Taurus firearm owners

I've only got one Taurus, the Judge, which is my bedside pistol. It fires each time I pull the trigger, and is well-suited for it's purpose. I really know nothing about their semi-autos. Since I'm a lefty, I'll only own fully ambidextrous semi-auto pistols, and that rules out most brands - including Taurus. However, this has nothing to do with their perceived (or real) problems.
I for the like of me cannot understand what it is with Taurus gun owners. They defend crappy firearms and even crappier customer service with a vigilance like I've never seen. Early last year I made the biggest gun buying mistake ever, getting sucked in by good reviews, cheap price and purchased two Taurus firearms. Both failed miserably (TX22 & G2C). When I complained about the guns and the company with proof to back up my claims on the Taurus gun forum I was asked to leave. Taurus owners defend that horrible company with a blindness that is similar to never Trumpers. Don't they understand that by allowing Taurus to get away with their shoddy products and I don't give a crap about you customer service they're just making it worst. Taurus gets away with it and will never correct their terrible behavior as long as their customers continue to make ridiculous excuses to support their Taurus purchase. I just don't get it. Am I missing something here?

Taurus also seems to be one brand some folks with bad experiences just can't seem to let go of.

(Had 3. Of those, I still have 2, the other is 15 years gone. Yes, I have had dealings with Taurus Customer Service.)
Okay, so many of us have our own experiences with Taurus firearms, good and bad. There is certainly quality discussion to be had.

However, bro:
When I complained about the guns and the company with proof to back up my claims on the Taurus gun forum I was asked to leave. Taurus owners defend that horrible company with a blindness that is similar to never Trumpers. Don't they understand that by allowing Taurus to get away with their shoddy products and I don't give a crap about you customer service they're just making it worst.
You are really gonna go to the TAURUS FORUM and complain about the brand and expect a group hug and a helping hand?

That’s a little ridiculous.
On the Taurus forum they have a section; " Taurus Product Problems" which is where I posted the issue which is EXACTLY why it's there. OK
Maybe because they are tired of seeing a brand demonized because it isn't some charished approved brand. Or because the company isn't from the United States.
Maybe because they haven't experienced any of the claimed problems, and look at the attacks as overblown. Probably overblown because of the first reason I mentioned.
I personally only have two guns from Taurus. One revolver, one semi-auto. With my experience there is no reason to not buy another.
Because their not made in the US. That's just ridiculous. Attacks overblown??? Lets use the TX22 as an example & reread post #12. Customer service & trust is vital in the firearm world and Taurus is at the bottom when it comes to both.
What I cannot figure how is why people want to continue to bash them. It gets so old. And the vast majority have never even owned one. I do not own one, never have, but I have shot many that were nice guns and know owners that have enjoyed them for years.
If you do not like them, simply do not buy one. Others that own them and like them is fine with me. And I know some guys that can do some serious shooting with them.
It is one of those internet things. Start a thread to bash a Taurus. Actually kind of funny in some ways.

I do not have a clue that Taurus is at the bottom. I know they sell a ton of guns and have for years. Where are the figures to back up all this info. I never see it. I just hear some new guy come along and start bashing.
Why the bashing on the TX22? I see good reports, see some bad one's. See good reports on the new Glock 44, see some bad one's. The Sig 365 had all kinds of Problems when new. Last I checked they are a good company. Just had some problems. Why not bash them?

Like I said, if you do not prefer a Taurus them simply do not buy one. What is the big deal?
That’s kinda my point. Every firearm manufacturer lets out bad ones now and then.....
That's true, but there's a difference when Taurus does it at $400 and when Ruger does it at $600 and S&W at $800.

I can accept the cheaper gun getting by QC because they don't do 100% inspections, but when a gun twice as much can have issues, I have to wonder if I'm getting my money's worth.

With Ruger's CS being so fast from what I hear, I can understand paying a bit more for them, but when I hear S&W CS is taking almost as long as Taurus is to get things right, that scares me.

Fact is any of them can ship junk and when I open the box I expect to see problems instead of expecting to get something good.

Between my family and I there are a total of 5 Taurus brand firearms in my household. All of them have proven to be 100% reliable.
in the 90s I owned several Taurus revolvers. a stainless bobbed hammer model 85, a blued standard model 85, a centennial type 850 cia ti, a stainless .22mag snub, a stainless 4" .22mag, and an early .25 acp. except for the .25acp they were all well made guns. today's guns I cannot comment on from personal experience. nor can I comment on their customer service that way because I never needed it.
I have owned Taurus® firearms since 1995, 25 years. The following has been my experience...

I have eleven Taurus® revolvers.............
• Mdl 85B2CH 38 Special - 1995
• Mdl 669SS4CP 357 Magnum - 1996
• Mdl 85B2 38 Special - 1997
• Mdl 617SS2 357 Magnum - 2003
• Mdl 605SS3 357 Magnum - 2006
• Mdl 85SS2UL 38 Special - 2007
• Mdl 605SS2 357 Magnum - 2010
• Mdl 605SS2 357 Magnum - 2012
• Mdl 425SS2 41 Magnum - 2012
• Mdl 85SS2UL 38 Special - 2012
• Mdl 992B4 22LR/22Magnum - 2013

All have performed superbly and I continue to shoot them all almost every week.

