I dont believe your story. I have a Taurus m44 .44mag. Never had a problem with it or my Taurus .357mag. Mine have taken alot of abuse and neglect due to not cleaning. Still work 100%
My guess all these bad Taurus revolvers come from Tinkerers.
I have a Taurus PT-138. It was the original polymer .380 from Taurus (before the Millenium version, and before the later Millenium Pro version). It was such a
fantastic pistol, that they discontinued the model, and issued an in-house recall; less than 6 months after production began.
Any of those pistols that make it into their repair center are not allowed to go back out. It seems the striker assembly was having major issues - causing slam-fires, and out-right breaking. Taurus decided it was an unrepairable condition, that warranted stopping production entirely. Yet... they never issued a recall, to tell people they are using inherently dangerous pistols.
They decided to let the weapons cause issues, and confiscate them as they were sent to the repair center. Sure, you can get a newer model as a replacement... but not everyone likes the newer models, and this shouldn't have happened in the first place!
On my pistol, the magazine follower was installed backward during production. How horrible does quality control, and employee attention have to be, to install parts obviously incorrectly?
First time out... the slide locked up, because a piece of polymer broke off the frame.
Second time out... the slide locked up, because the striker lug had jammed itself on the metal insert in the frame.
Every time out... it wouldn't function for more than 2 rounds, without a major stoppage.
The only reason I still own that pistol, and the only reason it even functions, is
because I modified it. (You call it tinkering. ...I call it re-engineering.) It may work now; but it's still a P.O.S. Taurus, that never should have left the factory.