Taurus firearm owners


New member
I for the like of me cannot understand what it is with Taurus gun owners. They defend crappy firearms and even crappier customer service with a vigilance like I've never seen. Early last year I made the biggest gun buying mistake ever, getting sucked in by good reviews, cheap price and purchased two Taurus firearms. Both failed miserably (TX22 & G2C). When I complained about the guns and the company with proof to back up my claims on the Taurus gun forum I was asked to leave. Taurus owners defend that horrible company with a blindness that is similar to never Trumpers. Don't they understand that by allowing Taurus to get away with their shoddy products and I don't give a crap about you customer service they're just making it worst. Taurus gets away with it and will never correct their terrible behavior as long as their customers continue to make ridiculous excuses to support their Taurus purchase. I just don't get it. Am I missing something here?
Personally, I don't think they are defending Taurus as much as themselves for buying one. I waste my money on other things. Just my opinion of course.
All guns fail. So what were the problems with your TX22 & C2G?

Keep in mind, there are gun snobs who will tell ya if it ain't Beretta or Sig, your gun's a piece of crap. Then there are some who only pickup inexpensive pieces like, EAA, Taurus, Kel Tec, or Hi Point and will swear by 'em. Bottom line - the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I bought this 1980’s military surplus Taurus model 82 at a pawn shop for $150.00.The gun is tight, accurate, and shoots to point of aim. If you think that makes it a crappy firearm, then I don’t understand you.

I bought this 1980’s military surplus Taurus model 82 at a pawn shop for $150.00.The gun is tight, accurate, and shoots to point of aim. If you think that makes it a crappy firearm, then I don’t understand you.
You got a good one. That's wonderful. A lot of us bought new ones and weren't so lucky.
I have three Taurus handgun, all revolvers and all are very good. The ties to S&W were severed in 1977 and for the most part, they did okay with the standard pressure .38s and .357Mags. The newer calibers and designs that departed from S&Ws designs are not as good and some of them had a lot of problems.

Their autos have been sub-par for a long time. When they bought the plant, specs and people from Beretta in 1980, they held on to some semblance of quality in that line for about 10 years, then started downhill. Late 1990s through about 2012 or so, it was one mistake after another in defects, QC and just bad designs. They did not have any robust R&D so unproven designs were sold to consumers.

Some say they have turned the corner (2015 or so), but I don't trust their autos at all. Signing Jessie Harrison (Harison, then Abbate, then Harrison then Duff now back to Harrison), arguably one of the hottest commodities in the shooting sports, was a bit interesting to many in the industry in 2018, but they did not back up the marketing dollars with quality R&D or QC. She did okay in 2018, but lost a lot of cred when it was outed that she shot classifiers until she got GM scores and she fell flat in 2019. Some argue Harrison and Taurus were a good fit...looks hot, but not.

BTW, all of this information has been readily available from a variety of sources for a while.
The TX22's slide cracked after 4500 rds (4 months old) due to the poorly designed recoil assembly. Was at Taurus for 11 weeks, came back with a new slide but with same poorly designed recoil assembly. Taurus fired 32 rds of mini mags before they sent it back, when I removed the new slide you could see where the recoil assembly was already gouging the new slide. Taurus has still not admitted nor rectified the recoil assembly issue. The barrel issue still has not been rectified either & its been over a year. There are TX22 owners that have been sent 5 barrels all bad! The G2C developed spider cracks in the underside of the slide on the metal plates on the left side of the firing pin assembly. That was after 2500 rds (3 months old). I got rid of the TX22 the day it came back from Taurus. Got rid of the G2C as soon as I noticed the cracks. Will never waste my hard earned dollars on a Taurus again.
Bash Taurus, not buyers !!!

Taurus owners defend that horrible company with a blindness that is similar to never Trumpers.
I think you need to post this under the "Feedback section". This is not only bashing Taurus, but all those who buy their firearms. I have not seen and cult following of Taurus. I'm certainly not defending them but I would never tell any man, what to do with his spouse or his money. ….. ;)

You don't like Taurus and I get that but if others want to buy their products, that is their business. …. ;)

