Texas Remains Adamant in Face of Protests: Executes Another Murderer Tonight

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People think Texas is stupid for enforcing its laws.

I proudly thank Texas for doing what is right. They have a law and a punishment that they deal out. No one is allowed to stop them.
Adminestering Death ...

... To criminals has been going down hill since about the mid 1800's.

Romans developed the use of crucification to a high degree.

Vlad The Impaler ...Well, the name says it all right there.

The Spanish added their own "Twist and Stretch" to it.

The English really upped the pace with "Drawn and Quartered".

The French just about perfected execution with the Guillotine.

Which probably could be considered one of the high water marks for good o'l executions. Head chopping was one of the best forms of criminal execution.

Ever since the option of "Loosing Your Head" went the way of the Dodo bird, sensibilities have taken over in the industrial sector and the execution business has really suffered through hard times. It just ain't what it use to be.

Shooting is messy. Hanging is ... well just not blood thirsty enough and don't get me started on drug injections, please. That is just too ... what's the word I'm looking for?


I guess we could introduce death by eating way too much candy for the PC crowd. Nah, too cruel and unusual to say the least.

Come to think about it now, I personally believe "Vlad The Impaler" was ahead of his time and had it just about right.

Nobody makes you come to Texas. Nobody makes you commit a crime in Texas. All these death row inmates are volunteers.

And, yes, we're closer to the problem. We saw it earlier and have seen more of it. Ask the people who are even closer to the problem. That's why they would rather be elsewhere.
Also, do away with life sentences. I've never understood giving someone life with no chance of parole. It's a waste of money. If they did something that bad, go ahead and send them to their maker.

The prison system is sucking this country dry. If you're an illegal you should be sent to the front of the line, hell rebuild the gallows right outside of the courthouse.
Nobody makes you come to Texas. Nobody makes you commit a crime in Texas. All these death row inmates are volunteers.

I love that! If I was a Texan, I would quote you in my signature line!
Overall I'm fairly opinionated on various subjects two things I've never fully come to fall on one side or the other is the death penalty or abortion.
Having said that when someone rapes and/or kills a child punishment should be swift and within one year of trial. If we cannot protect our children then little else matters.
While I agree w/ the death penalty and truly believe that this slime met his just reward, I still feel it's a little strange to hear that a state is ignoring existing treaty language that the U.S. has w/ other countries. Secession to come? U.S. of T.?
Why arbitrarily wait ...

... a year.

Unanimous twelve juror guilty verdict. District court review of appeals and the Gov signs off and they are good to go. Shouldn't take more than a month at most don't you think? Of course we could go the Chinese route and execute them on the same day of sentencing. Naw, we'll compromise and just go ahead and set a three month time table and get it all over with in time for vacations.


note to readers: all tongue in cheek.
One question I am always asked by a friend of mine who is anti-death penalty is "How many innocent people is it okay to kill to satisfy a lust for vengeance against the truly guilty?"

The reality is, a lot of people on death row are not guilty. In todays legal system a lot of people do not get due process or fair treatment.

I had a friend convicted of rape who was innocent. Some people in the Arizona area may remember this story from the late 80's. He was actually in the barracks at the time the woman was raped 70 miles away. There were eye witnesses that saw him in the barracks but not at the exact time of the rape. Several "eyewitnesses" placed him at the same bar as the woman an hour before the attack.

Luckily for him he used the laundry which has a security camera. It showed him in the laundry, 70 miles from the scene, about 15 minutes before the attack.

Sad thing is, this video was made available to the authorities but it was never entered into evidence and the man was found guilty.

He ended up spending nearly a year in jail until he was able to win an appeal only after the victims family started fighting on his behalf and the "lost" video was recovered from the state.
Elkman says ...

I still feel it's a little strange to hear that a state is ignoring existing treaty language that the U.S. has w/ other countries.

My retort would be; Texas did not sign any treaties with any other countries.

Pretty straight forward if you ask a Texan.
Sorry to hear about your friend PBP, but that is a real gray area that you're getting into. I don't think (or would like to think) that they don't make that mistake too often. There is an entire study that goes and researches death row inmates' innocence called the Innocence Project.

If someone was found innocent, they need to be released immediately, and restitution need to be paid. That would be a more just use of money, if it has to be spent.

However if they know guilt, no quarter should be given. In the case of Medellin, he bragged to his fellow gangbagers about it. There is no doubt he was the one. It also took long enough for him to get his day too. IIRC, he was in prison for 15 yrs before finally being executed the other day. 15 yrs of wasted taxpayers money.

I don't want this to sound like internet bravado, but this whole execution "controversy" has gotten out of hand for a long time already. If they got their facts straight, do it the most simple, efficient, cost effective way possible, and that is certainly NOT lethal injection.

Some states still have hanging and firing lines on the books, but that is meaningless because it doesn't mean they will use it anymore (that's another major problem with the system, leaving antiquated or not used laws on the books but another story).

This Pennsylvanian sends TX his best regards for having some sense.
Many trials where the crime was horrible turn into witch-hunts, they don't care if they have the actual person. The simply want to blame someone and take it out on them.

This is especially true for prosecutors and law-enforcement.
they don't care if they have the actual person.

Well, then, we should toss out the criminal justice system. Unless you're a total loon with no grip on reality, your explanation of how it works indicates the solution is worse than the problem and anarchy is preferable.
There are 3 Army Posts in Arizona:
- Electronic Proving Ground (part of Fort Huachuca)
- Fort Huachuca
- Yuma Proving Ground
Yup, you have never heard of Huachuca, AZ ?

I had never heard of any Army bases in Arizona, period. We certainly don't have any here in Oregon.

I don't see how you could possibly have expected anyone to have had any knowledge of this case you cite, since not only did you not mention his name, but you did not even specify the location, nor even the specific year that it took place.

Short of being omnipotent and being able to judge a man's guilt with god-like acumen, our system of justice here in the United States is pretty much as good as it gets anywhere. True, there can be the occasional tragedy of justice, but a death row inmate is granted such latitude in his/her appeals that rarely is an innocent man executed.

I am all for society putting murders to death.
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