"Take your gun to work" Florida

As to the issue of searching vehicles in company parking lots or garages, it depends on your employment contract. The general laws - and Constitutional protection - against illegal search / probable cause are to protect us from the government and do NOT apply to private citizens on private property. If you come onto my property you will be subject to whatever rules I say (limited by criminal law). And you'll find that many companies, either in the employment contract or the employee handbook (which is usually adopted as part of the employment terms) there is broad permission given by the employee to the employer to do things such as searching personal property located on or in company property (your car in their lot).
mes227, the whole point of Take Your Gun To Work laws, and one of the major points of contention raised by business organizations and property rights advocates, is that TYGTW laws actually restrict the employer/property owner from searching cars and placing limits on weapons in cars. In some places, TYGTW is written so as only to cover permit holders. But no, where those laws are in effect, the employer/property owner cannot act as you describe, at least not without legal and financial risk.

OP, you need to look up the appropriate Florida law, and figure out how it applies to your own workplace.
MLeake and all others

Alright, so then I'm pretty sure they're just full of it and putting that in the manual because that's what they prefer and just pray people abid by it blindly. That's what I'm getting. I still want to know 100% I can. I'll PM you MLeake with where the job is exactly.
PMs and all...

... as a social thing are ok.

For legal questions, though, you'd be better off contacting a Florida-based lawyer.

If you read the statute, you'll see what loopholes business owners / employers may have.

If they aren't listed in the loopholes, then they can't inspect your vehicle, etc, and you can keep your weapon in your car, if you have a FL permit.

But I can't (and won't) make that determination for you. You need to read the statute, and you need to decide if your employer is excepted or not. For both ethical reasons (I don't want to risk misinforming you) and liability reasons (I don't want to be blamed if you follow my advice), I can't give you a definite answer, whether I know your place of employment or not. You really need to read the statute, and/or consult an attorney who practices in your area.
Sorry to bump this...But don't know if this matters.

The CIA was at the hotel I work at today, because a government official was there. I hear this happens quite often. Does this in any way matter? I HAVE been leaving it in the car. Just to update you guys on that too. But after today I question that again. Anyone know for sure about there being a federal presence?
Constantine said:
The CIA was at the hotel I work at today, because a government official was there. I hear this happens quite often. Does this in any way matter?
Nope, not at all.

790.06(12) touches on this, but only applies to those with a license. That said, 790.25 protects you here, as carrying at work does not require a license at all, and 790.06 does not apply there.
Florida State Statute 790.06(12) said:
No license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm into [...] any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district; any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof; [...]
Florida State Statute 790.25(3) said:
LAWFUL USES.--The provisions of ss. 790.053 and 790.06 do not apply in the following instances, and, despite such sections, it is lawful for the following persons to own, possess, and lawfully use firearms and other weapons, ammunition, and supplies for lawful purposes:
(n) A person possessing arms at his or her home or place of business;
So I'm good to go...I've been carrying in the car at work regaurdless since I posted this..What are they gonna do? "Randomly" select me for a search? Doubt they even can. IF they find it I'm sure they CAN fire me. But they can't search me anyways to even get to that. And the whole "you will be arrested if it's found" ish...Okay buddy, send the airforce to look through my car from the air and detect it. I hate when people are so full of it.

Power of rules and regulations of a hotel company power - 2

Power of the State Laws - 8

Power of Federal Laws - 10

thank you!