Tasered to death?

I just wonder how the cops would have acted had he acted in a rational manner and simply not picked up a weapon
I just wonder how the cops would have acted had he acted in a rational manner and simply not picked up a weapon

Why, I imagine they'd have been calm, rational, and nobody would have gotten hurt.

Now, having picked up a stapler, he's dead. Possibly at least in part by the failure of the officers to heed the recommendations of an oversight agency in their own province. You know, the whole "don't taser somebody repeatedly then hold them down for an extended period" thing. Because apparently, that carries an increased risk of (surprise) killing them.

EDIT: And 4V50 Gary, from what I've gathered it doesn't seem they'd have even needed to be on his carotid to kill him. Apparently just holding him forcibly in that position after repeated taser strikes can do the trick (cause suffocation, and I believe heart failure as well).
Isn't there some less lethal way to subdue someone who is not really threatening anyone but is obviously upset and needs to be cooled down?

Does it suck that we can't stun someone with a phaser like in Star Trek? You bet. We just aren't there technologically yet. Police and people who develope less than lethal force options are trying as hard as they can. And tasers are NEVER billed by people who actually know as "non-lethal", always "less-than-lethal." It is understood that yes, tasers can be the cause of death is rare occurances.

Don't fall for the media hype that we all complain about being agist us. Just as all guns aren't used by criminals, you aren't getting the real story about tasers from the media. Just from watching the news, once could assume that all guns are used for murder. And just from watching the media, one could assume that the taser is just as dangerous as a gun. Both are wrong. For every gun held by a criminal, there are countless that are owned by law abiding citisens. And for every death that occurs from a taser, there are countless times they are used to successfuly stop an out of control suspect with no lasting harm. I would go as far as to bet that in that vast majority of towns that you people reading this post live in, your local police will taser someone tonight, and that suspect will not die from it.

Just because the media pours an inordinate amount of attention on one negative aspect of something, doesn't mean that's the whole stroy. I really thought guns owners would beaware of tha fact by now. I guess not.
In the last few years Taser deaths have abound! LEO treat it like a toy and it kills! Sorry LEO type, it's the truth. It stops Body Functions, It can Kill anyone with a Heart Apparatus in there chest. It Kills people with unknown heart problems! It kills people with other medical problems! Hell it can kill anyone ! Hell it can KILL anyone hit Numerous times Buy Exited and Wigged out LEO!


Tasers do NOT stop bodily functions.
And it does NOT kill with repeated discharges.

I have two nice little scars on my back that prove this.

Go read about a little problem known as "excited delirium". Also, research the deaths by persons taken into custody where the Taser was deployed. I'm willing to bet that you will find that in almost every one of these deaths, drugs and/or alcohol played a significant part.
Now, having picked up a stapler, he's dead.
And why would a man with an immediate history of violently throwing objects and who is n0w acting extremely irrationally pick up that stapler .

ou know, the whole "don't taser somebody repeatedly then hold them down for an extended period" thing
And then there's the whole don't assume that you are educated on the subject because you read one article

If he was gong to die after two jolts he probably was going to die after a prolonged scuffle

We have all seen many of these taser incidents by now
I have never seen one where the officers sit the subject up after just a few seconds
My $.02:
Some cops treat the taser as a wild card to be played. Supposedly less lethal (it is in most cases) and it subdues a suspect who is apparently resisting arrest. This guy didn't speak any domestic languages of the area, and the cops assumed he knew what a taser was. Unfortunately he didn't and his life was snuffed out. Now I know the taser was only one step in a line of others, but the taser step was jumped to too quickly IMHO. I still don't get why they didn't try to figure the guy out b4 they acted. Alot of confused conversation in that video coming from the cops.
To understand a little here:

Lethal Force is that amount of force which is likely to cause serious injury or death. Note that LIKELY means that out of the 200,000 or so documented TASER uses, even a few hundred deaths is not a LIKELY outcome. Hence, the "less than lethal" label.

Second, the phenomenon where a prisoner cannot breathe and suffocates is called "positional asphyxia" and is a result of the way the prisoner is restrained. The method known as the "hog tie," where a prisoner's hands and feet are both restrained is notorious for this effect. Taser use has nothing to do with it.

Here is a good paper on the subject.