I have only encountered these problems.........
• Mdl 85B2CH broke a firing pin (part# 19) after 11,000+ rounds. I replaced the firing pin & it's still going strong.
• Mdl 85SS2UL had the cylinder stop (part# 44) wear down after 10,000 rounds. Called Taurus® and they shipped the part right away. Installed new cylinder stop and now the gun works fine.

Anytime I had to send a gun in they fixed and returned it when they said they would. Specifically.....................
• Mdl 617 developed excessive cylinder to forcing cone gap (.011") after almost 6,000 rounds. I sent it to Taurus® and they replaced the cylinder (part# 8) and adjusted the yoke (part# 9) *I've since put 5,000+ rounds through it and it's still going strong.
• Mdl 605SS2 Locked up after 5,500+ rounds. Sent the gun in and Taurus said the problem was not repairable. Taurus®, in turn, sent me a new gun.

I will not hesitate to buy additional Taurus® revolvers.
They are an outstanding value. Here is the best resource for Taurus® information on the net...
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They do sell !!!

I'll give you, this much ;
I will probably never buy another "new" Taurus. They just aren't that attractive to me. However, I would never criticize any person that does. They are very serviceable and for the most part, reliable. …. :)

A few months back, I read that they outsell, most of the dominant manufactures, by a long-shot. Let's face it, they do sell ad they would not be in business if they didn't…. ;)

Be Safe !!!
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I have a little Taurus Spectrum 380 my son got me. I have put over a thousand rounds through it without the first hiccup. I pocket carry it now instead of my Ruger
I've only owned one Taurus, a PT99 9MM. I bought it off a co-worker probably around 1987/88 for $200. His wife had just had a baby and it was get rid of the gun or else. Well I've taken a liking to that Brazilian Beretta. It doesn't have a drop hammer safety which surprised me but is set up to carry in condition one just like a 1911. It's about as accurate as I can shoot, hasn't failed me yet with one exception I shoot a lot of cast bullet loads at full power in the gun and at first the rounds wouldn't chamber fully and I had to seat the bullets the rest of the way by pushing the slide with my thumb. Seating the bullets slightly deeper took care of that problem. While its not a gun I shoot a lot I figure I've run somewhere between 1,100 to maybe 1,500 through the gun without a problem, the exception being the cast bullet loads mentioned. I like the gun, nuff said?
Paul B.
I have had a PT-99 for over 30 years. Never a problem. Got one of the first 44 Magnum Raging Bulls and it has had many full power Magnum handload through it, no trouble. Got one of their 1911's the first year they came out, I'm thinking more than 15 years ago. Never had a problem with it after 1000's of rounds. So happy with it I just picked up a Commander version.
To be fair, I used to work at a gun store, and we had trouble with about 50% of the Model 85's (38 Special snubs) that we sold. This was 1989 - 1992. Return to Taurus USA turnaround was never longer than 4 to 6 weeks, but we just started fixing them in house to save time and get them back to the customer.
My vintage mid 80's model PT-99 9mm and 66 .357 have never had any issues, both accurate and dependable. Thousands of hot rounds through both.
There are two Tauruses in my household, a Model 94 .22LR I bought for my daughter to shoot, and a TCP .380 that my wife bought for herself because she likes it.

No failures of any kind, and fit and finish is fine. The only thing I dislike about either is that the DA trigger pull on the 94 is very heavy, so I may trade it someday for a .22LR that’s easier for my daughter to shoot double-action (or a semiauto). And I actually like the TCP a bit better than Gen-1 LCP’s, though I haven’t shot a Gen-2 yet; I personally think Taurus replacing the TCP with the Spectrum was a mistake.

Both my primary pistols are S&W’s, BTW, so I’m not a “rah rah Taurus” fan by any means. But I’d certainly buy another if the price were right and it was a design I liked.
I shot 50 rounds through a Taurus .38 spl once...
I was really disappointed by the lack of accuracy.
From what I've read from others… I think most of the Taurus bashing comes from their poor customer service. when they crank out a lemon it takes a few calendar pages to get it fixed by the company and usually some out of pocket expenses from the poor sap that bought it.
Customer service & trust is vital in the firearm world and Taurus is at the bottom when it comes to both.

If you think this it true, then clearly there are a number of guns you are not familiar with. Raven, Jennings, Lorcan, R&G, Rohm, Ruby, just off the top of my head and I know there are others. I've had bad experience with Llamas (both kinds :rolleyes:)

I don't own any Taurus pistols, simply for the fact that they don't have anything I want. I'm not the typical consumer (or what I assume is typical from what I read on the net). If I'm buying a S&W .357, I'm not buying it because I want a .357, I'm buying it because I want that S&W. Am not buying a Taurus, ROssi, Ruger, or COLT, I'm buying a particular S&W, because its what I want.

Likewise, if I'm, buying a Ruger, its because I want THAT Ruger. Etc.