maximun security prison in Texas ;)
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What I said was, people who live in Arizona might remember the case from local news coverage. It was a pretty big story at the time.

Indeed, such a really big news story. Yet, you are unwilling to provide any specific details of who, when, or where; much less concrete proof that it actually took place.

Your report is so extremely vague in nature, that it would be virtually impossible for anyone to recall such an event that took place a full two decades ago.

If you want to argue that it is common for miscarriages of justice to be taking place in the USA, then you should at least provide some actual documented cases that have been proven, instead of your totally obscure anecdotal reference that you used. That is not any kind of real proof.

In addition, it is also most unfair for you to compare a case involving the THE MILITARY JUSTICE SYSTEM, in an effort to criticize the civilian justice system here in the USA. That is basically comparing apples and oranges. Civilians have far more rights that those who have to answer under the The Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Prosecutions under the UCMJ have a dramatically higher conviction rate than civilian trials. In fact, it is a bit rare for one to not have a successful prosecution.

So I find your entire argument here to be most weak and flimsy in nature.

Indeed, such a really big news story. Yet, you are unwilling to provide any specific details of who, when, or where; much less concrete proof that it actually took place.
They were not relevant. Most people on here understood the point.

Do yourself a favor and give your witch hunt a rest. Such behavior just serves to make one look foolish. I am sorry that you feel I insulted you long ago but childish behavior is best left in the playground.
I'm not going to debate the death penalty or the criminal justice system at this time. I do want to applaud the great state of Texas in fulfilling it's obligation towards justice and soverignty at the same time.

If you are a citizen of another country, and you don't agree with the way we deal with murderers, don't come to our country and commit murder.

I think most of you remember the punk that went to singapore and vandalized the cars in the mid 90's. America was outraged that the kid was going to be caned for doing it. I thought it was what the kid deserved. If you go to a different country, you should obey its laws. Period.
I think most of you remember the punk that went to singapore and vandalized the cars in the mid 90's. America was outraged that the kid was going to be caned for doing it. I thought it was what the kid deserved. If you go to a different country, you should obey its laws. Period.
I was hoping Singapore would televise it myself. As someone who has had my car vandalized before I saw it is a small bit of justice. :)
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