
Im not going to lie, if Im taking a class and the instructor walks in wearing head to toe desert camo, the first thing Im going to think is, "look at this wannabe warrior."
Totally judgmental on my part but youll have that.
Im not going to lie, if Im taking a class and the instructor walks in wearing head to toe desert camo, the first thing Im going to think is, "look at this wannabe warrior."

Yeah, that kind of prejudice is a big part of why I swelter in jeans and don't have enough pockets to be comfortable at work.

I like Tacticool... make some good bolt tube covers for SUB-2000s. [emoji106]

Seriously, I really don't call those people tacticool (in the derogatory use)... I call them handjobs. [emoji41]
It is more used to describe the crowd that spends a ton of money on putting every new accessory possible on their firearm, but doesn't put a dime towards training

I'm going to go out on a limb here and disagree somewhat...I think training junkies can also be described as tacticool. There is plenty of tacticool in the present day training arena - the industry wouldn't survive without it. You have to somehow convince people to drop hundreds of dollars and a weekend to come out and be shown that they suck - and to keep coming back for more. The best way is to convince them that they absolutely need it by telling them how low drag high speed cool they'll be if they take your Critically Advanced Fastrope Ninja Shooting From Compromised Positions With One Arm Handgun and Carbine Deployment and Retention class. If they don't take it they'll be entirely unprepared to face that platoon of Jihadists at Walmart, their gun will promptly malfunction (because it's not a Glock), and they'll be dead. Don't say we didn't warn you. And while you have their attention, expound waxingly on the absolute necessity of spending $3000 on Glock upgrades if they want to join the ranks of high speed low drag suburban weekend operators. Then tell them why they need to take Critically Advanced Fastrope Ninja Shooting From Compromised Positions With One Arm Handgun and Carbine Deployment and Retention II - they'll be twice as cool if they take it. If they don't they'll be twice as dead on the street - don't say we didn't warn you.

Training is important; the right training is even more important. There is just as much hype in that arm of the industry as there is in sales of firearms and accessories. It gets pretty annoying after a while.
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Im with you on the, "fighting the jihadists at Walmart" part. I'll admit that Im kind of prejudice and kind of a hater when it comes to the tacicool crowd. My first thought is always, "why dont you join the military, tough guy?" but thats me and my problem.
Heck, Im so anti tacticool that when my friends offer to let me shoot their ARs, I have absolutely no interest. Im sure theyre great guns, I dont want one and couldnt care less about them. Again, prejudice on my part.
Like all fashion statements, it is a matter of appearance than a statement of ability-"Look at me!" I recall the first two girls in my high school to wear miniskirts made Olive Oyl look like Dolly Parton.
As an Old Soldier I confess I dislike the current military practice of allowing people to travel off post-and any where-in ACUs/BDUs/whatever. In my day (Army 1967-1971) you went off post in fatigues only on duty or going to and from quarters, otherwise you either wore civvies or Class As or Khakis. Not far from where I live is the state's NG headquarters. I see people who have had no
overseas deployments, or at most a rear echelon assignment, strutting around look very "macho"-but those loose fitting garments make it easier to hide a gut.
Like so many fashion things those who spend their money on them will soon find they have spent a lot of money on things that take up space and have little resale value.
I am long past the stage where I give a rip about what anyone thinks about my choice of clothing, firearms, or just about any other physical thing. If Pax (or anyone else) was teaching a class I was in, and showed up in quality desert camo "tactical" gear I would think she was wearing clothes appropriate for the job. If her AR had 6 pounds of accessories attached and she used them skillfully and effectively, I would at least think about adding some to mine.

Tacticool and Fudd are both divisive words that serve no useful purpose here in my opinion.
I just love tacticool stuff.

To me, tacticool is when it has no useful purpose other than being fun and looking good.

Nothing wrong with big boys playing with big toys.
My first thought is always, "why dont you join the military, tough guy?" but thats me and my problem.

A lot of guys that would join the military cannot. When I enlisted in the ARNG, a GED wasn't enough, you had to have a HS diploma. No criminal history at all, even minor offenses. Any sort of alcohol or drug related offense. A single Article 15 could keep you from re-enlisting.
I don't know how things are now but I imagine many who desire to serve simply do not qualify.
I got very firearms training during my Army service 1967-1971-went to the rifle range TWICE-and people serving in today's PC military say the firearms enthusiast is viewed with suspicion.
A lot of guys that would join the military cannot. When I enlisted in the ARNG, a GED wasn't enough, you had to have a HS diploma. No criminal history at all, even minor offenses. Any sort of alcohol or drug related offense. A single Article 15 could keep you from re-enlisting.
I don't know how things are now but I imagine many who desire to serve simply do not qualify.
That is true. I know a few guys who have a desire to serve but for various reasons (mostly because they have a lot of tattoos, gauged ears and other body modifications) cannot enlist. At the same time though, why pretend? Besides, if someone really wants to serve their country, theres more ways than just serving in the military to do so.
Several years ago I sold a friend a nice DPMS AR that I put together from parts. Nothing special but good shooter.
Last weekend we went out for a first after winter shoot and he brought it along.
1: Cheep red dot mounted on top of a 3X12 power scope.
2: Front hand guard that had 4 rails the entire length of the barrel.
3: Charging handle that had to be 3 inch's across
4: Front hand guard vertical grip
5: Magpul adjustable stock
6: The strangest Muzzle device I have ever seen.
7: Flash light
8: Laser
9: Oh yes, push buttons on ether side of the for grip for the 2 lasers.
and he painted it cameo. Not that bad of a job but it weighed more than my M1.

For me the 3 below are as tacticool as I will ever go.


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1: Cheep red dot mounted on top of a 3X12 power scope.

Lol! I actually have one of those. There's a laser that piggybacks as well. I got a scope mount for my AK and needed something to see if it was useable. So EBay to the rescue. Illuminated reticle 3-9x40 scope (usable) with a red dot, (not usable), and a laser (usable). $50 shipped. Not to be tacticool, all the components mounted together look ridiculous.