L.B.C. and;
Be Safe !!!
I own two Taurus handguns. A Model 83 revolver I bought at a gun action, and a PT22PLY that I bought new. No problems with either one. Would I get into an argument defending them? No. They are what they are. Inexpensive handguns that work. I've had way more problems with a $1600 Benelli target pistol then I have with both the Taurus' combined. But I can understand there are Taurus fan boys, but likewise there are Glock fanboys, Colt fanboys, etc. etc.
I for the like of me cannot understand what it is with Taurus gun owners. They defend crappy firearms and even crappier customer service with a vigilance like I've never seen. Early last year I made the biggest gun buying mistake ever, getting sucked in by good reviews, cheap price and purchased two Taurus firearms. Both failed miserably (TX22 & G2C). When I complained about the guns and the company with proof to back up my claims on the Taurus gun forum I was asked to leave. Taurus owners defend that horrible company with a blindness that is similar to never Trumpers. Don't they understand that by allowing Taurus to get away with their shoddy products and I don't give a crap about you customer service they're just making it worst. Taurus gets away with it and will never correct their terrible behavior as long as their customers continue to make ridiculous excuses to support their Taurus purchase. I just don't get it. Am I missing something here?
I run across unhappy owners on gun, truck, car and motorcycle forums and they bash a particular brand and the people who own them. Sometimes they have had problems and sometimes they make it up. They will post the same thing on several forums to make a minor issue appear to be a major issue. My new 2004 F-150 was going to fail and leave me stranded and I am still waiting on it to have a problem. My mid 70s Taurus revolver was going to let me down but since it didn't, I have bought 5 more and I am still waiting for any of them to fail. I sold the first one because it wasn't designed for +P and I accidentally bought a box and didn't want to use it in it by accident. I forgive the gun bashers more than the truck bashers because most of the issues with semi-auto handguns turn out to be operator error. They don't know it is their fault or they won't admit it so the bash the product. If someone buys a bad product and it fails, why would they buy a second?
Taurus knowingly released the TX22 with the horrible barrels. They know that the recoil assembly is destroying the slides. Has Taurus ever admitted to any of their mistakes? What has Taurus done to make it right? I was wrong to make a blanket statement about all Taurus owners but from what I see there are way too many that still defend the company. Most that had to deal with Taurus concerning a problem knows that Taurus doesn't give a rats butt about their customers at all! Knowing that and still defending them makes no sense to me. Sorry if I ruffled some feathers I guess it just irks me when a company, especially a firearm manufacture takes advantage of it's customers.
They have paid out on three class action lawsuits (about $300M total), and several individual lawsuits. There is another coming from what I have heard.
They aren't the "best" but I have 2 Taurus revolvers, a 941 Ultralight and Tracker convertible. I had a 45acp revolver whose trigger felt like it was full of sand but a good trigger job remedied that. The Ultralight had some timing issues that they corrected for free and quickly too. Would I prefer the same guns with a S&W label? Sure, but these guns aren't high in my rotation and thus not worthy of spending S&W $$. If they sucked as bad as you say they'd have been sold like my P11, PMR30, Baikal 12ga/.308 double and a few others that just didn't live up to my expectations.
I've had too many questionable experiences with Taurus handguns to own another. Between my friend and his dad they had two revolvers that were out of time (one horribly) NIB. I had, for a short time, a Millenium G2. The mag release had a lighter pull than the trigger, by a lot.
My wife owns a PT111G2. While she has not fired thousands of rounds through it she likes it, it works, and was reasonably priced.

Colt, Glock, Springfield Armory, Kimber, Remington and Beretta to name a few have had quality control issues over the years. So buying a big name brand doesn't always guarantee anything.

But I guess like anything else we develop attitudes and personal opinions and they are hard to change. Kind of like the Ford, Chevy, and Dodge debate. You couldn't give me a Chevy due to a bad experience years ago. Is it pertinent today? Probably not, but my mind is closed because of a past experience.
My two cents worth is . . .

I've had a handful fo Taurus firearms. I think they have some quality control issues. I'd trust their revolvers more than their semi-autos.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Maybe because they are tired of seeing a brand demonized because it isn't some charished approved brand. Or because the company isn't from the United States.
Maybe because they haven't experienced any of the claimed problems, and look at the attacks as overblown. Probably overblown because of the first reason I mentioned.
I personally only have two guns from Taurus. One revolver, one semi-auto. With my experience there is no reason to not buy another.
I've owned one Taurus. A M85 that was great till it had forcing cone and timing issues at about 250 rounds.

That was my first and last Taurus.

My buddy has a TCP that seems to run more or less okay. Has some feed issues but he got it used for a decent price and is more or less happy with it.

Beyond that, I have no further experience with Taurus. Personally, I'd never buy another one regardless of price.

In my opinion and experience, Taurus produces poorly made handguns and with poorly
executed customer service.

That said, some people clearly have guns that function well and they are happy with them.
If asked, I'll give my opinion, but if people are happy with their guns, then they are happy with them.

Clearly, Taurus gets away with their guns sales because people are attracted to their price point and some are willing to accept those risks to get a deal. You typically get what you pay for and with Taurus, that is very true.
I had the 24/7 pro way back, I liked it and it functioned well. But, as years passed I heard rumors of problems and even worse customer service... coupled with the difficulty finding holsters fitted to it, I finally gave up on the brand. I would use it as a back-up gun with no reservations if it was in one piece.
Off topic side story, I went through a time with and unstable family member, nothing I could do really as far as law enforcement went, as this person would walk right up to the line of illegality. Me and my son secured all our firearms at locations away from this person. We also separated the major parts of the weapons from each other by many miles. For some reason, the slide and the frame of the Taurus were never reunited. I know where the rest is, I just don’t want it.